1. Rothamsted Chemistry Department 1965
  2. Rothamsted field experiments section
  3. Nutrition experiments in forest nurseries
  4. Risk of damage from certain fertilizer salts to transplants of Norway Spruce and the use of slow-release fertilizers
  5. Taking the break off cereal yields
  6. Exchange Equilibria of Sodium on Some British Soils
  7. Nutrition experiments in forest nurseries
  8. The effects of potassium fertilizers on quality of sugar beet
  9. Report of the Bee Department 1965
  10. Congestion of adult honeybees with and without adequate hive space
  11. Repellency of the mandibular gland scent of worker honey bees
  12. Water transfer in soils by evaporation and in filtration
  13. Flight of Oscinella frit L. (Diptera, Chloropidae) females in relation to age and ovary development
  14. Improvement in performance of a simple atomic absorptiometer by using pre-heated air and town gas
  15. Cephalosporium stripe disease of wheat
  16. Getting to grips with disease that cuts back cereal yields
  17. Genetic analysis of non-recessive factors of resistance to diazinon in the SKA strain of the housefly (Musca domestica L)
  18. A method of obtaining active worker honeybees in winter for experimental use
  19. Notes on the rearing and behaviour in soil of Milax budapestensis (Hazay)
  20. Survival of seeds of wild oats (Avena fatua L. and Avena ludoviciana Dur.) and charlock (Sinapis arvensis L.) in soil under leys
  21. The nematode fauna of the regenerated woodland and grassland of Broadbalk Wilderness
  22. Laboratory studies on the aggregation of feeding Dysdercus intermedius Distant (Heteroptera, Pyrrhocoridae)
  23. Total potassium in soils by radioactivity measurements
  24. The enzymic oxidation of chlorogenic acid and some reactions of the quinone produced
  25. On Addelman's 217-9 Resolution V Plan
  26. Classifying Youden rectangles
  27. Some balanced incomplete block designs for two sets of treatments
  28. Some row and column designs for two sets of treatments
  29. Theory of Cyclic Rotation Experiments
  30. Bio-electric Potentials of Intact Green Plants II Analysis of the changes in the measured bio-electric potentials of Avena Sativa L. coleoptiles brough about by the application of the measuring contacts
  31. Some formulations of fungicides for control of potato blight
  32. Effect of chloral hydrate and acetaldehyde on mitochondrial preparations from sweet potato
  33. An experiment measuring effects of N, P and K fertilizers on yield and N, P and K contents of grazed grass
  34. Insecticides and beekeeping in England and Wales
  35. The distillation of ammonia for isotopic analysis
  36. Isotopic exchange of fixed ammonium
  37. The department of insecticides and fungicides Rothamsted Experimental Station
  38. Artificial windbreaks and the distribution of turnip mild yellows virus and Scaptomyza apicalis (Diptera) in a turnip crop
  39. The permeability of artificial windbreaks and the distribution of flying insects in the leeward sheltered zone
  40. An analysis of components of wind affecting the accumulation of flying insects near artificial windbreaks
  41. Dose-response relationships for infection of potato leaves by zoospores of Phytophthora infestans
  42. The effects of soil moisture at the time potato tubers are forming on the incidence of common scab (Streptomyces scabies)
  43. Damage to honey bee colonies (Apis mellifera) by insecticides in Great Britain, 1956–65
  44. Diurnal flight periodicity and insect migration
  45. Satellite virus and its interaction with tobacco necrosis virus
  46. Properties and behaviour of satellite virus
  47. Leucoanthocyanins from the leaves of European larch (Larix decidua, Mill)
  48. A functional system of adaptive dispersal by flight
  49. The time of flight and the relative importance of Myzus persicae (Sulz.) and Aphis fabae Scop. in relation to the incidence of beet yellows as shown by trap catches at Rothamsted and Broom's Barn
  50. Further studies on a British form of pea early‐browning virus
  51. Serotypes and particle dimensions of tobacco rattle viruses from Europe and America
  52. Relation between length and sedimentation coefficient for particles of tobacco rattle viruses
  53. Metadorylaimus pachylaimus n. gen., n. sp.(Dorylaimoidea)
  54. Records of nematode parasites of Adalia bipunctata (L.) (Col., Coccinellidae)
  55. Changes in metabolic reserves of three species of aphidophagous Coccinellidae (Coleoptera) during metamorphosis
  56. Laboratory studies on the reproduction of Adalia Bipunctata (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae)
  57. Genetic analysis of non-recessive factors of resistance to diazinon in the SKA strain of the housefly (Musca domestica L)
  58. Dispersal
  59. The fungus spore: what it is and what it does
  60. Irrigation in arid lands
  61. Orientation of male Heterodera rostochiensis Woll. and H. schachtii Schm. to their females
  62. A re-appraisal of the extraction of Heterodera cysts from large volumes of soil
  63. Interactions of crop density of field beans, abundance of Aphis fabae Scop., virus incidence and aphid control by chemicals
  64. Effect of varying plant populations on growth and yield of sugar beet
  65. The residual toxicity to insects of some DDT formulations
  66. Effect of fumigating sandy soil on the growth of sugar beet
  67. Leaf growth of white mustard (Sinapis alba) in different environments
  68. Internal Control of Rate of Leaf Production in Sugar Beet
  69. Effects of root temperature on plant growth
  70. Take-off thresholds in Thysanoptera and the forecasting of migratory flight
  71. Outbreaks and new records: Sierra Leone and Senegal. Two rice nematodes new for Africa
  72. Chlorophyll-type compounds in soil I Their origin
  73. Chlorophyll-type compounds in soil II Their decomposition
  74. The oxidation of Schiff bases of pyridoxal and pyridoxal phosphate with amino acids by manganous ions and peroxidase
  75. Verticillium species from Potato seed stocks in Britain in 1965
  76. Viruses occurring in white clover (Trifolium repens L.) from permanent pastures in Britain
  77. A possible correlation between sugar beet yellows incidence and sunspot activity
  78. What's in a virus name?
  79. Some properties of three related viruses: Andean potato latent, dulcamara mottle, and Ononis yellow mosaic
  80. Purification of pea enation mosaic virus
  81. Ammonia as a fertiliser
  82. Experiments on the direct, cumulative and residual effects of town refuse manures and sewage sludge at Rothamsted and other centres 1940–1947
  83. Comparisons of farmyard manure, sewage sludge, and other organic manures tested on potatoes and a succeeding cereal crop at Rothamsted
  84. Changes occurring during a year in the soluble phosphorus and potassium in soil under crops in rotation experiments at Rothamsted, Woburn and Saxmundham
  85. A method for separating the detrital and non-detrital fractions of trace elements in reduced sediments
  86. Studies on the honeybee pollination of fruit flowers
  87. The foraging areas of honeybees in an orchard of standard apple trees
  88. The Pollination of the Beans Phaseolus Multiflorus and Phaseolus Vulgaris by Honeybees
  89. The pollination requirements of broad beans and field beans (Vicia faba)
  90. The pollinating efficiency of honey-bee visits to apple flowers
  91. The Pollination of Freesia Refracta in Glasshouses
  92. Dependence of yields of wheat varieties on their leaf area durations
  93. Plant parasitic nematodes and their control in relation to stunting of sugar beet in England
  94. Genetic analysis of non-recessive factors of resistance to diazinon in the SKA strain of the housefly (Musca domestica L)
  95. Changes with age in the photosynthetic and respiratory components of the net assimilation rates of sugar beet and wheat
  96. Biochemical changes during moulding of self‐heated hay in dewar flasks
  97. Bioassay and histochemical studies of the poisoning and recovery of house-flies (Musca domestica L.) treated with diazinon and diazoxon
  98. Central African nematodes. III. Anguina hyparrheniae n. sp. associated with'witches' broom of Hyparrhenia spp.
  99. Obituaries: Dr J. B. Goodey
  100. The hatching factor of the potato-root eelworm
  101. Picrolonic Acid as a Hatching Agent for the Potato Cyst Nematode, Heterodera rosto-chiensis Woll.
  102. The action of nabam, metham‐sodium and other sulphur compounds on Heterodera schachtii cysts
  103. Inorganic ions and the hatching of Heterodera spp
  104. Hatching Agents for Cyst-Forming Nematodes
  105. Aphids from mangold clamps and their importance as vectors of beet viruses
  106. The chemical control of soil fertility
  107. Fit the fertilizer to the crop
  108. The relationship of classification of soils with their properties and fertility
  109. The responses of crops to phosphate fertilizers in relation to soluble phosphorus in soils
  110. Soil fertility in intensive agriculture
  111. Soils and fertilizers - recent soil research
  112. Taking the brake off cereal yields
  113. The basis for modern manuring. Devon County Agricultural Association lecture
  114. Analysis with the SP 90 atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The determination of metals in clinical and biological samples
  115. The use of discriminant functions in intraspecific classification of lucerne (M. sativa L.)
  116. The volume and porosity of soil crumbs
  117. Microstructural parameters and plant growth
  118. Nitrogen fractions and soluble carbohydrates in Italian ryegrass II.—Effects of light intensity, form and level of nitrogen
  119. Thixotropy and dilatancy
  120. Electric charges of clays
  121. Potato mop‐top, a soil‐borne virus
  122. The effects of potassium fertilizers on quality of sugar bee
  123. Nematode feeding mechanisms. 2. Observations on Ditylenchus destructor and D. myceliophagus feeding on Botrytis cinerea
  124. Additional notes on setting up moisture-controlled observation chambers
  125. Modification of growth habit of Majestic potato by growth regulators applied at different times
  126. An effect of nitrogen on the formation of potato tubers and the incidence of common scab (Streptomyces scabies)
  127. The transport of pollen by honey-bees from one foraging trip to the next
  128. The dilution and evaporation of the honey-stomach contents of honeybees at different temperatures
  129. Variation in white-toothed shrews Crocidura spp) in the British Isles
  130. A histochemical and electrophysiological study of the action of diazoxon on cholinesterase activity and nerve conduction in ganglia of the cockroach Periplaneta americana L
  131. Local removal of glass insulation from metal microelectrodes by air-abrasion
  132. Chemical changes during the alteration of micas
  133. The accuracy of tracings from cephalometric lateral skull radiographs
  134. The Saxmundham rotation experiments: rotation I
  135. The Saxmundham rotation experiments: rotation II, 1899–1952
  136. Types of fertilizers used on farm crops in England and Wales
  137. Migration records 1964
  138. Studies of the physiology of hibernating Coccinellidae (Coleoptera): changes in the metabolic reserves and gonads
  139. The reaction between water-soluble tree leaf constitutents and ferric oxide in relation to podzolisation
  140. Seasonal changes in the amounts of phosphorus and potassium dissolved from soils by dilute calcium chloride solutions
  141. A rational approach to world feeding
  142. Genetical and physiological factors affecting clover nodulation and nitrogen fixation
  143. The merits of food proteins from novel sources
  144. Phosphorus and potassium fertilisers : their forms and their places in agriculture
  145. The microbiology of mouldy hay
  146. The distribution of healthy and bighted tubers in potato ridges
  147. Fodder fractionation: an aspect of conservation
  148. Host range and some properties of groundnut rosette virus
  149. Immigration - a new social factor in obstetrics
  150. Birth Weight of Infants born to Immigrant Women
  151. Artifacts from chromatography of chlorophylls
  152. Studies in leaf litter breakdown breakdown I Breakdown rates of leaves of different species
  153. A labour-saving method of making Fenwick multi-chamber counting slides for nematodes
  154. Insecticide residues in soils
  155. The effect of the synthetic plant-growth substance 2, 4-dichlorophenoxycetic acid on the host-parasite relationships of some plant-parasitic nematodes in monoxenic callus culture
  156. Production of Oat Callus and its Susceptibility to a Plant Parasitic Nematode
  157. The effects of extracts of various social insects on queen rearing and the development of workers ovaries in the honeybee (Apis mellifera)
  158. The effect of acid-hydrolysed sucrose on honeybees
  159. Pathogens of wax moths and other insects - a lecture given to the Central Association of Beekeepers
  160. The effect of sowing date, harvest date and fertilizer rate on sugar beet
  161. Some reflections on thirty years of research on plant viruses (30 years)
  162. Rothamsted Experimental Station
  163. John Bennet Lawes and Joseph Henry Gilbert - biographical sketches
  164. Computers, the second revolution in statistics
  165. A general computer programme for the analysis of factorial experiments
  166. Physical limitations to crop growth
  167. The photosynthesis and transpiration of crops
  168. Local differences in attenuation of solar radiation over Britain
  169. Discussions of swinbank wc
  170. Discussion of wake capture of water drops in air
  171. Moisture transfer in free and forced convection
  172. Mandibular gland pheromone of worker honeybees
  173. Some distance properties of latent root and vector methods used in multivariate analysis
  174. A Q-technique for the calculation of canonical variates
  175. Classification of soils by numerical methods
  176. The relation of annual incidence of beet yellowing viruses in sugar beet to variations in weather
  177. Studies on decomposition of plant material in soil .2. Partial sterilization of soil and soil biomass