1. Insect Adaptations: Evolution of Insect Migration and Diapause. Papers from a symposium, Washington, D.C., Aug. 1976. Hugh Dingle, Ed. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1978. xvi, 286 pp., illus. $22.80. Proceedings in Life Sciences.
  2. The search for a vector of lethal yellowing of coconuts in Jamaica: a reappraisal of the experiments for 1962-1971
  3. The Rothamsted Rhizobium culture collection and inoculant use in the UK
  4. Rothamsted Soil Microbiology Department
  5. Rothamsted Soils and Plant Nutrition Department
  6. Effects of Management and Manuring on Physical Properties of some Rothamsted and Woburn Soils
  7. Pests and pollution of oil-seed rape crops on England
  8. On the diversity of nitrifiers in nature
  9. Physical properties of the soil that may limit yield of cereals
  10. Physiology of grain yield
  11. Conformational changes in medium sized organic molecules induced by cations
  12. Towards an objective classification of soil structure
  13. Transport processes in the soil as factors of potassium availability
  14. Events in the hatching process of the potato-cyst nematode Globodera rostochiensis
  15. A compact apparatus for obtaining flies of known age
  16. Modelling populations of cyst-nematodes (Nematoda: Heteroderidae)
  17. Developmental parameters regulating sugar yield in beet
  18. Plant Nematodes: a Neglected Group of Pests
  19. Crop marks induced by soil moisture stress at an iron age site in Midland England, UK
  20. Current thoughts on nitrogen growth and quality
  21. Mycorrhizal populations of sown pastures and native vegetation in Otago, New Zealand
  22. Influence of cereal cultivar on the population dynamics of the cereal cyst-nematode, Heterodera avenae
  23. Middle Pleistocene sediments and palaeosols near Chelmsford, Essex: Field meeting report: 7 November, 1976
  24. Crystal structure of 2,8-bis(bromomethyl)-1,7-dioxaspiro (5,5) undecane, an intermediate in the synthesis of analogues of A23187
  25. Crystal structure of dibenzo-12-crown-4 (6,7,14,15-tetrahydrodibenzo (b,h) 1,4,7,10 tetraoxacyclododecin)
  26. Photosynthesis, respiration, and carbon assimilation in water-stressed maize at two oxygen concentrations
  27. Graphical Representation of Asymmetric Matrices
  28. Petrography, stratigraphy and weathering of Late Pleistocene tills in East Yorkshire, Lincolnshire and north Norfolk
  29. An infective pyridoxyl-derivative of potato virus X: PVX-PLP
  30. Life histories and distribution of British Trichoptera, excluding Limnephilidae and Hydroptilidae, based on the Rothamsted Insect Survey
  31. Leaf protein and other aspects of fodder fractionation
  32. The ecology of Rhizobium
  33. Bates,Williams,Hutchison-a variety of diversities. Diversity of Insect Fauna
  34. A behavioural model for the evolution of spatial dynamics
  35. Incorporation of granular nematicides in peat soils for control of potato cyst-nematode, Heterodera rostochiensis, Woll
  36. Ecology of Actinomycetes in Fodders and Related Substrates
  37. The genus Actinomadura Lechevalier and Lechevalier
  38. Effects of systemic fungicides on vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal infection and plant phosphate uptake
  39. Field evaluation of pesticides: the changing scene
  40. Some properties and applications of simple orthogonal matrices
  41. Graphical Representation of Asymmetric Matrices
  42. Explicit singular value decompositions, spectral decompositions and inverses of some skew-symmetric matrices
  43. Some factors affecting build-up of cereal aphid infestations in winter wheat
  44. The economic importance of pea moth in the United Kingdom
  45. Air movement within a crop : spore dispersal and deposition
  46. Multivariate analysis in Genstat
  47. Mathematical treatment of soil information
  48. The GLIM System, Release 3: Generalized linear interactive modelling
  49. Distribution of airborne pollen and spores and their long distance transport
  50. X-ray crystal-structures of anhydrous sodium and potassium complexes of an open-chain polyether diol
  51. Witches broom chlorotic little leaf of sweet-potato in Guadalcanal, Solomon-Islands, possibly caused by mycoplasma-like organisms
  52. When should you sow beet crop
  53. Weed beet - summer work
  54. Viruses in oil palm
  55. Varietal identification of single seeds of wheat by sodium dodecyl-sulfate polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis of gliadin
  56. Varietal identification of single seeds of barley by analysis of hordein polypeptides
  57. Unusual response of ddt-resistant houseflies to carbinol analogs of ddt
  58. Unusual behavior of bumble bees
  59. Translocation of 14C‐dieldrin from small droplets on cotton leaves
  60. Towards an absolute measurement of soil structural stability using ultrasound - reply
  61. Tomato pith necrosis caused by Pseudomonas corrugata n. sp.
  62. Thermophilic actinomycetes - characteristics and identification
  63. Technique for measuring susceptibility of wheat bulb fly larvae to insecticides in laboratory
  64. Taxonomy and biology of Pyrenopeziza brassicae sp.nov. (Cylindrosporium concentricum), a pathogen of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus ssp. oleifera)
  65. Synthetic pyrethroids - a new class of insecticide
  66. Synthesis of bridged macrocyclic polyethers of high complexing ability with group 1a salts
  67. Symptomatologically distinct strains of pepper veinal mottle virus from 4 west-african solanaceous crops
  68. Symmetry and asymmetry - their representation and joint representation
  69. The symbiotes of Myzus persicae (Sulz.) in strains resistant and susceptible to demeton‐S‐methyl
  70. Survey of damage caused to crops of oil-seed rape (brassica-napus-l) by insect pests in south-central England and their effect on seed yield
  71. Structure of rel-(7S,9S)-7,9-dimethyl-6,7,9,10,17,18,20,21,23,24-decahydrodibenzo[b,k][1,4,7,10,13,16,19]heptaoxacycloheneicosin (dimethyldibenzo-21-crown-7)
  72. The structure of benzo-15-crown-5 (6,7,9,10,12,13,15,16-octahydrobenzo[1,4,7,10,13]pentaoxacyclopentadecin) at -150°C
  73. Street,Herbert Edward - 1913-1977
  74. Spring top-dressings of ‘Nitro-Chalk’ and late sprays of a liquid N-fertilizer and a broad spectrum fungicide for consecutive crops of winter wheat at Saxmundham, Suffolk
  75. Some remarks on proportional similarity
  76. Some observations on infection of arachis-hypogaea l by rhizobium
  77. Soil flavobacterium sp that degrades sulfanilamide and asulam
  78. Soil erosion in North Norfolk
  79. Small plots and automatic rain shelters - field appraisal
  80. Short cut to dehydration
  81. Sex attractants for pest monitoring - problems and possibilities
  82. Seed and pollen transmission of beet cryptic virus in sugar-beet plants
  83. Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase activity and photo-respiration during aging of flag leaves of wheat
  84. Ribulose-1,5-diphosphate carboxylase protein during flag leaf senescence
  85. Review of manuals for bmdp and spss - comment
  86. Review of losses caused by virus yellows in English sugar-beet crops and cost of partial control with insecticides
  87. Restoration of morphological features of globodera-pallida after storage in formalin
  88. Responses of the pollen beetle, meligethes-aeneus, and the seed weevil, ceuthorhynchus-assimilis, to oil-seed rape, brassica-napus, and other plants
  89. Response of susceptible and resistant peach-potato aphids myzus-persicae (sulz) to insecticides in leaf-dip bioassays
  90. Response of myzus-persicae to components of aphid extracts and to carboxylic-acids
  91. Release of aluminum from aluminosilicate minerals .1. Kinetics
  92. Relationship of grain shrivelling to milling and baking quality of 3 winter-wheat cultivars grown with different rates of nitrogen-fertilizer
  93. Relationship between invivo and invitro activity of some naturally occurring glutamate analogs on somatic neuromuscular-junction of lucilia-sericata
  94. Regulatory isoenzymes of aspartate kinase and control of lysine and threonine biosynthesis in carrot cell-suspension culture
  95. Reactions of ammonia with soil 2 Sorption of NH3 on English soils and on wyoming bentonite
  96. Q-statistic and diversity of floras
  97. Pyrethrins and related compounds .22. Preparation of isomeric cyano-substituted 3-phenoxybenzyl esters
  98. Purification of a tobacco leaf protein associated with resistance to virus infection
  99. The Purification and Properties of One of the ‘b’ Proteins from Virus-Infected Tobacco Plants
  100. Purification and properties of asparaginase from lupinus species
  101. Progress in chemical control of plant nematodes
  102. Procedures and potentialities in sugar-beet production
  103. Preservation of baled hay with propionic and formic acids and a proprietary additive
  104. Pre-flowering and post-flowering insecticide applications to control aphis-fabae on field beans - their biological and economic effectiveness
  105. Potassium dependent asparaginase from maturing legume and cereal seeds
  106. Pore space variability in a subsurface horizon of 2 soils
  107. Population model for the effect of parasitic fungi on numbers of the cereal cyst-nematode, heterodera-avenae
  108. Polygalacturonase production in liquid culture by isolates of gaeumannomyces-graminis and phialophora-like fungi from cereal roots
  109. Pollination requirements of swede rape (brassica-napus l) and of turnip rape (brassica-campestris l)
  110. Physiological-response of potato-tubers to damage and to infection by phoma-exigua f sp foveata
  111. Physiological studies on nodule formation - characteristics and inheritance of abnormal nodulation of trifolium-pratense by rhizobium-leguminosarum
  112. Pesticides for 1979
  113. Pest-control in coffee
  114. Persistence of effects of simulated tractor wheeling on sandy loam subsoil
  115. Osmotic-stress and the hatching of globodera-rostochiensis
  116. Optimally partitioning soil transects
  117. Occurrence, symptomatology, transmission and virus etiology of macana disease of fique (furcraea spp) in colombia, south-america
  118. Occurrence of some acid-phosphatases and dehydrogenases in vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus glomus-mosseae
  119. Occurrence of phialophora-radicicola var graminicola and gaeumannomyces-graminis var tritici on roots of wheat in field crops
  120. Occurrence of brome mosaic-virus in Britain
  121. Observations on morphs of macrosiphum-avenae and metopolophium-dirhodum on cereals during summer and autumn
  122. Novel beta-triketones from lepidoptera
  123. New approaches to nitrogen application - timing, method and amount
  124. Need for irrigation - some new views on evidence
  125. Multivariate Statistical Methods: Within Groups Covariation. by E. H. Bryant, W. R. Atcherle
  126. Multivariate Statistical Inference. by Narayan C. Giri
  127. Multiplication of some South American and European populations of potato cyst nematodes on potatoes possessing the resistance genes H1, H2 and H3
  128. Morphology and histology of antenna of cydia-nigricana (f) (lepidoptera-tortricidae)
  129. Model of household car ownership .2
  130. Microbial antagonisms in rhizosphere
  131. Methods for Statistical Data Analysis of Multivariate Observations. by R. Gnanadesikan
  132. Method for testing potential bactericides for the prevention of soft rotting of potato-tubers
  133. Method for fixing and infiltrating legume root-nodules
  134. Mechanism of photosynthesis in the tea plant (camellia-sinensis l)
  135. Manganese deficiency in sugar-beet and incorporation of manganese in coating of pelleted seed
  136. Low-temperature techniques in sem
  137. Low-light remote recording-system used to study nematode behavior
  138. Longevity of sodium, potassium and magnesium fertilizer residual effects on yield and composition of ryegrass grown on a sandy soil
  139. Limitations to yield imposed by wheat diseases
  140. Light-driven biosynthesis of aspartate-derived amino-acids in isolated pea chloroplasts
  141. Light-dependent assimilation of nitrite by isolated pea chloroplasts
  142. Large-scale rearing of wheat bulb fly (delia-coarctata (fall))
  143. Isolation of Phoma exigua var. foveata from, and pycnidial formation on, brown watery rots of planted seed potato tubers
  144. Intramolecular labeling of sucrose made by leaves from (C-14)carbon dioxide or (3-C-14)serine
  145. Interactions between pheromone traps for pea moth, cydia-nigricana (f)
  146. Insects found on economic plants other than rice in laos
  147. Insecticidal activity of pyrethrins and related compounds .11. Relative potencies of isomeric cyano-substituted 3-phenoxybenzyl esters
  148. Insect pests of rice in laos
  149. Inhibition of tobacco mosaic-virus multiplication in tobacco protoplasts by rabbit serum
  150. Influence of repellent materials and aphid extracts on settling behavior and larviposition of myzus-persicae (sulzer) (hemiptera-aphididae)
  151. Influence of arthropods and earthworms upon root-growth of direct drilled cereals
  152. Influence of aerial pollution on crop growth
  153. Infinite variety of worms
  154. An Infective Pyridoxyl-derivative of Potato Virus X: PVX-PLP
  155. Incidence, and effects on yield, of virus diseases of taro (Colocasia esculenta) in the Solomon Islands
  156. Incidence of pathogenic fungi on scottish potato seed stocks derived from stem cuttings
  157. Inactivation and uncoating of tmv on surface and in inter-cellular spaces of leaves
  158. How crop grows - seed to sugar
  159. Hemicycliophora-chathami n-sp (nematoda tylenchida) from chatham island, new-zealand, with the description of 2 subspecies
  160. Healthier seed potatoes .2. Effects of sprouting and benomyl treatment of stem cutting and commercial stocks on growth, yield and disease
  161. Healthier seed potatoes .1. Effects of inoculating stem cutting stocks with polyscytalum-pustulans and rhizoctonia-solani on growth, yield and disease
  162. The growth and nutrient-uptake of winter-wheat
  163. Growth and nitrogen-fixation of phaseolus-vulgaris L. at 2 irradiances .2. Nitrogen-fixation
  164. Gross energy yields and support energy-requirements for production of sugar from beet and cane - study of 4 production areas
  165. Granulation of ivy nectar and honey in honey stomach of honeybee
  166. Germination and longevity of seeds of Agropyron repens L. Beauv. and Agrostis gigantea Roth. in soil in relation to different cultivation regimes
  167. Genetic-analysis of hordein polypeptides from single seeds of barley
  168. Gas flow-through system for studying denitrification in soils
  169. The future of pyrethroids in insect control
  170. Further-studies on the genetics of the carboxylesterase regulatory system involved in resistance to organophosphorus insecticides in myzus-persicae (sulzer)
  171. Freshwater weeds are a resource
  172. Food from leaves of trees and bushes
  173. Filamentous viruslike particles in honey bees in Britain
  174. Field experiments on sugar-beet powdery mildew, erysiphe-betae
  175. Feeding of longidorus-caespiticola on rye-grass, lolium-perenne
  176. Feeding and mobility of the potato leafhopper (homoptera-cicadellidae) impaired by glandular trichomes of solanum-berthaultii and solanum-polyadenium
  177. Feeding and mating-behavior of pollen beetles (meligethes-aeneus fab) and seed weevils (ceutorhynchus-assimilis payk) on oil-seed rape (brassica-napus l)
  178. Fate of herbicide chlortoluron and its possible degradation products in soils
  179. Factors influencing prevalence of pleospora-bjoerlingii on sugar-beet seed
  180. Factors affecting grain enlargement in wheat
  181. Factors affecting diet of farmland skylarks, alauda-arvensis
  182. Evaluation of techniques for extraction of hordein and glutelin from barley seed and a comparison of protein composition of Bomi and RisØ 1508
  183. Effects of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizas on plant nutrition and plant-growth
  184. Effects of systemic fungicides on vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal infection and plant phosphate uptake
  185. Effects of subsoiling and incorporating p and k in subsoil on crop yield
  186. Effects of severe drought on spring barley
  187. Effects of root-infecting fungi on wheat transport processes and growth
  188. Effects of previous legume and oat crops on grain-yield and take-all in spring barley
  189. Effects of pesticides on a perennial ryegrass sward
  190. Effects of nitrogen-fertilizer on distribution of photosynthate during grain-growth of spring wheat
  191. Effects of lysine, threonine and methionine on light-driven protein-synthesis in isolated pea (pisum-sativum-l) chloroplasts
  192. Effects of chemical treatments for mildew control at different times on growth and yield of spring barley
  193. Effect of virus yellows on yield of some monogerm cultivars of sugar-beet
  194. Effect of temperature on life-cycle of panagrolaimus-rigidus (schneider)
  195. Effect of sodium fertilizer on water status and yield of sugar-beet
  196. Effect of polyacrylic-acid and b-proteins on tmv multiplication in tobacco protoplasts
  197. Effect of nitrogen-fertilizer on growth and yield of semi-dwarf and tall varieties of winter-wheat
  198. Effect of nitrogen on growth, yield and photorespiratory activity in spring wheat
  199. Effect of nitrification inhibitors, injected with aqueous ammonia, on n-uptake and rate of growth of grass
  200. Effect of inoculating soils with phialophora-radicicola var graminicola on take-all disease of wheat
  201. Effect of high soil temperatures on nodulation of cowpea, vigna-unguiculata
  202. Effect of herbicides on epicuticular wax of winter oilseed rape (brassica-napus) and infection by pyrenopeziza-brassicae
  203. Effect of aspartate-derived amino-acids (lysine, threonine, methionine) on growth of excised embryos of wheat and barley
  204. Economic importance of pea moth in the United-Kingdom
  205. Ecology of skylarks on arable farmland
  206. Early warning of egg hatching in pea moth (cydia-nigricana)
  207. Dry deposition of atmospheric ammonia at Rothamsted in 1976 and 1977
  208. Drought experiment using mobile shelters - effect of drought on barley yield, water-use and nutrient-uptake
  209. Distribution of some chemical elements in soils of north-west pembrokeshire
  210. Distribution of photosynthate produced before and after anthesis in tall and semi-dwarf winter-wheat, as affected by nitrogen-fertilizer
  211. Distribution of lead in soils and herbage of West Pembrokeshire
  212. Distribution of heterodera-schachtii in california
  213. Distribution of eggs of the black bean aphid, aphis-fabae scop, on the spindle bush, euonymus-europaeus l, with references to forecasting infestations of the aphid on field beans
  214. Distribution of br in soils and herbage of Northwest Pembrokeshire
  215. Development of wheat bulb fly (della-coarctata fall) larvae and pupae at different temperatures
  216. Detection and distribution of organophosphorus and carbamate insecticide-resistant myzus-persicae (sulz) in Britain in 1976
  217. Cuticle structure and cement formation at anterior end of female cyst-nematodes of genera heterodera and globodera (heteroderidae tylenchida)
  218. Crystal-structures of complexes formed by benzo-18-crown-6 with barium perchlorate and with strontium perchlorate, bisperchloratobisaquo(6,7,9,10,12,13,15,16,18,19 decahydro benzo b -1,4,7,10,13,16 hexaoxacyclooctadecin)-barium and "trisaquo(6,7,9,10,12,13,15,16,18,19 decahydrobenzo b -1,4,7,10,13,16 hexaoxacyclooctadecin)strontium diperchloraten
  219. Crystal-structures of benzo-15-crown-5 complexes di-isothiocyanato(2,3,5,6,8,9,11,12-octahydro-1,4,7,10,13-benzopentaoxac yclopentadecin)-magnesium, calcium-methanol (1/1), and calcium hydrate
  220. Crystal-structure of dibenzo-12-crown-4 (6,7,14,15-tetrahydrodibenzo b,h 1,4,7,10 tetraoxacyclododecin)
  221. Crystal-structure of a polyether dicarboxylic-acid complex with potassium picrate, 2,2'-di-ortho-carboxymethoxyphenoxydiethyletherpotassium picrate
  222. Crystal-structure of (-)-avenaciolide
  223. Crystal-structure of 2,8-bis(bromomethyl)-1,7-dioxaspiro 5,5 undecane, an intermediate in synthesis of analogs of a23187
  224. The crystal structure of a complex between barium perchlorate and dibenzo-24-crown-8: bisperchlorato(6,7,9,10,12,13,20,21,23,24,26,27-dodecahydrodibenz[b,n][1,4,7,10,13,16,19,22]octaoxacyclotetracosin)barium
  225. Computational methods for data-analysis - chambers,jm
  226. Competitive ability and ethirimol sensitivity in strains of barley powdery mildew
  227. A comparison of methods for extraction and separation of hordein fractions from 29 barley varieties
  228. Comparison of aqueous acetylacetone and potassium pyrophosphate solutions for selective extraction of organic-bound fe from soils
  229. Comparison of 3 measures of species-diversity
  230. Comment on transformations to reduce dimensionality
  231. Colony structure, seasonality and food-requirements of crazy ant, anoplolepis-longipes-(jerd), in seychelles
  232. Coccinellid beetles on sugar-beet in eastern England, 1961-75
  233. Chemicals to prevent molding of hay and other crops
  234. Chemical basis for the use of citrus pulp as a fungus garden substrate by the leaf-cutting ants atta-cephalotes (l) and acromyrmex-octospinosus (reich) (hymenoptera-formicidae)
  235. Carbethoxydiazenido-complexes of molybdenum and tungsten and lengths of molybdenum-nitrogen multiple bonds
  236. Calibration of infra-red analyzers for carbon-dioxide
  237. C-13 magnetic-resonance of benzylmalonic acid and of some malonato complexes of aluminum(iii)
  238. C-4 photosynthesis in spartina-townsendii at low and high-temperatures
  239. Breeding more protein
  240. Bioassay for comparing the acceptability to slugs of plant extracts or solutions of pure chemicals
  241. Beet cyst-nematode
  242. Beet cryptic virus in some varieties of beta-vulgaris
  243. Assessment of soil potassium reserves available to plant roots
  244. Aspartate kinase isoenzymes in carrot tissue-culture
  245. Aspartate kinase and synthesis of aspartate-derived amino-acids in wheat
  246. Arracacha virus-a, a newly recognized virus infecting arracacha (arracacia-xanthorrhiza-umbelliferae) in Peruvian Andes
  247. Apis iridescent virus and clustering disease of Apis cerana
  248. Advantage of o-phthalaldehyde for visualizing c-14-labeled amino-acids on thin-layer chromatograms and an improved method for their recovery
  249. Acute toxicity of unformulated pesticides to worker honey bees (apis-mellifera l)
  250. 7-day volumetric spore trap for use within buildings
  251. Photorespiratory nitrogen cycle
  252. Density-dependence of spatial behavior and rarity of randomness
  253. Chloride leaching in the Rothamsted drain gauges: influence of rainfall pattern and soil structure
  254. Studies on the lenticel development, surface microflora and infection by common scab (Streptomyces scabies) of potato tubers growing in wet and dry soils
  255. The period of susceptibility of red beet to Streptomyces scab
  256. The effect of harvest date and duration of wound healing conditions on the susceptibility of damaged potato tubers to infection by Phoma exigua - gangrene
  257. Some factors affecting the build-up of cereal aphid infestations in winter wheat.
  258. Computer simulation and population models for cyst-nematodes (Heteroderidae: nematoda)