- Insect Adaptations: Evolution of Insect Migration and Diapause. Papers from a symposium, Washington, D.C., Aug. 1976. Hugh Dingle, Ed. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1978. xvi, 286 pp., illus. $22.80. Proceedings in Life Sciences.
- The search for a vector of lethal yellowing of coconuts in Jamaica: a reappraisal of the experiments for 1962-1971
- The Rothamsted Rhizobium culture collection and inoculant use in the UK
- Rothamsted Soil Microbiology Department
- Rothamsted Soils and Plant Nutrition Department
- Effects of Management and Manuring on Physical Properties of some Rothamsted and Woburn Soils
- Pests and pollution of oil-seed rape crops on England
- On the diversity of nitrifiers in nature
- Physical properties of the soil that may limit yield of cereals
- Physiology of grain yield
- Conformational changes in medium sized organic molecules induced by cations
- Towards an objective classification of soil structure
- Transport processes in the soil as factors of potassium availability
- Events in the hatching process of the potato-cyst nematode Globodera rostochiensis
- A compact apparatus for obtaining flies of known age
- Modelling populations of cyst-nematodes (Nematoda: Heteroderidae)
- Developmental parameters regulating sugar yield in beet
- Plant Nematodes: a Neglected Group of Pests
- Crop marks induced by soil moisture stress at an iron age site in Midland England, UK
- Current thoughts on nitrogen growth and quality
- Mycorrhizal populations of sown pastures and native vegetation in Otago, New Zealand
- Influence of cereal cultivar on the population dynamics of the cereal cyst-nematode, Heterodera avenae
- Middle Pleistocene sediments and palaeosols near Chelmsford, Essex: Field meeting report: 7 November, 1976
- Crystal structure of 2,8-bis(bromomethyl)-1,7-dioxaspiro (5,5) undecane, an intermediate in the synthesis of analogues of A23187
- Crystal structure of dibenzo-12-crown-4 (6,7,14,15-tetrahydrodibenzo (b,h) 1,4,7,10 tetraoxacyclododecin)
- Photosynthesis, respiration, and carbon assimilation in water-stressed maize at two oxygen concentrations
- Graphical Representation of Asymmetric Matrices
- Petrography, stratigraphy and weathering of Late Pleistocene tills in East Yorkshire, Lincolnshire and north Norfolk
- An infective pyridoxyl-derivative of potato virus X: PVX-PLP
- Life histories and distribution of British Trichoptera, excluding Limnephilidae and Hydroptilidae, based on the Rothamsted Insect Survey
- Leaf protein and other aspects of fodder fractionation
- The ecology of Rhizobium
- Bates,Williams,Hutchison-a variety of diversities. Diversity of Insect Fauna
- A behavioural model for the evolution of spatial dynamics
- Incorporation of granular nematicides in peat soils for control of potato cyst-nematode, Heterodera rostochiensis, Woll
- Ecology of Actinomycetes in Fodders and Related Substrates
- The genus Actinomadura Lechevalier and Lechevalier
- Effects of systemic fungicides on vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal infection and plant phosphate uptake
- Field evaluation of pesticides: the changing scene
- Some properties and applications of simple orthogonal matrices
- Graphical Representation of Asymmetric Matrices
- Explicit singular value decompositions, spectral decompositions and inverses of some skew-symmetric matrices
- Some factors affecting build-up of cereal aphid infestations in winter wheat
- The economic importance of pea moth in the United Kingdom
- Air movement within a crop : spore dispersal and deposition
- Multivariate analysis in Genstat
- Mathematical treatment of soil information
- The GLIM System, Release 3: Generalized linear interactive modelling
- Distribution of airborne pollen and spores and their long distance transport
- X-ray crystal-structures of anhydrous sodium and potassium complexes of an open-chain polyether diol
- Witches broom chlorotic little leaf of sweet-potato in Guadalcanal, Solomon-Islands, possibly caused by mycoplasma-like organisms
- When should you sow beet crop
- Weed beet - summer work
- Viruses in oil palm
- Varietal identification of single seeds of wheat by sodium dodecyl-sulfate polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis of gliadin
- Varietal identification of single seeds of barley by analysis of hordein polypeptides
- Unusual response of ddt-resistant houseflies to carbinol analogs of ddt
- Unusual behavior of bumble bees
- Translocation of 14C‐dieldrin from small droplets on cotton leaves
- Towards an absolute measurement of soil structural stability using ultrasound - reply
- Tomato pith necrosis caused by Pseudomonas corrugata n. sp.
- Thermophilic actinomycetes - characteristics and identification
- Technique for measuring susceptibility of wheat bulb fly larvae to insecticides in laboratory
- Taxonomy and biology of Pyrenopeziza brassicae sp.nov. (Cylindrosporium concentricum), a pathogen of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus ssp. oleifera)
- Synthetic pyrethroids - a new class of insecticide
- Synthesis of bridged macrocyclic polyethers of high complexing ability with group 1a salts
- Symptomatologically distinct strains of pepper veinal mottle virus from 4 west-african solanaceous crops
- Symmetry and asymmetry - their representation and joint representation
- The symbiotes of Myzus persicae (Sulz.) in strains resistant and susceptible to demeton‐S‐methyl
- Survey of damage caused to crops of oil-seed rape (brassica-napus-l) by insect pests in south-central England and their effect on seed yield
- Structure of rel-(7S,9S)-7,9-dimethyl-6,7,9,10,17,18,20,21,23,24-decahydrodibenzo[b,k][1,4,7,10,13,16,19]heptaoxacycloheneicosin (dimethyldibenzo-21-crown-7)
- The structure of benzo-15-crown-5 (6,7,9,10,12,13,15,16-octahydrobenzo[1,4,7,10,13]pentaoxacyclopentadecin) at -150°C
- Street,Herbert Edward - 1913-1977
- Spring top-dressings of ‘Nitro-Chalk’ and late sprays of a liquid N-fertilizer and a broad spectrum fungicide for consecutive crops of winter wheat at Saxmundham, Suffolk
- Some remarks on proportional similarity
- Some observations on infection of arachis-hypogaea l by rhizobium
- Soil flavobacterium sp that degrades sulfanilamide and asulam
- Soil erosion in North Norfolk
- Small plots and automatic rain shelters - field appraisal
- Short cut to dehydration
- Sex attractants for pest monitoring - problems and possibilities
- Seed and pollen transmission of beet cryptic virus in sugar-beet plants
- Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase activity and photo-respiration during aging of flag leaves of wheat
- Ribulose-1,5-diphosphate carboxylase protein during flag leaf senescence
- Review of manuals for bmdp and spss - comment
- Review of losses caused by virus yellows in English sugar-beet crops and cost of partial control with insecticides
- Restoration of morphological features of globodera-pallida after storage in formalin
- Responses of the pollen beetle, meligethes-aeneus, and the seed weevil, ceuthorhynchus-assimilis, to oil-seed rape, brassica-napus, and other plants
- Response of susceptible and resistant peach-potato aphids myzus-persicae (sulz) to insecticides in leaf-dip bioassays
- Response of myzus-persicae to components of aphid extracts and to carboxylic-acids
- Release of aluminum from aluminosilicate minerals .1. Kinetics
- Relationship of grain shrivelling to milling and baking quality of 3 winter-wheat cultivars grown with different rates of nitrogen-fertilizer
- Relationship between invivo and invitro activity of some naturally occurring glutamate analogs on somatic neuromuscular-junction of lucilia-sericata
- Regulatory isoenzymes of aspartate kinase and control of lysine and threonine biosynthesis in carrot cell-suspension culture
- Reactions of ammonia with soil 2 Sorption of NH3 on English soils and on wyoming bentonite
- Q-statistic and diversity of floras
- Pyrethrins and related compounds .22. Preparation of isomeric cyano-substituted 3-phenoxybenzyl esters
- Purification of a tobacco leaf protein associated with resistance to virus infection
- The Purification and Properties of One of the ‘b’ Proteins from Virus-Infected Tobacco Plants
- Purification and properties of asparaginase from lupinus species
- Progress in chemical control of plant nematodes
- Procedures and potentialities in sugar-beet production
- Preservation of baled hay with propionic and formic acids and a proprietary additive
- Pre-flowering and post-flowering insecticide applications to control aphis-fabae on field beans - their biological and economic effectiveness
- Potassium dependent asparaginase from maturing legume and cereal seeds
- Pore space variability in a subsurface horizon of 2 soils
- Population model for the effect of parasitic fungi on numbers of the cereal cyst-nematode, heterodera-avenae
- Polygalacturonase production in liquid culture by isolates of gaeumannomyces-graminis and phialophora-like fungi from cereal roots
- Pollination requirements of swede rape (brassica-napus l) and of turnip rape (brassica-campestris l)
- Physiological-response of potato-tubers to damage and to infection by phoma-exigua f sp foveata
- Physiological studies on nodule formation - characteristics and inheritance of abnormal nodulation of trifolium-pratense by rhizobium-leguminosarum
- Pesticides for 1979
- Pest-control in coffee
- Persistence of effects of simulated tractor wheeling on sandy loam subsoil
- Osmotic-stress and the hatching of globodera-rostochiensis
- Optimally partitioning soil transects
- Occurrence, symptomatology, transmission and virus etiology of macana disease of fique (furcraea spp) in colombia, south-america
- Occurrence of some acid-phosphatases and dehydrogenases in vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus glomus-mosseae
- Occurrence of phialophora-radicicola var graminicola and gaeumannomyces-graminis var tritici on roots of wheat in field crops
- Occurrence of brome mosaic-virus in Britain
- Observations on morphs of macrosiphum-avenae and metopolophium-dirhodum on cereals during summer and autumn
- Novel beta-triketones from lepidoptera
- New approaches to nitrogen application - timing, method and amount
- Need for irrigation - some new views on evidence
- Multivariate Statistical Methods: Within Groups Covariation. by E. H. Bryant, W. R. Atcherle
- Multivariate Statistical Inference. by Narayan C. Giri
- Multiplication of some South American and European populations of potato cyst nematodes on potatoes possessing the resistance genes H1, H2 and H3
- Morphology and histology of antenna of cydia-nigricana (f) (lepidoptera-tortricidae)
- Model of household car ownership .2
- Microbial antagonisms in rhizosphere
- Methods for Statistical Data Analysis of Multivariate Observations. by R. Gnanadesikan
- Method for testing potential bactericides for the prevention of soft rotting of potato-tubers
- Method for fixing and infiltrating legume root-nodules
- Mechanism of photosynthesis in the tea plant (camellia-sinensis l)
- Manganese deficiency in sugar-beet and incorporation of manganese in coating of pelleted seed
- Low-temperature techniques in sem
- Low-light remote recording-system used to study nematode behavior
- Longevity of sodium, potassium and magnesium fertilizer residual effects on yield and composition of ryegrass grown on a sandy soil
- Limitations to yield imposed by wheat diseases
- Light-driven biosynthesis of aspartate-derived amino-acids in isolated pea chloroplasts
- Light-dependent assimilation of nitrite by isolated pea chloroplasts
- Large-scale rearing of wheat bulb fly (delia-coarctata (fall))
- Isolation of Phoma exigua var. foveata from, and pycnidial formation on, brown watery rots of planted seed potato tubers
- Intramolecular labeling of sucrose made by leaves from (C-14)carbon dioxide or (3-C-14)serine
- Interactions between pheromone traps for pea moth, cydia-nigricana (f)
- Insects found on economic plants other than rice in laos
- Insecticidal activity of pyrethrins and related compounds .11. Relative potencies of isomeric cyano-substituted 3-phenoxybenzyl esters
- Insect pests of rice in laos
- Inhibition of tobacco mosaic-virus multiplication in tobacco protoplasts by rabbit serum
- Influence of repellent materials and aphid extracts on settling behavior and larviposition of myzus-persicae (sulzer) (hemiptera-aphididae)
- Influence of arthropods and earthworms upon root-growth of direct drilled cereals
- Influence of aerial pollution on crop growth
- Infinite variety of worms
- An Infective Pyridoxyl-derivative of Potato Virus X: PVX-PLP
- Incidence, and effects on yield, of virus diseases of taro (Colocasia esculenta) in the Solomon Islands
- Incidence of pathogenic fungi on scottish potato seed stocks derived from stem cuttings
- Inactivation and uncoating of tmv on surface and in inter-cellular spaces of leaves
- How crop grows - seed to sugar
- Hemicycliophora-chathami n-sp (nematoda tylenchida) from chatham island, new-zealand, with the description of 2 subspecies
- Healthier seed potatoes .2. Effects of sprouting and benomyl treatment of stem cutting and commercial stocks on growth, yield and disease
- Healthier seed potatoes .1. Effects of inoculating stem cutting stocks with polyscytalum-pustulans and rhizoctonia-solani on growth, yield and disease
- The growth and nutrient-uptake of winter-wheat
- Growth and nitrogen-fixation of phaseolus-vulgaris L. at 2 irradiances .2. Nitrogen-fixation
- Gross energy yields and support energy-requirements for production of sugar from beet and cane - study of 4 production areas
- Granulation of ivy nectar and honey in honey stomach of honeybee
- Germination and longevity of seeds of Agropyron repens L. Beauv. and Agrostis gigantea Roth. in soil in relation to different cultivation regimes
- Genetic-analysis of hordein polypeptides from single seeds of barley
- Gas flow-through system for studying denitrification in soils
- The future of pyrethroids in insect control
- Further-studies on the genetics of the carboxylesterase regulatory system involved in resistance to organophosphorus insecticides in myzus-persicae (sulzer)
- Freshwater weeds are a resource
- Food from leaves of trees and bushes
- Filamentous viruslike particles in honey bees in Britain
- Field experiments on sugar-beet powdery mildew, erysiphe-betae
- Feeding of longidorus-caespiticola on rye-grass, lolium-perenne
- Feeding and mobility of the potato leafhopper (homoptera-cicadellidae) impaired by glandular trichomes of solanum-berthaultii and solanum-polyadenium
- Feeding and mating-behavior of pollen beetles (meligethes-aeneus fab) and seed weevils (ceutorhynchus-assimilis payk) on oil-seed rape (brassica-napus l)
- Fate of herbicide chlortoluron and its possible degradation products in soils
- Factors influencing prevalence of pleospora-bjoerlingii on sugar-beet seed
- Factors affecting grain enlargement in wheat
- Factors affecting diet of farmland skylarks, alauda-arvensis
- Evaluation of techniques for extraction of hordein and glutelin from barley seed and a comparison of protein composition of Bomi and RisØ 1508
- Effects of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizas on plant nutrition and plant-growth
- Effects of systemic fungicides on vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal infection and plant phosphate uptake
- Effects of subsoiling and incorporating p and k in subsoil on crop yield
- Effects of severe drought on spring barley
- Effects of root-infecting fungi on wheat transport processes and growth
- Effects of previous legume and oat crops on grain-yield and take-all in spring barley
- Effects of pesticides on a perennial ryegrass sward
- Effects of nitrogen-fertilizer on distribution of photosynthate during grain-growth of spring wheat
- Effects of lysine, threonine and methionine on light-driven protein-synthesis in isolated pea (pisum-sativum-l) chloroplasts
- Effects of chemical treatments for mildew control at different times on growth and yield of spring barley
- Effect of virus yellows on yield of some monogerm cultivars of sugar-beet
- Effect of temperature on life-cycle of panagrolaimus-rigidus (schneider)
- Effect of sodium fertilizer on water status and yield of sugar-beet
- Effect of polyacrylic-acid and b-proteins on tmv multiplication in tobacco protoplasts
- Effect of nitrogen-fertilizer on growth and yield of semi-dwarf and tall varieties of winter-wheat
- Effect of nitrogen on growth, yield and photorespiratory activity in spring wheat
- Effect of nitrification inhibitors, injected with aqueous ammonia, on n-uptake and rate of growth of grass
- Effect of inoculating soils with phialophora-radicicola var graminicola on take-all disease of wheat
- Effect of high soil temperatures on nodulation of cowpea, vigna-unguiculata
- Effect of herbicides on epicuticular wax of winter oilseed rape (brassica-napus) and infection by pyrenopeziza-brassicae
- Effect of aspartate-derived amino-acids (lysine, threonine, methionine) on growth of excised embryos of wheat and barley
- Economic importance of pea moth in the United-Kingdom
- Ecology of skylarks on arable farmland
- Early warning of egg hatching in pea moth (cydia-nigricana)
- Dry deposition of atmospheric ammonia at Rothamsted in 1976 and 1977
- Drought experiment using mobile shelters - effect of drought on barley yield, water-use and nutrient-uptake
- Distribution of some chemical elements in soils of north-west pembrokeshire
- Distribution of photosynthate produced before and after anthesis in tall and semi-dwarf winter-wheat, as affected by nitrogen-fertilizer
- Distribution of lead in soils and herbage of West Pembrokeshire
- Distribution of heterodera-schachtii in california
- Distribution of eggs of the black bean aphid, aphis-fabae scop, on the spindle bush, euonymus-europaeus l, with references to forecasting infestations of the aphid on field beans
- Distribution of br in soils and herbage of Northwest Pembrokeshire
- Development of wheat bulb fly (della-coarctata fall) larvae and pupae at different temperatures
- Detection and distribution of organophosphorus and carbamate insecticide-resistant myzus-persicae (sulz) in Britain in 1976
- Cuticle structure and cement formation at anterior end of female cyst-nematodes of genera heterodera and globodera (heteroderidae tylenchida)
- Crystal-structures of complexes formed by benzo-18-crown-6 with barium perchlorate and with strontium perchlorate, bisperchloratobisaquo(6,7,9,10,12,13,15,16,18,19 decahydro benzo b -1,4,7,10,13,16 hexaoxacyclooctadecin)-barium and "trisaquo(6,7,9,10,12,13,15,16,18,19 decahydrobenzo b -1,4,7,10,13,16 hexaoxacyclooctadecin)strontium diperchloraten
- Crystal-structures of benzo-15-crown-5 complexes di-isothiocyanato(2,3,5,6,8,9,11,12-octahydro-1,4,7,10,13-benzopentaoxac yclopentadecin)-magnesium, calcium-methanol (1/1), and calcium hydrate
- Crystal-structure of dibenzo-12-crown-4 (6,7,14,15-tetrahydrodibenzo b,h 1,4,7,10 tetraoxacyclododecin)
- Crystal-structure of a polyether dicarboxylic-acid complex with potassium picrate, 2,2'-di-ortho-carboxymethoxyphenoxydiethyletherpotassium picrate
- Crystal-structure of (-)-avenaciolide
- Crystal-structure of 2,8-bis(bromomethyl)-1,7-dioxaspiro 5,5 undecane, an intermediate in synthesis of analogs of a23187
- The crystal structure of a complex between barium perchlorate and dibenzo-24-crown-8: bisperchlorato(6,7,9,10,12,13,20,21,23,24,26,27-dodecahydrodibenz[b,n][1,4,7,10,13,16,19,22]octaoxacyclotetracosin)barium
- Computational methods for data-analysis - chambers,jm
- Competitive ability and ethirimol sensitivity in strains of barley powdery mildew
- A comparison of methods for extraction and separation of hordein fractions from 29 barley varieties
- Comparison of aqueous acetylacetone and potassium pyrophosphate solutions for selective extraction of organic-bound fe from soils
- Comparison of 3 measures of species-diversity
- Comment on transformations to reduce dimensionality
- Colony structure, seasonality and food-requirements of crazy ant, anoplolepis-longipes-(jerd), in seychelles
- Coccinellid beetles on sugar-beet in eastern England, 1961-75
- Chemicals to prevent molding of hay and other crops
- Chemical basis for the use of citrus pulp as a fungus garden substrate by the leaf-cutting ants atta-cephalotes (l) and acromyrmex-octospinosus (reich) (hymenoptera-formicidae)
- Carbethoxydiazenido-complexes of molybdenum and tungsten and lengths of molybdenum-nitrogen multiple bonds
- Calibration of infra-red analyzers for carbon-dioxide
- C-13 magnetic-resonance of benzylmalonic acid and of some malonato complexes of aluminum(iii)
- C-4 photosynthesis in spartina-townsendii at low and high-temperatures
- Breeding more protein
- Bioassay for comparing the acceptability to slugs of plant extracts or solutions of pure chemicals
- Beet cyst-nematode
- Beet cryptic virus in some varieties of beta-vulgaris
- Assessment of soil potassium reserves available to plant roots
- Aspartate kinase isoenzymes in carrot tissue-culture
- Aspartate kinase and synthesis of aspartate-derived amino-acids in wheat
- Arracacha virus-a, a newly recognized virus infecting arracacha (arracacia-xanthorrhiza-umbelliferae) in Peruvian Andes
- Apis iridescent virus and clustering disease of Apis cerana
- Advantage of o-phthalaldehyde for visualizing c-14-labeled amino-acids on thin-layer chromatograms and an improved method for their recovery
- Acute toxicity of unformulated pesticides to worker honey bees (apis-mellifera l)
- 7-day volumetric spore trap for use within buildings
- Photorespiratory nitrogen cycle
- Density-dependence of spatial behavior and rarity of randomness
- Chloride leaching in the Rothamsted drain gauges: influence of rainfall pattern and soil structure
- Studies on the lenticel development, surface microflora and infection by common scab (Streptomyces scabies) of potato tubers growing in wet and dry soils
- The period of susceptibility of red beet to Streptomyces scab
- The effect of harvest date and duration of wound healing conditions on the susceptibility of damaged potato tubers to infection by Phoma exigua - gangrene
- Some factors affecting the build-up of cereal aphid infestations in winter wheat.
- Computer simulation and population models for cyst-nematodes (Heteroderidae: nematoda)