The effects of sulphur application on yields of cut herbage and efficiency of nitrogen use in grasslands with contrasting soil type

D1 - Technical reports: non-confidential

Brown, L., Jewkes, E. C., Scholefield, D. and Butler, M. R. 2000. The effects of sulphur application on yields of cut herbage and efficiency of nitrogen use in grasslands with contrasting soil type. Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research IGER, North Wyke Okehampton.

AuthorsBrown, L., Jewkes, E. C., Scholefield, D. and Butler, M. R.
TypeD1 - Technical reports: non-confidential
Year of Publication2000
PublisherInstitute of Grassland and Environmental Research IGER, North Wyke Okehampton
Page range27pp
Funder project or codeDelivering Sustainable Systems (SS) [ISPG]
Project: 2430 6110
SeriesReport to Kemira Agro UK Limited

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