Modern surface soils

B - Book chapters etc edited externally

Catt, J. A. 1998. Modern surface soils. in: Preece, R. C. and Bridgland, D. R. (ed.) Late quaternary environmental change in North-west Europe: excavations at Holywell Coombe, South-east England Chapman & Hall, London. pp. 317-322

AuthorsCatt, J. A.
EditorsPreece, R. C. and Bridgland, D. R.
Page range317-322
Year of Publication1998
Book titleLate quaternary environmental change in North-west Europe: excavations at Holywell Coombe, South-east England
PublisherChapman & Hall, London
Funder project or code220
Project: 031232
Open accessPublished as non-open access
Output statusPublished

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