Overview of the work on cracking clay soils at Brimstone farm

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Harris, G. L. and Catt, J. A. 1999. Overview of the work on cracking clay soils at Brimstone farm. Soil Use and Management. 15 (4), pp. 233-239.

AuthorsHarris, G. L. and Catt, J. A.

As leaching of nutrients and agrochemicals can occur readily in cracking clay soils, which are important to UK agriculture, it is essential to identify management systems for them that can minimize the risk of contaminants reaching surface waters. The long-term Brimstone Farm study has provided considerable evidence on the movement of water and solutes through such soils and offers a unique opportunity to determine the factors influencing these processes. Management procedures, such as subsurface drainage and tillage, which are widely used for the production of cereals in these soil types, greatly influence the risk of contamination. At Brimstone Farm, tillage has been shown to change the hydrology in terms of both water table control and the route of water movement, and to increase the mineralization of nitrogen and the consequent risk of nitrate leaching. Drainage, essential in these soils, also creates a risk of solute losses, especially pesticides. Ways to retain effective drainage yet decrease losses to surface waters are discussed.

KeywordsSoil Science
Year of Publication1999
JournalSoil Use and Management
Journal citation15 (4), pp. 233-239
Open accessPublished as non-open access
Funder project or code220
Project: 031232

Permalink - https://repository.rothamsted.ac.uk/item/88255/overview-of-the-work-on-cracking-clay-soils-at-brimstone-farm

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