Importance of airborne contamination during dressing of beef and lamb carcasses

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Burfoot, D., Whyte, R., Tinker, D., Howell, M., Hall, K., Holah, J., Smith, D., White, R. P., Baker, D. and Mcintosh, J. 2006. Importance of airborne contamination during dressing of beef and lamb carcasses. Journal Of Food Protection. 69, pp. 2828-2836.

AuthorsBurfoot, D., Whyte, R., Tinker, D., Howell, M., Hall, K., Holah, J., Smith, D., White, R. P., Baker, D. and Mcintosh, J.
Year of Publication2006
JournalJournal Of Food Protection
Journal citation69, pp. 2828-2836
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Open accessPublished as non-open access
FunderBiotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Funder project or code513
Int Assoc Food Protection

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