Functional approaches for assessing plant and invertebrate abundance patterns in arable systems

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Hawes, C., Haughton, A. J., Bohan, D. A. and Squire, G. R. 2009. Functional approaches for assessing plant and invertebrate abundance patterns in arable systems. Basic and Applied Ecology. 10, pp. 34-42.

AuthorsHawes, C., Haughton, A. J., Bohan, D. A. and Squire, G. R.
Year of Publication2009
JournalBasic and Applied Ecology
Journal citation10, pp. 34-42
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Open accessPublished as non-open access
Funder project or codeSEF
Research into spatio-temporal dynamics for ecological and agricultural populations

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