The effects of Nosema ceranae on honey bee flight distance

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Wells, T., Nicholls, B., Wolf, S., Groll, H., Lim, K. S., Clark, S. J., Swain, J. L., Osborne, J. L. and Haughton, A. J. 2015. The effects of Nosema ceranae on honey bee flight distance. British bee journal. (2), p. 6.

AuthorsWells, T., Nicholls, B., Wolf, S., Groll, H., Lim, K. S., Clark, S. J., Swain, J. L., Osborne, J. L. and Haughton, A. J.
Year of Publication2015
JournalBritish bee journal
Journal citation(2), p. 6
Funder project or codeDelivering Sustainable Systems (SS) [ISPG]
Movement and spatial ecology in agricultural landscapes
Understanding the impact of Nosema infection on the flight patterns of forager honey bees
Project: E0047
Open accessPublished as non-open access

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