Trophic links between functional groups of arable plants and beetles are stable at national scale

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Brooks, D. R., Storkey, J., Clark, S. J., Firbank, L. G., Petit, S. and Woiwod, I. P. 2012. Trophic links between functional groups of arable plants and beetles are stable at national scale. Journal of Animal Ecology. 81 (1), pp. 4-13.

AuthorsBrooks, D. R., Storkey, J., Clark, S. J., Firbank, L. G., Petit, S. and Woiwod, I. P.

1. There is an urgent need to accurately model how environmental change affects the wide-scale functioning of ecosystems, but advances are hindered by a lack of knowledge of how trophic levels are linked across space. It is unclear which theoretical approach to take to improve modelling of such interactions, but evidence is gathering that linking species responses to their functional traits can increase understanding of ecosystem dynamics. Currently, there are no quantitative studies testing how this approach might improve models of multiple, trophically interacting species, at wide spatial scales. 2. Arable weeds play a foundational role in linking food webs, providing resources for many taxa, including carabid beetles that feed on their seeds and weed-associated invertebrate prey. Here, we model associations between weeds and carabids across farmland in Great Britain (GB), to test the hypothesis that wide-scale trophic links between these groups are structured by their species functional traits. 3. A network of c. 250 arable fields, covering four crops and most lowland areas of GB, was sampled for weed, carabid and invertebrate taxa over 3 years. Data sets of these groups were closely matched in time and space, and each contained numerous species with a range of eco-physiological traits. The consistency of trophic linkages between multiple taxa sharing functional traits was tested within multivariate and log-linear models. 4. Robust links were established between the functional traits of taxa and their trophic interactions. Autumn-germinating, small-seeded weeds were associated with smaller, spring-breeding carabids, more specialised in seed feeding, whereas spring-germinating, large-seeded weeds were associated with a range of larger, autumn-breeding omnivorous carabids. These relationships were strong and dynamic, being independent of changes in invertebrate food resources and consistent across sample dates, crops and regions of GB. 5. We conclude that, in at least one system of interacting taxa, functional traits can be used to predict consistent, wide-scale trophic links. This conceptual approach is useful for assessing how perturbations affecting lower trophic levels are ramified throughout ecosystems and could be used to assess how environmental change affects a wider range of secondary consumers.

KeywordsEcology; Zoology
Year of Publication2012
JournalJournal of Animal Ecology
Journal citation81 (1), pp. 4-13
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
PubMed ID21883203
Open accessPublished as bronze (free) open access
FunderDEFRA - Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs UK
Scottish Executive
Funder project or codeSEF
Centre for Mathematical and Computational Biology (MCB)
Population and community ecology: conservation and dynamics
Bio Nano Consult (Rocre Tenant)
Application of statistical methods to predictive biology
Publisher's version
Output statusPublished
Copyright licenseCC BY

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