Genetic structure of fragmented November moth (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) populations in farmland

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Wynne, I. R., Loxdale, H. D., Brookes, C. P. and Woiwod, I. P. 2003. Genetic structure of fragmented November moth (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) populations in farmland. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 78, pp. 467-477.

AuthorsWynne, I. R., Loxdale, H. D., Brookes, C. P. and Woiwod, I. P.
Year of Publication2003
JournalBiological Journal of the Linnean Society
Journal citation78, pp. 467-477
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Open accessPublished as bronze (free) open access
Funder project or code433
Project: 1001
Publisher's version
PublisherOxford University Press (OUP)

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