Rothamsted Insect Survey. 16th annual summary

G - Articles in popular magazines and other technical publications

Taylor, L. R., Woiwod, I. P., Macaulay, E. D. M., Dupuch, M. J. and Nicklen, J. 1984. Rothamsted Insect Survey. 16th annual summary. Rothamsted Experimental Station Report. 2, pp. 285-315.

AuthorsTaylor, L. R., Woiwod, I. P., Macaulay, E. D. M., Dupuch, M. J. and Nicklen, J.
Year of Publication1984
JournalRothamsted Experimental Station Report
Journal citation2, pp. 285-315
Open accessPublished as non-open access
PublisherLawes Agricultural Trust
Rothamsted Research

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