Nectar and flower production in Vicia faba L. (field bean) at ambient and elevated carbon dioxide

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Osborne, J. L., Awmack, C. S., Clark, S. J., Williams, I. H. and Mills, V. C. 1997. Nectar and flower production in Vicia faba L. (field bean) at ambient and elevated carbon dioxide. Apidologie. 28, pp. 43-55.

AuthorsOsborne, J. L., Awmack, C. S., Clark, S. J., Williams, I. H. and Mills, V. C.
Year of Publication1997
Journal citation28, pp. 43-55
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Open accessPublished as bronze (free) open access
Funder project or code207
Project: 141431
Project: 041240
Publisher's version
PublisherSpringer France

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