Factors determining food storage and brood rearing in honeybee (apis-mellifera l) comb

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Free, J. B. and Williams, I. H. 1974. Factors determining food storage and brood rearing in honeybee (apis-mellifera l) comb. Journal of Entomology Series A-Physiology & Behaviour. 49 (NOV7), pp. 47-63.

AuthorsFree, J. B. and Williams, I. H.
Year of Publication1974
JournalJournal of Entomology Series A-Physiology & Behaviour
Journal citation49 (NOV7), pp. 47-63
Open accessPublished as non-open access

Permalink - https://repository.rothamsted.ac.uk/item/8vq7v/factors-determining-food-storage-and-brood-rearing-in-honeybee-apis-mellifera-l-comb

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