Chill-coma and cold death temperature of Apis mellifera

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Free, J. B. and Spencer-Booth, Y. 1960. Chill-coma and cold death temperature of Apis mellifera. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. 3 (3), pp. 222-230.

AuthorsFree, J. B. and Spencer-Booth, Y.

Worker bees have a lower chill‐coma temperature than drones or queens, which is influenced by their acclimatisation temperature as is their food consumption at a given temperature. Most bees die after 50 hrs. in chill coma, and survive longer at 5° C than at 0 or 10° C. Cold death occurs between −2 and −6° C and is unaffected by acclimatisation. Winter bees have lower chill‐coma temperatures than summer bees but after acclimatisation to 35° C there is no difference. The chill‐coma temperature of summer bees decreases with age irrespective of acclimatisation.

Year of Publication1960
JournalEntomologia Experimentalis et Applicata
Journal citation3 (3), pp. 222-230
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Open accessPublished as non-open access
Output statusPublished

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