Spatial dynamics of pollen beetles (Meligethes aeneus ) in relation to inflorescence growth stage within a simulated trap crop system for oilseed rape

C1 - Edited contributions to conferences/learned societies

Frearson, D. J. T., Ferguson, A. W., Campbell, J. M. and Williams, I. H. 2004. Spatial dynamics of pollen beetles (Meligethes aeneus ) in relation to inflorescence growth stage within a simulated trap crop system for oilseed rape.

AuthorsFrearson, D. J. T., Ferguson, A. W., Campbell, J. M. and Williams, I. H.
Year of Publication2004
JournalBulletin IOBC/WPRS/SROP
Journal citation27(10), pp. 207-214
Funder project or code509
Integrated pest management strategies incorporating bio-control for European oilseed rape pests (MASTER)
Project: 4308

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