Identification and expression profile analysis of odorant binding protein and chemosensory protein genes in Bemisia tabaci MED by head transcriptome

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Wang, R., Li, F., Zhang, W., Zhang, X., Qu, C., Tetreau, G., Sun, L., Luo, C. and Zhou, J. 2017. Identification and expression profile analysis of odorant binding protein and chemosensory protein genes in Bemisia tabaci MED by head transcriptome. PLOS ONE. (e0171739), p. 19pp.

AuthorsWang, R., Li, F., Zhang, W., Zhang, X., Qu, C., Tetreau, G., Sun, L., Luo, C. and Zhou, J.
Year of Publication2017
Journal citation(e0171739), p. 19pp
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Open accessPublished as ‘gold’ (paid) open access
Funder project or codeSustainability
New pest resistance in rice, by breeding and genetic modification (GM) for constitutive and inducible levels of defence homoterpenes
UK-China Collaboration for production of biologically active homoisoprenoids and their eventual use for pest control
Innovative approaches to pest management
Publication dates
Online06 Feb 2017
PublisherPublic Library of Science, San Fancisco (PLOS)

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