Dynamic role of grasslands as sources of soil-dwelling insect pests: new insights from in silico experiments for pest management strategies

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Poggi, S., Sergent, M., Mammeri, Y., Plantegenest, M., Le Cointe, R. and Bourhis, Y. 2021. Dynamic role of grasslands as sources of soil-dwelling insect pests: new insights from in silico experiments for pest management strategies. Ecological Modelling. 440 (15 Jan), p. 109378. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2020.109378

AuthorsPoggi, S., Sergent, M., Mammeri, Y., Plantegenest, M., Le Cointe, R. and Bourhis, Y.

Sustainable pest control strategies hinge on the knowledge of movement ecology within the agricultural landscape where contrasted habitat qualities intermingle, thereby influencing arthropod dispersal. Hence, habitat manipulation in space and time can be a lever for action to control pests with regard to landscape compositional constraints. In this study, we examined the role of grassland arrangements in field colonisation by soil-dwelling pests within a dynamic agricultural landscape, and discussed the implications for pest management with a focus on wireworms. For this purpose, we proposed a framework combining (i) a spatially explicit and mechanistic model describing the pest population dynamics in both aerial and soil compartments involved along its life cycle, and (ii) spatiotemporal representations of various landscape contexts. We addressed the role of grassland in plot history, in plot neighbourhood, or in both history and neighbourhood. Our results show that species with a short life cycle are more responsive to changes in land use, and that the neighbourhood effect strongly relies on dispersal mechanisms (random vs directed movements). We also highlight how the arrangement of grassy landscape elements in space and time can mitigate crop infestation by soil-dwelling pests, thereby emphasizing the relevance of managing grassland regimes. Once informed by critical pest life traits, our
approach opens avenue for the exploration of the spatiotemporal land use manipulation meant for pest management. Future research consists in the exploration of suppressive patterns in simplified but realistic agricultural landscapes, generated under agronomic constraints at the farm or landscape scales.

KeywordsPet control; Population dynamics; Landscape dynamics; Reservoir; Sink; Connectivity; Wireworm; Click beetle; Lant-use change; Reaction-diffusion-advection model
Year of Publication2021
JournalEcological Modelling
Journal citation440 (15 Jan), p. 109378
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2020.109378
Open accessPublished as green open access
FunderBiotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Output statusPublished
Publication dates
Online15 Jan 2022
PublisherElsevier Science Bv

Permalink - https://repository.rothamsted.ac.uk/item/987q2/dynamic-role-of-grasslands-as-sources-of-soil-dwelling-insect-pests-new-insights-from-in-silico-experiments-for-pest-management-strategies

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