SAS-H: Soil Biology

TitleSAS-H: Soil Biology
TypeResearch cluster


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Changes in the potato rhizosphere microbiota richness and diversity occur in a growth stage-dependent manner

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Bak, G., Lee, K. K., Clark, I. M., Mauchline, T. H., Kavamura, V. N., Jee, S., Lee, J., Kim, H. and Lee, Y. 2025. Changes in the potato rhizosphere microbiota richness and diversity occur in a growth stage-dependent manner. Scientific Reports. 15, p. 2284.

Changes in the potato rhizosphere microbiota richness and diversity occur in a growth stage-dependent manner - Author correction

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Bak, G., Lee, K. K., Clark, I. M., Mauchline, T. H., Kavamura, V. N., Jee, S., Lee, J., Kim, H. and Lee, Y. 2025. Changes in the potato rhizosphere microbiota richness and diversity occur in a growth stage-dependent manner - Author correction. Scientific Reports. 15, p. 5817.

A new conceptual model for seed germination and seedling tillering of winter wheat in the field

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Chen, J., Whalley, P. A., Li, Z., Gao, Y., Zhang, X., Hawkesford, M. J. and Whalley, W. R. 2025. A new conceptual model for seed germination and seedling tillering of winter wheat in the field. Royal Society Open Science. 12 (1), p. 240723.

An improved approach for estimating root elongation rate from penetrometer resistance and macropore porosity on a silty clay loam soil

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Qin, S, Liu, L., Whalley, W. R., Zhou, H., Ren, T. and Gao, W. 2025. An improved approach for estimating root elongation rate from penetrometer resistance and macropore porosity on a silty clay loam soil. Soil & Tillage Research. 248 (May), p. 106439.

Understanding plant–soil interactions underpins enhanced sustainability of crop production

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Wang, X., Cheng, L., Xiong, C., Whalley, W. R., Miller, A. J., Rengel, Z., Zhang, F. and Shen, J. 2024. Understanding plant–soil interactions underpins enhanced sustainability of crop production. Trends in Plant Science. 29 (11).

DGCNN approach links metagenome-derived taxon and functional information providing insight into global soil organic carbon

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Gardiner, L., Marshall, M., Reusch, K., Dearden, C., Birmingham, M., Carrieri, A. P., Pyzer-Knapp, E. O., Krishna, R. and Neal, A. L. 2024. DGCNN approach links metagenome-derived taxon and functional information providing insight into global soil organic carbon. NPJ Biofilms Microbiomes. 10, p. 113.

Exploring the plant and soil mechanisms by which crop rotations benefit farming systems

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Malik, A. I., Bell, R., Zang, H., Boitt, G. and Whalley, W. R. 2024. Exploring the plant and soil mechanisms by which crop rotations benefit farming systems. Plant and Soil.

Caatinga Microbiome Initiative: disentangling the soil microbiome across areas under desertification and restoration in the Brazilian drylands

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Araujo, A. S. F., Medeiros, E. V. D., Costa, D. P. D., Mendes, L. W., Cherubin, M. R., Neto, F. D. A., Beirigo, R. M., Lambais, G. R., Melo, V. M. M., Nobrega, G. G., Barbosa, H. A., Mota, J. C. A., Santana, R. M., Kavamura, V. N., Borges, W. L. and Pereira, A. P. A. 2024. Caatinga Microbiome Initiative: disentangling the soil microbiome across areas under desertification and restoration in the Brazilian drylands. Restoration Ecology. p. e14298.

Soil Mechanical Resistance and Root Growth and Function

B - Book chapters etc edited externally
Whalley, W. R., Bengough, A. G., Hawkesford, M. J., Mooney, S. J., Bennett, M. J. and Pandey, B. K. 2024. Soil Mechanical Resistance and Root Growth and Function. in: Beeckman, T. and Eshel, A. (ed.) Plant Roots – The Hidden Half Taylor & Francis. pp. 415-432

Identification and genomic analysis of a thermophilic bacterial strain that reduces ammonia loss from composting

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Chen, X., Feng, R., Du, Q., Mauchline, T. H., Clark, I. M., Lu, Y. and Liu, L. 2024. Identification and genomic analysis of a thermophilic bacterial strain that reduces ammonia loss from composting. Microbiology Spectrum. 0, pp. e00763-24.

Geographic bioprospection of maize rhizoplane-associated bacteria for consortia construction and impact on plant growth and nutrient uptake under low P availability

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Nkir, D., Aallam, Y., Ibnyasser, A., Haddine, M., Benbrik, B., Barakat, A., Reid, T. E., Lund, G., Mauchline, T. H., Clark, I. M., Bargaz, A. and Rchiad, Z. 2024. Geographic bioprospection of maize rhizoplane-associated bacteria for consortia construction and impact on plant growth and nutrient uptake under low P availability. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 226 (October), p. 105939.

Phosphorus availability drives the effect of legume-wheat intercropping on prokaryotic community interactions

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Lo-Presti, E., Kavamura, V. N., Abadie, M., Romeo, M., Reid, T., Heuer, S., Monti, M. and Mauchline, T. H. 2024. Phosphorus availability drives the effect of legume-wheat intercropping on prokaryotic community interactions. Applied Soil Ecology. 199 (July), p. 105414.

Diversity and multifunctional potential for plant growth promotion in bacteria from soil and the rhizosphere

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Oliveira, L. M. D., Kavamura, V. N., Clark, I. M., Mauchline, T. H. and Souza, J. T. D. 2024. Diversity and multifunctional potential for plant growth promotion in bacteria from soil and the rhizosphere. Soil Use and Management. 40 (2), p. e13082.

Frontier-Line Analysis

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Webster, R. and Viscarra Rossel, R. A. 2024. Frontier-Line Analysis. Pedometron newsletter of the Pedometrics Commission of the IUSS. 48, pp. 6 - 11.

A hydro-thermo-damage-mechanical fully coupled cohesive phase-field model for fracking in quasi-brittle thermo-poroelastic media

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Li, H., Yang, Z., Zhang, X. and Li, S. 2024. A hydro-thermo-damage-mechanical fully coupled cohesive phase-field model for fracking in quasi-brittle thermo-poroelastic media. Engineering fracture mechanics. 301 (May), p. 110018.

Potential unintended consequences of agricultural land use change driven by dietary transitions

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Blackwell, M. S. A., Takahashi, T., Cardenas, L. M., Collins, A. L., Enriquez, D., Griffith, B. A., Hunt, J., Lee, M. R. F., Misselbrook, T. H., Neal, A. L., Rivero, M. J., Shield, I. F., Storkey, J., Wu, L. and Harris, P. 2024. Potential unintended consequences of agricultural land use change driven by dietary transitions. npj sustainable agriculture. 2 (1).

Frontier-line analysis: a novel pedometric technique for estimating potential carbon sequestration

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Rossel, R. A. V. and Webster, R. 2024. Frontier-line analysis: a novel pedometric technique for estimating potential carbon sequestration. Pedometron newsletter of the Pedometrics Commission of the IUSS. 48, pp. 6-11.

The pore-rhizosheath shapes maize root architecture by enhancing root distribution in macropores

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Liu, L., Qin, S., Whalley, W. R., Zhou, H., Ren, T. and Gao, W. 2024. The pore-rhizosheath shapes maize root architecture by enhancing root distribution in macropores. Plant, Cell and Environment. pp. 1-12.

Data for: Agricultural intensification reduces selection of putative plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria in wheat

N - Datasets
Reid, T., Kavamura, V. N., Torres-Ballesteros, A., Smith, M., Abadie, M., Pawlett, M., Clark, I. M., Harris, J. A. and Mauchline, T. H. 2024. Data for: Agricultural intensification reduces selection of putative plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria in wheat.

The potato rhizosphere microbiota correlated to the yield of three different regions in Korea

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Bak, G., Lee, K. K., Clark, I. M., Mauchline, T. H., Kavamura, V. N., Lund, G., Jee, S., Lee, J., Kim, H. and Lee, Y. 2024. The potato rhizosphere microbiota correlated to the yield of three different regions in Korea. Scientific Reports. 14, p. 4536.

A warming climate will make Australian soil a net emitter of atmospheric CO2

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Rossel, R. A. V., Zhang, M., Behrens, T. and Webster, R. 2024. A warming climate will make Australian soil a net emitter of atmospheric CO2. npj climate and atmospheric science. 7, p. 79.

How much organic carbon could the soil store? The carbon sequestration potential of Australian soil

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Rossel, R. A. V., Webster, R., Zhang, M., Shen, Z., Dixon, K., Wang, Y. -. and Walden, L. 2024. How much organic carbon could the soil store? The carbon sequestration potential of Australian soil. Global Change Biology. 30 (1), p. e17053.

Agricultural intensification reduces selection of putative plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria in wheat

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Reid, T., Kavamura, V. N., Torres-Ballesteros, A., Smith, M. E., Abadie, M., Pawlett, M., Clark, I. M., Harris, J. A. and Mauchline, T. H. 2024. Agricultural intensification reduces selection of putative plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria in wheat. The ISME Journal. 18 (1), p. wrae131.

The effects of soil compaction on wheat seedling root growth are specific to soil texture and soil moisture status

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Yu, C., Mawodza, T., Atkinson, B. S., Atkinson, J. A., Sturrock, C. J., Whalley, W. R., Hawkesford, M. J., Cooper, H., Zhang, X., Zhou, H. and Mooney, S. J. 2024. The effects of soil compaction on wheat seedling root growth are specific to soil texture and soil moisture status. Rhizosphere. 29, p. 100838.

Comparison of direct and indirect soil organic carbon prediction at farm field scale

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Segura, C., Neal, A. L., Castro-Sardina, L., Harris, P., Rivero, M. J., Cardenas, L. M. and Irisarri, G. 2024. Comparison of direct and indirect soil organic carbon prediction at farm field scale. Journal of Environmental Management. 365 (August), p. 121573.

A new concept for modelling the moisture dependence of heterotrophic soil respiration

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Huang, Z., Liu, Y., Huang, P., Li, Z. and Zhang, X. 2023. A new concept for modelling the moisture dependence of heterotrophic soil respiration. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 185, p. 109147.

Repeated exposure of wheat to the fungal root pathogen Bipolaris sorokiniana modulates rhizosphere microbiome assembly and disease suppressiveness

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Abreu Soares Costa, L., Rabelo de Faria, M., Barros Chiaramonte, J., Mendes, L., Sepo, E., de Hollander, M., Maurício Cunha Fernandes, J., Carrion, V., Bettiol, W., Mauchline, T. H., Raaijmakers, J. and Mendes, R. 2023. Repeated exposure of wheat to the fungal root pathogen Bipolaris sorokiniana modulates rhizosphere microbiome assembly and disease suppressiveness. Environmental Microbiome. 18.

Characterising the Influence of First-Year Wheat Cultivar on Pseudomonas Selection and Function in a Take-All Infected Field

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Zadjali, M. A., Rabiey, M., Mcmillan, V. E., Shaw, L. J., Hammond-Kosack, K. E., Malone, J. G., Mauchline, T. H. and Jackson, R. W. 2023. Characterising the Influence of First-Year Wheat Cultivar on Pseudomonas Selection and Function in a Take-All Infected Field. Crops. 3 (3), pp. 195-208.

Recognition of notable past soil scientists

B - Book chapters etc edited externally
Gossa, M. J., Blagodatskayab, E., Bruggenc, A. H. V., Joschkod, M., Schradere, S. and Tebbee, C. 2023. Recognition of notable past soil scientists. in: Webster, R. (ed.) Encycopledia of Soils in the Environment 2nd edition Volume 5 Elsevier. pp. 680-690

Root phenotyping and root water uptake calculation using soil water contents measured in a winter wheat field

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Huang, Z., Zhang, X., Ashton, R. W., Hawkesford, M. J. and Whalley, W. R. 2023. Root phenotyping and root water uptake calculation using soil water contents measured in a winter wheat field. Agricultural Water Management. 290, p. 108607.

Soil structure has a greater effect on the rooting of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) than nitrogen fertilisation rate or genotype.

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Mawodza, T., Zhou, H., Atkinson, B. S., Atkinson, J. A., Sturrock, C. J., Riche, A. B., Whalley, W. R., Hawkesford, M. J., Cooper, H. V. and Mooney, S. J. 2023. Soil structure has a greater effect on the rooting of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) than nitrogen fertilisation rate or genotype. Rhizosphere. 27 (Sept), p. 100770.

Root exudation of organic acid anions and recruitment of beneficial actinobacteria facilitate phosphorus uptake by maize in compacted silt loam soil

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Zhang, F., Hou, Y., Zed, R., Mauchline, T. H., Shen, J., Zhang, F. and Jin, K. 2023. Root exudation of organic acid anions and recruitment of beneficial actinobacteria facilitate phosphorus uptake by maize in compacted silt loam soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 184 (Sept), p. 109074.

Microbial Catabolic Activity: Methods, Pertinence, and Potential Interest for Improving Microbial Inoculant Efficiency

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Ndour, P. M. S., Bargaz, A., Rchiad, Z., Pawlett, M., Clark, I. M., Mauchline, T. H., Harris, J. and Lyamlouli, K. 2023. Microbial Catabolic Activity: Methods, Pertinence, and Potential Interest for Improving Microbial Inoculant Efficiency. Microbial Ecology. 86, pp. 2211-2230.

The UK Crop Microbiome Cryobank – Advancing Microbiome Research for Sustainable Agriculture

Conference keynote
Taketani, R. G., Ryan, M. J., Mauchline, T. H., Malone, J., Jones, S., Thompson, C., Bonnin, J. M., Stewart, H., Yau, P., Clark, I. M. and Holden, N. 2023. The UK Crop Microbiome Cryobank – Advancing Microbiome Research for Sustainable Agriculture.

Soil structure has a greater effect on the rooting of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) than nitrogen fertilisation rate or genotype

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Mawodza, T., Zhou, H., Atkinson, B. S., Atkinson, J. A., Sturrock, C. J., Riche, A. B., Whalley, W. R., Hawkesford, M. J., Cooper, H. and Mooney, S. J. 2023. Soil structure has a greater effect on the rooting of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) than nitrogen fertilisation rate or genotype. Rhizosphere. 27, p. 100770.

Field features of the North Wyke Farm Platform: weather, topography, soil, ecosystem services provision index and management

N - Datasets
Segura, C., Neal, A. L., Castro-Sardina, L. and Irisarri, G. 2023. Field features of the North Wyke Farm Platform: weather, topography, soil, ecosystem services provision index and management . Rothamsted Research.

A new Rothamsted long-term field experiment for the twenty-first century: principles and practice

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Li, X., Storkey, J., Mead, A., Shield, I. F., Clark, I. M., Ostler, R., Roberts, B. and Dobermann, A. 2023. A new Rothamsted long-term field experiment for the twenty-first century: principles and practice. Agronomy for Sustainable Development - ASD. 43 (5), p. 60.

Does no-tillage mitigate the negative effects of harvest compaction on soil pore characteristics in Northeast China?

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Tian, M., Whalley, W. R., Zhou, H., Ren, T. and Gao, W. 2023. Does no-tillage mitigate the negative effects of harvest compaction on soil pore characteristics in Northeast China? Soil & Tillage Research. 233, p. 105787.

Impact of Contrasting Poultry Exposures on Human, Poultry, and Wastewater Antibiotic Resistomes in Bangladesh

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Williams, A. D., Rousham, E., Neal, A. L., Amin, M. B., Hobman, J. L., Stekel, D. and Islam, M. A. 2023. Impact of Contrasting Poultry Exposures on Human, Poultry, and Wastewater Antibiotic Resistomes in Bangladesh. Microbiology Spectrum. 11 (6), pp. 10.1128/spectrum.01763-23.

Uncertainty assessment of spatial soil information

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Heuvelink, G. B. M and Webster, R. 2023. Uncertainty assessment of spatial soil information. Encyclopedia of soils in the environment. 4, pp. 671-683.

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