Geographic bioprospection of maize rhizoplane-associated bacteria for consortia construction and impact on plant growth and nutrient uptake under low P availability

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Nkir, D., Aallam, Y., Ibnyasser, A., Haddine, M., Benbrik, B., Barakat, A., Reid, T. E., Lund, G., Mauchline, T. H., Clark, I. M., Bargaz, A. and Rchiad, Z. 2024. Geographic bioprospection of maize rhizoplane-associated bacteria for consortia construction and impact on plant growth and nutrient uptake under low P availability. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 226 (October), p. 105939.

AuthorsNkir, D., Aallam, Y., Ibnyasser, A., Haddine, M., Benbrik, B., Barakat, A., Reid, T. E., Lund, G., Mauchline, T. H., Clark, I. M., Bargaz, A. and Rchiad, Z.

Application of beneficial microbial consortia for improving plant growth and productivity is considered a major approach to attain sustainable crop production. The construction of plant growth promoting (PGP) bacterial consortia (BC) is reliant on the design of microbial systems based on tuned inter-species interactions with known ecological functions. In this study, maize rhizoplane-associated bacteria were isolated from seven distinct agricultural regions in Morocco. Taxonomic and functional (related to phosphorus “P” use) diversity of 107 rhizoplane bacterial isolates were explored to construct BC while preserving the diversity of the niche they were isolated from. Thirty-six BC were generated, including 28 intra-zone consortia, seven intra-region consortia and one global BC. Quantification of three functional genes: glucose dehydrogenase encoding gene (gcd), pyrroloquinoline quinone (pqqC), and alkaline phosphatase encoding gene (phoD), involved in P cycling, confirmed the presence of gcd in nineteen BC, pqqC in eight BC and phoD in only one BC. In vitro functional characterization revealed that all BC were able to solubilize/mineralize P (50–88 ppm) through the production of organic acids and acid phosphatase (25 – 280 nmol.h−1). Assessment of above- and below-ground parameters of 45-day old maize plants identified five potential niche-constructed “intra-zone” BC (BC-6, -11, -12, -14, and -18) notably in terms of plant biomass, shoot nutrient (N, P, K) uptake and induced root morphological and physiological traits. These BC were associated with increased rhizosphere available P (80 ppm) and decreased microbial biomass P (17 ppm) while the remaining BC significantly increased microbial biomass P (30 ppm) at the expense of a decreased rhizosphere available P (35 ppm) with no significant effect on plant nutrient uptake and biomass. These findings demonstrate that intra-zone BC constructed from the same niche outperformed the intra- and inter-region consortia, supporting the niche-conservatism approach to construct P-efficient BC. This study lays a technical foundation for the construction of synthetic microbial consortia for plant growth and nutrient acquisition, through the optimization of inter-species bacterial interactions.

KeywordsBacterial consortia; Functional genes; Maize rhizoplane; Organic acids; Rock phosphate; Solubilization
Year of Publication2024
JournalEnvironmental and Experimental Botany
Journal citation226 (October), p. 105939
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
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Open accessPublished as non-open access
FunderOffice Chérifien des Phosphate (OCP)
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Funder project or codeGrowing Health [ISP]
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Accepted author manuscript
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Output statusPublished
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Online23 Aug 2024
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Accepted09 Aug 2024

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