Liz Dixon

NameLiz Dixon
Job titleSenior Lab Specialist
DepartmentNet Zero and Resilient Farming
Research clusterCAS: Analytical Chemistry
Preferred citationDixon, E. R.
OfficeNorth Wyke

Research outputs

Spatial and bulked soil and herbage selenium concentrations in different pasture types in SW England

Summerfield, A., Dixon, E. R., Hunt, J., Fleming, H. R. and Lee, M. R. F. 2023. Spatial and bulked soil and herbage selenium concentrations in different pasture types in SW England. Rothamsted Research.

Water chemistry of combined surface and subsurface runoff from the North Wyke Farm Platform, with hydrologically isolated catchments sown with different pasture types.

Granger, S. J., Quincke, J. A., Carswell, A. M., Olde, L., Darch, T., Peukert, S., Horrocks, C. A., Dixon, E. R., Collins, A. L., Blackwell, M. S. A., Murray, P. J., Dungait, J. A. J. and Harris, P. 2023. Water chemistry of combined surface and subsurface runoff from the North Wyke Farm Platform, with hydrologically isolated catchments sown with different pasture types. Rothamsted Research.

Grazing and topography control nutrient pools in low Arctic soils of Southwest Greenland

Van Soest, M. A. J, Anderson, N. J., Bol, R., Dixon, E. R. and Haygarth, P. M. 2022. Grazing and topography control nutrient pools in low Arctic soils of Southwest Greenland. European Journal of Soil Science. 73 (4), p. e13278.

High-yielding forage grass cultivars increase root biomass and soil organic carbon stocks compared with mixed-species permanent pasture in temperate soil

Gregory, A. S., Joynes, A., Dixon, E. R., Beaumont, D. A., Murray, P. J., Humphreys, M. W., Richter, G. M. and Dungait, J. A. J. 2021. High-yielding forage grass cultivars increase root biomass and soil organic carbon stocks compared with mixed-species permanent pasture in temperate soil. European Journal of Soil Science.

Application of a triple 15N tracing technique to elucidate N transformations in a UK grassland soil

Loick, N., Dixon, E. R., Matthews, G. P., Muller, C., Ciganda, V. S., Lopez-Aizpun, M., Repullo, M. A. and Cardenas, L. M. 2021. Application of a triple 15N tracing technique to elucidate N transformations in a UK grassland soil. Geoderma. 385, p. 114844.

Edaphic factors and plants influence denitrification in soils from a long-term arable experiment

Clark, I. M., Fu, Q., Abadie, M., Dixon, E. R., Blaud, A. and Hirsch, P. R. 2020. Edaphic factors and plants influence denitrification in soils from a long-term arable experiment. Scientific Reports. 10 (Article), p. 16053.

Improved isotopic model based on 15N tracing and Rayleigh-type isotope fractionation for simulating differential sources of N2O emissions in a clay grassland soil

Castellano-Hinojosa, A., Loick, N., Dixon, E. R., Matthews, P., Lewicka-Szczebak, D., Well, R., Bol, R., Charteris, A. and Cardenas, L. M. 2019. Improved isotopic model based on 15N tracing and Rayleigh-type isotope fractionation for simulating differential sources of N2O emissions in a clay grassland soil. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry.

Isotopic evidence of biotrophy and unusual nitrogen nutrition in soil‐dwelling Hygrophoraceae

Halbwachs, H., Easton, G. L., Bol, R., Hobbie, E. A., Garnett, M. H., Persoh, D., Dixon, E. R., Ostle, N., Karasch, P. and Griffith, G. W. 2018. Isotopic evidence of biotrophy and unusual nitrogen nutrition in soil‐dwelling Hygrophoraceae. Environmental Microbiology. 20 (10), pp. 3573-3588.

Effect of long‐term drainage on plant community, soil carbon and nitrogen contents and stable isotopic (δ13C, δ15N) composition of a permanent grassland

Harris, P., Bol, R., Evans, J., Hawkins, J. M. B., Dixon, E. R., Wolf, K., Dungait, J. A. J., Griffith, B. A., Herbst, M., Dhanoa, M. S., Beaumont, D. A., Dunn, R. M. and Weisenberg, G. L. B. 2018. Effect of long‐term drainage on plant community, soil carbon and nitrogen contents and stable isotopic (δ13C, δ15N) composition of a permanent grassland. European Journal of Soil Science. 69 (1), pp. 48-68.

Fate of 15N-labelled ammonium nitrate with or without the new nitrification inhibitor DMPSA in an irrigated maize crop

Guardia, G., Vallejo, A., Cardenas, L. M., Dixon, E. R. and Garcia-Marco, S. 2018. Fate of 15N-labelled ammonium nitrate with or without the new nitrification inhibitor DMPSA in an irrigated maize crop. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 116 (January), pp. 193-202.

Impact of microbial activity on the leaching of soluble N forms in soil

Carswell, A. M., Hill, P. W., Jones, D. L., Blackwell, M. S. A., Johnes, P. J., Dixon, E. R. and Chadwick, D. R. 2018. Impact of microbial activity on the leaching of soluble N forms in soil. Biology And Fertility Of Soils. 54 (1), pp. 21-25.

Fingerprinting source contributions to bed sediment‐associated organic matter in the headwater subcatchments of the River Itchen SAC, Hampshire, UK

Collins, A. L., Zhang, Y., McMillan, S., Dixon, E. R., Cancer-Berroya, E., Poiret, C. and Stringellow, A. 2017. Fingerprinting source contributions to bed sediment‐associated organic matter in the headwater subcatchments of the River Itchen SAC, Hampshire, UK. River Research and Applications. 33 (10), pp. 1515-1526.

“Hot spots” of N and C impact nitric oxide, nitrous oxide and nitrogen gas emissions from a UK grassland soil

Loick, N., Dixon, E. R., Abalos, D., Vallejo, A., Matthews, G. P., Mcgeough, K., Watson, C. J., Baggs, E. M. and Cardenas, L. M. 2017. “Hot spots” of N and C impact nitric oxide, nitrous oxide and nitrogen gas emissions from a UK grassland soil. Geoderma. 305 (1 November), pp. 336-345.

Sediment‐associated organic matter sources and sediment oxygen demand in a Special Area of Conservation (SAC): A case study of the River Axe, UK

Collins, A. L., Zhang, Y., McMillan, S., Dixon, E. R., Stringfellow, A., Bateman, S. and Sear, D. A. 2017. Sediment‐associated organic matter sources and sediment oxygen demand in a Special Area of Conservation (SAC): A case study of the River Axe, UK. River Research and Applications. 33 (10), pp. 1539-1552.

Long-term management changes in topsoil and subsoil organic carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a temperate agricultural system

Gregory, A. S., Dungait, J. A. J., Watts, C. W., Bol, R., Dixon, E. R., White, R. P. and Whitmore, A. P. 2016. Long-term management changes in topsoil and subsoil organic carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a temperate agricultural system. European Journal of Soil Science. 67 (4), pp. 421-430.

Effect of cover crops on greenhouse gas emissions in an irrigated field under integrated soil fertility management

Guardia, G., Abalos, D., García-Marco, S., Quemada, M., Alonso-Ayuso, M., Cardenas, L. M., Dixon, E. R. and Vallejo, A. 2016. Effect of cover crops on greenhouse gas emissions in an irrigated field under integrated soil fertility management. Biogeosciences. 13 (18), pp. 5245-5257.

Denitrification as a source of nitric oxide emissions from incubated soil cores from a UK grassland soil

Loick, N., Dixon, E. R., Abalos, D., Vallejo, A., Matthews, G. P., Mcgeough, K. L., Well, R., Watson, C. J., Laughlin, R. J. and Cardenas, L. M. 2016. Denitrification as a source of nitric oxide emissions from incubated soil cores from a UK grassland soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 95, pp. 1-7.

Elucidating the impact of nitrate and labile carbon application on spatial heterogeneity of denitrification by 15N modelling

Cardenas, L. M., Loick, N., Dixon, E. R., Matthews, P., Gilsanz, C., Bol, R., Lewicka-Szczebak, D. and Well, R. 2016. Elucidating the impact of nitrate and labile carbon application on spatial heterogeneity of denitrification by 15N modelling. EGU.

Land use and soil factors affecting accumulation of phosphorus species in temperate soils

Stutter, M. I., Shand, C. A., George, T. S., Blackwell, M. S. A., Dixon, E. R., Bol, R., Mackay, R. L., Richardson, A. E., Condron, L. M. and Haygarth, P. M. 2015. Land use and soil factors affecting accumulation of phosphorus species in temperate soils. Geoderma. 257-258, pp. 29-39.

Potential use of rare earth oxides as tracers of organic matter in grassland

Senbayram, M., Bol, R., Dixon, E. R., Fisher, A., Stevens, C., Quinton, J. and Fangueiro, D. 2015. Potential use of rare earth oxides as tracers of organic matter in grassland. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. 178 (2), pp. 288-296.

Sources of sediment-bound organic matter infiltrating spawning gravels during the incubation and emergence life stages of salmonids

Collins, A. L., Williams, L. J., Zhang, Y., Marius, M., Dungait, J. A. J., Smallman, D. J., Dixon, E. R., Stringfellow, A., Sear, D. A., Jones, J. I. and Naden, P. S. 2014. Sources of sediment-bound organic matter infiltrating spawning gravels during the incubation and emergence life stages of salmonids. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 196 (15 October), pp. 76-93.

Effect of nitrogen source on nitric oxide and nitrous oxide emissions from a UK grassland soil

Loick, N., Dixon, E. R., Well, R., Matthews, P. and Cardenas, L. M. 2014. Effect of nitrogen source on nitric oxide and nitrous oxide emissions from a UK grassland soil. Cordovil, C. M. d. S. (ed.) Abstracts 18th Nitrogen Workshop, Lisbon, 30 June- 3 July 2014 . pp. 465-467

Carbon and nitrogen in soil and vine roots in harrowed and grass-covered vineyards

Agnelli, A., Bol, R., Trumbore, S. E., Dixon, E. R., Cocco, S. and Corti, G. 2014. Carbon and nitrogen in soil and vine roots in harrowed and grass-covered vineyards. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 193, pp. 70-82.

Catchment source contributions to the sediment-bound organic matter degrading salmonid spawning gravels in a lowland river, southern England

Collins, A. L., Williams, L. J., Zhang, Y., Marius, M., Dungait, J. A. J., Smallman, D. J., Dixon, E. R., Stringfellow, A., Sear, D. A., Jones, J. I. and Naden, P. S. 2013. Catchment source contributions to the sediment-bound organic matter degrading salmonid spawning gravels in a lowland river, southern England. Science of the Total Environment. 456-457 (1 July), pp. 181-195.

Microbial responses to the erosional redistribution of soil organic carbon in arable fields

Dungait, J. A. J., Ghee, C., Rowan, J. S., Mckenzie, B. M., Hawes, C., Dixon, E. R., Paterson, E. and Hopkins, D. W. 2013. Microbial responses to the erosional redistribution of soil organic carbon in arable fields. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 60, pp. 195-201.

Stable carbon isotope analysis of fluvial sediment fluxes over two contrasting C4-C3 semi-arid vegetation transitions

Puttock, A., Dungait, J. A. J., Bol, R., Dixon, E. R., Macleod, C. J. A. and Brazier, R. E. 2012. Stable carbon isotope analysis of fluvial sediment fluxes over two contrasting C4-C3 semi-arid vegetation transitions. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. 26 (20), pp. 2386-2392.

Long term drainage alters plant biodiversity and soil C- and N-storage

Wolf, K., Bol, R., Dungait, J. A. J., Dixon, E. R., Dhanoa, D., Beaumont, D. A. and Wiesenberg, G. L. B. 2012. Long term drainage alters plant biodiversity and soil C- and N-storage. European Geosciences Union.

Understanding spatial variability of soil properties: a key step in establishing field- to farm-scale agro-ecosystem experiments

Peukert, S., Bol, R., Roberts, W., Macleod, C. J. A., Murray, P. J., Dixon, E. R. and Brazier, R. E. 2012. Understanding spatial variability of soil properties: a key step in establishing field- to farm-scale agro-ecosystem experiments. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. 26 (1), pp. 2413-2421.

Dissolved phosphorus composition of grassland leachates following application of dairy-slurry size fractions

Fuentes, B., Dixon, E. R., De La Luz Mora, M., Turner, B. L. and Bol, R. 2012. Dissolved phosphorus composition of grassland leachates following application of dairy-slurry size fractions. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. 175 (1), pp. 78-85.

The effect of agricultural land use on the nature and dynamics of subsoil

Gregory, A. S., Dungait, J. A. J., Dixon, E. R., Bol, R. and Whitmore, A. P. 2012. The effect of agricultural land use on the nature and dynamics of subsoil. Abstracts 4th International Congress Eurosoil, Bari, 2-6 July 2012 . pp. 387

Gross and net rates of nitrogen mineralisation in soil amended with composted olive mill pomace

Gomez-Munoz, B., Hatch, D. J., Bol, R., Dixon, E. R. and Garcia-Ruiz, R. 2011. Gross and net rates of nitrogen mineralisation in soil amended with composted olive mill pomace. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. 25 (11), pp. 1472-1478.

Multi-scale approaches to investigating C dynamics in grassland systems

Dungait, J. A. J., Bol, R., Murray, P. J., Dixon, E. R., Granger, S. J., Crotty, F. V., Hirsch, P. R., Evershed, R. and Goulding, K. W. T. 2011. Multi-scale approaches to investigating C dynamics in grassland systems. Abstracts AGU Fall Meeting 2011, San Francisco, 5-9 December 2011 .

Long-term release of carbon from grassland soil amended with different slurry particle size fractions: a laboratory incubation study

Grilo, J., Bol, R., Dixon, E. R., Chadwick, D. R. and Fangueiro, D. 2011. Long-term release of carbon from grassland soil amended with different slurry particle size fractions: a laboratory incubation study. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. 25 (11), pp. 1514-1520.

High rates of nitrogen cycling in volcanic soils from Chilean grasslands

Dixon, E. R., Cardenas, L. M., Alfaro, M., Salazar, F. and Hatch, D. J. 2011. High rates of nitrogen cycling in volcanic soils from Chilean grasslands. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. 25 (11), pp. 1521-1526.

Short term N2O, CH4 and CO2 production from soil sampled at different depths and amended with a fine sized slurry fraction1

Fangueiro, D., Chadwick, D. R., Dixon, E. R., Grilo, J., Walter, N. and Bol, R. 2010. Short term N2O, CH4 and CO2 production from soil sampled at different depths and amended with a fine sized slurry fraction1. Chemosphere. 81 (1), pp. 100-108.

Evidence for production of NO and N2O in two contrasting subsoils following the addition of synthetic cattle urine

Dixon, E. R., Laughlin, R. J., Watson, C. J. and Hatch, D. J. 2010. Evidence for production of NO and N2O in two contrasting subsoils following the addition of synthetic cattle urine. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. 24 (5), pp. 519-528.

Effect of the vineyard soil management on accumulation and properties of organic matter

Agnelli, A., Bol, R., Corti, G., Said-Pullicino, D., Dixon, E. R. and Cocco, S. 2010. Effect of the vineyard soil management on accumulation and properties of organic matter. Abstracts Stable Isotope Mass-Spectrometry User Group (SIMSUG) Meeting, Exeter, 28-30 April 2010 .

Assessing multiple novel tracers to improve the understanding of the contribution of agricultural farm waste to diffuse water pollution

Granger, S. J., Bol, R., Dixon, E. R., Naden, P. S., Old, G. H., Marsh, J. K., Bilotta, G., Brazier, R., White, S. M. and Haygarth, P. M. 2010. Assessing multiple novel tracers to improve the understanding of the contribution of agricultural farm waste to diffuse water pollution. Journal of Environmental Monitoring. 12, pp. 1159-1169.

A trial to establish the optimum 15N enrichment, amount of N and incubation time required to determine N cycling rates in carbon-rich soils using the mean pool dilution technique

Dixon, E. R., Cardenas, L. M., Butler, M., Alfaro, M., Salazar, F. and Hatch, D. J. 2010. A trial to establish the optimum 15N enrichment, amount of N and incubation time required to determine N cycling rates in carbon-rich soils using the mean pool dilution technique. Abstracts Stable Isotope Mass-Spectrometry User Group (SIMSUG) Meeting, Exeter, 28-30 April 2010 .

Measurement at the field scale of soil delta 13C and delta 15N under improved grassland

Dixon, E. R., Blackwell, M. S. A., Dhanoa, M. S., Berryman, Z., De La Fuente-Martinez, N., Junquera, D., Martinez, A., Murray, P. J., Kemp, H. F., Meier-Augenstein, W., Duffy, A. and Bol, R. 2010. Measurement at the field scale of soil delta 13C and delta 15N under improved grassland. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. 24 (5), pp. 511-518.

Organic matter dynamics in a compost-amended anthropogenic landfill capping-soil

Said-Pullicino, D., Massaccesi, L., Dixon, E. R., Bol, R. and Gigliotti, G. 2010. Organic matter dynamics in a compost-amended anthropogenic landfill capping-soil. European Journal of Soil Science. 61, pp. 35-47.

Effect of tillage system and straw management on organic matter dynamics

Hazarika, S., Parkinson, R., Bol, R., Dixon, E. R., Russell, P., Donovan, S. and Allen, D. 2009. Effect of tillage system and straw management on organic matter dynamics. Agronomy for Sustainable Development - ASD. 29, pp. 525-533.

Long-term influence of manure and mineral nitrogen applications on plant and soil 15N and 13C values from the Broadbalk Wheat Experiment

Senbayram, M., Dixon, E. R., Goulding, K. W. T. and Bol, R. 2008. Long-term influence of manure and mineral nitrogen applications on plant and soil 15N and 13C values from the Broadbalk Wheat Experiment. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. 22 (11), pp. 1735-1740.

Large old trees influence patterns of delta13C and delta15N in forests

Weber, P., Bol, R., Dixon, E. R. and Bardgett, R. D. 2008. Large old trees influence patterns of delta13C and delta15N in forests. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. 22, pp. 1627-1630.

Use of carbon isotope analysis to understand semi-arid erosion dynamics and long-term semi-arid land degradation

Turnbull, L., Brazier, R. E., Wainwright, J., Dixon, E. R. and Bol, R. 2008. Use of carbon isotope analysis to understand semi-arid erosion dynamics and long-term semi-arid land degradation. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. 22, pp. 1697-1702.

Rare earth element enhanced slurries for erosion and leaching studies in grasslands

Bol, R., Dixon, E. R., Senbayram, M., Gimbert, L., Stevens, C. and Quinton, J. 2007. Rare earth element enhanced slurries for erosion and leaching studies in grasslands. Farrimond, P. (ed.) International meeting on organic geochemistry, Torquay, 9-14 September 2007. pp. 947-948

Earthworm responses to long term agricultural management practices: Spatial relationships with soil properties

Blackshaw, R. P., Donovan, S. E., Hazarike, S., Bol, R. and Dixon, E. R. 2007. Earthworm responses to long term agricultural management practices: Spatial relationships with soil properties. European Journal Of Soil Biology. 43 (Suppl 1), pp. S171-S175.

Exploring delta 13C signals to further understanding or erosion dynamics in a semi arid C4 to C3 vegetation transition in New Mexico

Turnbull, L., Brazier, R., Wainwright, J., Dixon, E. R. and Bol, R. 2007. Exploring delta 13C signals to further understanding or erosion dynamics in a semi arid C4 to C3 vegetation transition in New Mexico. Annual meeting, Stable Isotope Mass Spectrometry User Group (SIMSUG 2007), Newcastle University.

Comparing losses of phosphorus leached from three legume species as components of grassland systems grazed by sheep

Headon, D. M., Dixon, E. R., Stone, A. C. and Scholefield, D. 2007. Comparing losses of phosphorus leached from three legume species as components of grassland systems grazed by sheep. Hopkins, J. J., Duncan, A. J., McCracken, D. I., Peel, S. and Tallowin, J. R. B. (ed.) 'High Value Grassland: providing biodiversity, a clean environment and premium products': Proceedings BGS/BES/BSAS Conference, Keele University, Staffs, 17-19 April 2007. British Grassland Society Occasional Symposium, 38. pp. 237-240

Quantification of priming and CO2 emission sources following the application of different slurry particle size fractions to a grassland soil

Fangueiro, D., Chadwick, D. R., Dixon, E. R. and Bol, R. 2007. Quantification of priming and CO2 emission sources following the application of different slurry particle size fractions to a grassland soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 39 (10), pp. 2608-2620.

Effect of different carbon and nitrogen inputs on soil chemical and biochemical properties in maize-based forage systems in Northern Italy

Monaco, S., Hatch, D. J., Dixon, E. R., Grignani, C., Sacco, D. and Zavattaro, L. 2006. Effect of different carbon and nitrogen inputs on soil chemical and biochemical properties in maize-based forage systems in Northern Italy. Proceedings of XX International Grassland Congress, Oxford Satellite Workshop, 3-6 July, 2005. pp. p82

Leaching losses of N, P and K from grazed legume based swards - some preliminary results

Dixon, E. R., Stone, A. C., Scholefield, D. and Hatch, D. J. 2006. Leaching losses of N, P and K from grazed legume based swards - some preliminary results. Proceedings of the XX International grassland congress, Oxford Satellite Workshop, 3rd - 6th July 2005. pp. p104

Nitrogen losses to surface and ground waters

Dixon, E. R. and Hatch, D. J. 2005. Nitrogen losses to surface and ground waters.

Determination of N source in denitrification studies using stable isotope techniques

Murray, P. J., Dixon, E. R., Stevens, R., Laughlin, R. and O'Prey, K. 2004. Determination of N source in denitrification studies using stable isotope techniques. Hatch, D. J., Chadwick, D., Jarvis, S. C. and Roker, J. A. (ed.) 'Controlling N Flows and Losses'. Proceedings 12th Nitrogen Workshop, University of Exeter, 21-24 September 2003. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, Netherlands. pp. 347-348

Transformations of nitrogen at the interface between the topsoil and an impervious clay subsoil

Murray, P. J., Hatch, D. J., Dixon, E. R., Granger, S. J., O'Prey, C., Stevens, R. J., Laughlin, R. J. and Jarvis, S. C. 2004. Transformations of nitrogen at the interface between the topsoil and an impervious clay subsoil. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution: Focus. 4 (6), pp. 45-52.

Denitrification potential in a grassland subsoil: effect of carbon substrates

Murray, P. J., Hatch, D. J., Dixon, E. R., Stevens, R. J., Laughlin, R. J. and Jarvis, S. C. 2004. Denitrification potential in a grassland subsoil: effect of carbon substrates. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 36 (3), pp. 545-547.

N transformations at a sub-surface clay interface: a study using undisturbed, in situ soil lysimeters

Murray, P. J., Dixon, E. R., Hatch, D. J., Granger, S. J. and Laughlin, R. 2003. N transformations at a sub-surface clay interface: a study using undisturbed, in situ soil lysimeters. Abstracts 12th N Workshop, Controlling N flows and losses, Exeter, Devon, UK, 21-24 September 2003.

Determination of N source in denitrification studies using stable isotope techniques

Murray, P. J., Hatch, D. J., Dixon, E. R., Stevens, R., Laughlin, R., O'Prey, K. and Jarvis, S. C. 2003. Determination of N source in denitrification studies using stable isotope techniques. Abstracts 12th N Workshop, Controlling N flows and losses, Exeter, Devon, UK, 21-24 September 2003.

Determination of N source in denitrification studies using stable isotope techniques

Murray, P. J., Hatch, D. J., Dixon, E. R., Stevens, R. J., Laughlin, R. J. and Jarvis, S. C. 2003. Determination of N source in denitrification studies using stable isotope techniques. Annual meeting of the Stable Isotope Mass Spectrometry Users Group (SIMSUG) 2003, Bristol, UK, 14-16 April 2003.

Using a system of undisturbed, in situ soil lysimeters to determine nitrogen transformations in a sub-surface clay interface

Dixon, E. R., Ordonez Gaete, C. I., Granger, S. J., Hatch, D. J., Murray, P. J., O'Prey, K. and Stevens, R. J. 2003. Using a system of undisturbed, in situ soil lysimeters to determine nitrogen transformations in a sub-surface clay interface. Poster 7th British Grassland Society (BGS) Research Conference, Aberystwyth, 1-3 September 2003. pp. 57-58

A method to investigate the transfer of N species in the subsoil using one metre deep soil columns

Dixon, E. R., Hatch, D. R., Murray, P. J., Jarvis, S. C., O'Prey, K., Laughlin, R. J. and Stevens, R. J. 2002. A method to investigate the transfer of N species in the subsoil using one metre deep soil columns. Abstract 'Soils and Environmental Quality'. British Society of Soil Science Conference, University of Plymouth, Seale-Hayne Campus, 8-11 September 2002.

Transfer and transformation of N species in 1 M deep soil columns

Dixon, E. R., Hatch, D. R., Murray, P. J., Laughlin, R. J., Stevens, R. J., Jarvis, S. C. and O'Prey, K. 2002. Transfer and transformation of N species in 1 M deep soil columns. NERC, Gane meeting, Nottingham University, 3-5 September 2002..

Influence of urine and components of urine on N2O emissions from grassland soils

Dixon, E. R., Hatch, D. J., Murray, P. J., Laughlin, R. J., Stevens, R. J., Jarvis, S. C. and O'Prey, K. 2002. Influence of urine and components of urine on N2O emissions from grassland soils. NERC, Gane Meeting, Nottingham University, 3-5 September 2002.

Mineralization in a permanent pasture and in a newly established sward

Lovell, R. D., Hatch, D. J. and Dixon, E. R. 2000. Mineralization in a permanent pasture and in a newly established sward. Proceedings 6th British Grassland Society Research Conference, Aberdeen, 11-13 September 2000. British Grassland Society (BGS) Hurley. pp. 109-110

Mobility and fate of nitrate applied to lysimeters

Dixon, E. R., Hatch, D. J. and Jarvis, S. C. 2000. Mobility and fate of nitrate applied to lysimeters. Proceedings 6th British Grassland Society Research Conference, Aberdeen, 11-13 September 2000. British Grassland Society (BGS) Hurley. pp. 101-102

The influence of soil pH and nitrogen fertiliser application on N2O production by nitrifier denitrification. Some preliminary results

Wrage, N., Dixon, E. R., Estavillo, J. M. and Nawalany, P. 2000. The influence of soil pH and nitrogen fertiliser application on N2O production by nitrifier denitrification. Some preliminary results. Oenema, O. and Sapek, A. (ed.) Effects of liming and nitrogen fertilizer application on soil acidity and gaseous nitrogen oxide emissions in grassland systems. Results of a field campaign in Poland within the framework of the EU-funded project COGANOG; FAIR3 CT96-1920. Institute for Land Reclamation and Grassland Farming, Falenty, Poland. pp. 72-83

The influence of soil pH and nitrogen fertiliser application on N2O production from nitrification and denitrification

Estavillo, J. M., Merino, P., Wrage, N., Dixon, E. R., Corre, W. J., Sapek, B. and Plodzik, M. 2000. The influence of soil pH and nitrogen fertiliser application on N2O production from nitrification and denitrification. Oenema, O. and Sapek, A. (ed.) Effects of liming and nitrogen fertilizer application on soil acidity and gaseous nitrogen oxide emissions in grassland systems. Results of a field campaign in Poland within the framework of the EU-funded project COGANOG; FAIR3 CT96-1920. Institute for Land Reclamation and Grassland Farming, Falenty, Poland. pp. 61-71

Carbon induced subsoil denitrification of N-15 labelled nitrate in 1 m deep soil columns

Clough, T. J., Jarvis, S. C., Dixon, E. R., Hatch, D. J., Stevens, R. J. and Laughlin, R. J. 1999. Carbon induced subsoil denitrification of N-15 labelled nitrate in 1 m deep soil columns. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 31 (1), pp. 31-41.

Emission of nitric oxide and nitrous oxide from soil under field and laboratory conditions

Williams, P. H., Jarvis, S. C. and Dixon, E. R. 1998. Emission of nitric oxide and nitrous oxide from soil under field and laboratory conditions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 30 (14), pp. 1885-1893.

Denitrification and N2O emissions from a UK pasture soil following the early spring application of cattle slurry and mineral fertiliser

Ellis, S. A., Yamulki, S., Dixon, E. R., Harrison, R. M. and Jarvis, S. C. 1998. Denitrification and N2O emissions from a UK pasture soil following the early spring application of cattle slurry and mineral fertiliser. Plant and Soil. 202 (1), pp. 15-25.

The effect of management practices to reduce nitrate leaching in dairy systems on denitrification and nitrous oxide emissions: an add-on experiment to the MIDaS study at ADAS Bridgets

Ellis, S. A., Harrison, R. M., Yamulki, S., Dixon, E. R. and Jarvis, S. C. 1996. The effect of management practices to reduce nitrate leaching in dairy systems on denitrification and nitrous oxide emissions: an add-on experiment to the MIDaS study at ADAS Bridgets.

Preliminary measurements of nitric oxide emission from fertilized soil

Williams, P. H., Jarvis, S. C. and Dixon, E. R. 1996. Preliminary measurements of nitric oxide emission from fertilized soil. Cussie, L. D. (ed.) Proceedings of a workshop on Fertilizer Requirements of Grazed pasture and Field Crops, Massey University, New Zealand.

Management effects on potential denitrification in grassland soils

Dixon, E. R., Jarvis, S. C. and Hatch, D. J. 1996. Management effects on potential denitrification in grassland soils. Nitrogen Emissions from Grassland, North Wyke, 20-22 May 1996.

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