Stephan Haefele

NameStephan Haefele
Job titlePrincipal Research Scientist - Systems Agronomy
DepartmentSustainable Soils and Crops
Research clusterSAS-H: Agronomy and Nutrient Flows
Preferred citationHaefele, S. M.

Research outputs

An introduction to conducting responsible and reproducible agricultural research

Sichinga-Ligowe, I., Joy, E., Kangara, G., Pino-Chandia, L., Rivero, M. J., Devkota, M. W., Broadley, M., Haefele, S. M. and McGrath, S. P. 2024. An introduction to conducting responsible and reproducible agricultural research. CABI Reviews. 19 (1).

Can grain P concentration be used as an indicator of fertilizer requirements in winter wheat?

Haefele, S. M., Gregory, A. S., Poulton, P. R., Hernandez, J. M. B., White, R. P. and McGrath, S. P. 2024. Can grain P concentration be used as an indicator of fertilizer requirements in winter wheat? Field Crops Research. 322 (1 March), p. 109691.

Long-term effects of lime and phosphorus application on soil extractable (Olsen) phosphorus differ between two arable UK soils

White, R. P., Haefele, S. M., Goulding, K. W. T., McGrath, S. P. and Glendining, M. J. 2024. Long-term effects of lime and phosphorus application on soil extractable (Olsen) phosphorus differ between two arable UK soils. Soil Use and Management. 40 (4), p. e13160.

A Moroccan soil spectral library use framework for improving soil property prediction: Evaluating a geostatistical approach

Gashaw-Asrat, T., Breure, T., Sakrabani, R., Corstanje, R., Hassall, K. L., Hamma, A., Kebede, F. and Haefele, S. M. 2024. A Moroccan soil spectral library use framework for improving soil property prediction: Evaluating a geostatistical approach. Geoderma. 452 (December), p. 117116.

Field trial guidelines for evaluating enhanced efficiency fertilizers

Lyons, S. E., Arnall, D. B., Ashford-Kornburger, D., Brouder, S. M., Christian, E., Dobermann, A., Haefele, S. M., Haegele, J., Helmers, M. J., Jin, V. L., Margenot, A. J., McGrath, J. M., Morgan, K. T., Murrell, T. S., Osmond, D. L., Pelster, D. E., Slaton, N. A., Vadas, P. A., Venterea, R. T., Volenec, J. J. and Wagner-Riddle, C. 2024. Field trial guidelines for evaluating enhanced efficiency fertilizers. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 89 (1), p. e20787.

Projecting the Contribution of Provitamin A Maize Biofortification and Other Nutrition Interventions to the Nutritional Adequacy and Cost of Diets in Rural Zimbabwe

Baudron, F., Cairns, J. E., Haefele, S. M., Hassall, K. L., Ndhlela, T., Nyagumbo, I., Kangara, G. and Joy, E. 2024. Projecting the Contribution of Provitamin A Maize Biofortification and Other Nutrition Interventions to the Nutritional Adequacy and Cost of Diets in Rural Zimbabwe. Journal Of Nutrition. 154 (6), pp. 1815-1826.

Macronutrient application rescues performance of tolerant sorghum genotypes when infected by the parasitic plant striga

Mwangangi, I. M., Buchi, L., Haefele, S. M. and Rodenburg, J. 2024. Macronutrient application rescues performance of tolerant sorghum genotypes when infected by the parasitic plant striga . Annals of Botany. 20, pp. 1-11.

Mehlich 3 as an indicator of grain nutrient concentration for five crops in sub-Saharan Africa

Haefele, S. M., Mossa, A. W., Gashu, D., Nalivata, P. C., Broadley, M., McGrath, S. P. and Thomas, C. L. 2024. Mehlich 3 as an indicator of grain nutrient concentration for five crops in sub-Saharan Africa. Field Crops Research. 307, p. 109243.

Controls on timescales of soil organic carbon persistence across sub-Saharan Africa

Fromm, S. F. V., Doetterl, S., Butler, B. M., Aynekulu, E., Berhe, A. A., Haefele, S. M., McGrath, S. P., Shepherd, K. D., Six, J., Tamene, L., Tondoh, E. J., Vagen, T., Winowiecki, L. A., Trumbore, S. E. and Hoyt, A. M. 2024. Controls on timescales of soil organic carbon persistence across sub-Saharan Africa. Global Change Biology. 30 (1), p. e17089.

An interlaboratory comparison of mid-infrared spectra acquisition: Instruments and procedures matter

Safanelli, J. L., Sanderman, J., Bloom, D., Todd-Brown, K., Parente, L. L., Hengl, T., Adam, S., Albinet, F., Ben-Dor, E., Boot, C. M., Bridson, J. H., Chabrillat, S., Deiss, L., Demattê, J. A., Demyan, M. S., Dercon, G., Doetterl, S., Egmond, F. V., Ferguson, R., Garrett, L. G., Haddix, M. L., Haefele, S. M., Heiling, M., Hernandez-Allica, J., Huang, J., Jastrow, J. D., Karyotis, K., Machmuller, M. B., Khesuoe, M., Margenot, A., Matamala, R., Miesel, J. R., Mouazen, A. M., Nagel, P., Patel, S., Qaswar, M., Ramakhanna, S., Resch, C., Robertson, J., Roudier, P., Sabetizade, M., Shabtai, I., Sherif, F., Sinha, N., Six, J., Summerauer, L., Thomas, C. L., Toloza, A., Tomczyk-Wójtowicz, B., Tsakiridis, N. L., Wesemael, B. V., Woodings, F., Zalidis, G. C. and Żelazny, W. R. 2023. An interlaboratory comparison of mid-infrared spectra acquisition: Instruments and procedures matter. Geoderma. 440, p. 116724.

Linking soil adsorption-desorption characteristics with grain zinc concentrations and uptake by teff, wheat and maize in different landscape positions in Ethiopia

Kebede-Desta, M., Broadley, M., McGrath, S. P., Hernandez-Allica, J., Hassall, K. L., Gameda, S., Amede, T. and Haefele, S. M. 2023. Linking soil adsorption-desorption characteristics with grain zinc concentrations and uptake by teff, wheat and maize in different landscape positions in Ethiopia. Frontiers in Agronomy. 5, p. 1285880.

Climate change mitigation through soil carbon sequestration in working lands: A reality check

Moinet, G. Y. K., Amundson, R., Galdos, M. V., Grace, P. R., Haefele, S. M., Hijbeek, R., Groenigen, J. W. V., Groenigen, K. J. V. and Powlson, D. S. 2023. Climate change mitigation through soil carbon sequestration in working lands: A reality check. Global Change Biology. 30 (1), p. e17010.

Landscape and Micronutrient Fertilizer Effect on Agro-Fortified Wheat and Teff Grain Nutrient Concentration in Western Amhara.

Kangara, G., Amede, T., Bailey, E. H., Wilson, L., Mossa, A. W., Tirfessa, D., Desta, M. K., Asrat, T. G., Agegnehu, G., Sida, T. S., Desta, G., Amare, T., Alemayehu, B., Haefele, S. M., Lark, R. M., Broadley, M. and Gameda, S. 2023. Landscape and Micronutrient Fertilizer Effect on Agro-Fortified Wheat and Teff Grain Nutrient Concentration in Western Amhara. Agronomy. 13 (10), p. 2598.

Soil Chemical Properties as Affected by Six Crop Rotation Sequences and Four Residue Levels

Hirzel, J., Undurraga, P., Leon, L., Vera, C., Matus, I. and Haefele, S. M. 2023. Soil Chemical Properties as Affected by Six Crop Rotation Sequences and Four Residue Levels. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis.

Construction of a generalised farm typology to aid selection, targeting and scaling of on farm research

Hassall, K. L., Baudron, F., MacLaren, C., Cairns, J. E., Ndhlela, T., McGrath, S. P., Nyagumbo, I. and Haefele, S. M. 2023. Construction of a generalised farm typology to aid selection, targeting and scaling of on farm research. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 212, p. 108074.

The soil organic carbon: Clay ratio in North Devon, UK: Implications for marketing soil carbon as an asset class

Pulley, S., Taylor, H., Prout, J., Haefele, S. M. and Collins, A. L. 2023. The soil organic carbon: Clay ratio in North Devon, UK: Implications for marketing soil carbon as an asset class. Soil Use and Management. 39 (3), pp. 1068-1081.

Measured and modeled nitrogen balances in lowland rice-pasture rotations in temperate South America

Castillo, J., Kirk, G. J. D., Rivero, M. J., Fabini, G., Terra, J. A., Ayala, W., Roel, A., Irisarri, P. and Haefele, S. M. 2023. Measured and modeled nitrogen balances in lowland rice-pasture rotations in temperate South America. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 7, p. 1103118.

Effect of different organic amendments on actual and achievable yields in a cereal-based cropping system

Albano, X., Whitmore, A. P., Sakrabani, O., Thomas, C. L., Sizmur, T., Ritz, K., Harris, J., Pawlett, M., Watts, C. W. and Haefele, S. M. 2023. Effect of different organic amendments on actual and achievable yields in a cereal-based cropping system. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 23, pp. 2122-2137.

Spectral soil analysis for fertilizer recommendations by coupling with QUEFTS for maize in East Africa: A sensitivity analysis

Hassall, K. L., Gashaw-Asrat, T., Haefele, S. M. and Breure, T. 2023. Spectral soil analysis for fertilizer recommendations by coupling with QUEFTS for maize in East Africa: A sensitivity analysis. Geoderma. 432, p. 116397.

Regional differences in nitrogen balance and nitrogen use efficiency in the rice–livestock system of Uruguay

Castillo, J., Kirk, G. J. D., Rivero, M. J. and Haefele, S. M. 2023. Regional differences in nitrogen balance and nitrogen use efficiency in the rice–livestock system of Uruguay. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 7, p. 1104229.

Wheat and teff grain mineral micronutrient concentration and field data from GeoNutrition on-farm field experiments in Western Amhara region, Ethiopia

Manzeke-Kangara, M.G., Amede, T., Bailey, E.H., Wilson, L., Mossa, A.W., Tirfessa, D., Kebede-Desta, M., Gashaw-Asrat, T., Agegnehu, G., Sida, T.S., Desta, G., Amare, T., Alemayehu, B., Haefele, S. M., Lark, R. M., Broadley, M. and Gameda, S. 2023. Wheat and teff grain mineral micronutrient concentration and field data from GeoNutrition on-farm field experiments in Western Amhara region, Ethiopia. Rothamsted Research.

Cereal grain mineral micronutrient and soil chemistry data from GeoNutrition surveys in Ethiopia and Malawi

Kumssa, D. B., Mossa, A. W., Amede, T., Ander, E. L., Botoman, E. H. B., Chagumaira, C., Chimungu, J. G., Davies, K. G., Gameda, S., Haefele, S. M., Hailu, K., Joy, E. J. M., Lark, R. M., Ligowe, I. S., McGrath, S. P., Milne, A. E., Muleya, P., Munthal, M., Towett, E., Walsh, M. G., Wilson, L., D.Young, S., Haji, I. R., Broadley, M., Gashu, D. and Nalivata, P. C. 2022. Cereal grain mineral micronutrient and soil chemistry data from GeoNutrition surveys in Ethiopia and Malawi. Scientific Data. 9 (1), p. 443.

Soil and landscape factors influence geospatial variation in maize grain zinc concentration in Malawi

Botoman, L., Chagumaira, C., Mossa, A. W., Amede, T., Ander, E. L., Bailey, E. H., Chimungu, J. G., Gameda, S., Gashu, D., Haefele, S. M., Joy, E. J. M., Kumssa, D. B., Ligowe, I. S., McGrath, S. P., Milne, A. E., Munthali, M., Towett, E., Walsh, M. G., Wilson, L., Young, S. D., Broadley, M. R., Lark, R. M. and Nalivata, P. C. 2022. Soil and landscape factors influence geospatial variation in maize grain zinc concentration in Malawi. Scientific Reports. 12, p. 7986.

Changes in organic carbon to clay ratios in different soils and land uses in England and Wales over time

Prout, J. M., Shepherd, K. D., McGrath, S. P., Kirk, G. J. D., Hassall, K. L. and Haefele, S. M. 2022. Changes in organic carbon to clay ratios in different soils and land uses in England and Wales over time. Scientific Reports. 12, p. 5162.

A loss function to evaluate agricultural decision‑making under uncertainty: a case study of soil spectroscopy

Breure, T., Haefele, S. M., Hannam, J. A., Corstanje, R., Webster, R., Moreno-Rojas, S. and Milne, A. E. 2022. A loss function to evaluate agricultural decision‑making under uncertainty: a case study of soil spectroscopy. Precision Agriculture. 23, pp. 1333 - 1353.

Biofortification of staple crops to eliminate human malnutrition: contributions and potential in developing countries

Kiran, A., Wakeel, A., Mahmood, K., Mubaraka, R., Haefele, H. and Haefele, S. M. 2022. Biofortification of staple crops to eliminate human malnutrition: contributions and potential in developing countries. Agronomy. 12 (2), p. 452.

Portable X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) calibration for analysis of nutrient concentrations and trace element contaminants in fertilisers

Acquah, G., Hernandez-Allica, J., Thomas, C. L., Dunham, S. J., Towett, E. K., Drake, L. B., Shepherd, K. D., McGrath, S. P. and Haefele, S. M. 2022. Portable X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) calibration for analysis of nutrient concentrations and trace element contaminants in fertilisers. PLOS ONE. 17 (1), p. e0262460.

Grain yield, plant nitrogen content and nitrogen use efficiency as affected by controlled-release urea and straw biochar in a rice field

Xin, Y., Ping, Y., Jue, L., Yujie, Z., Shuifeng, Y., Xiaotao, M., Jianqiu, C. and Haefele, S. M. 2021. Grain yield, plant nitrogen content and nitrogen use efficiency as affected by controlled-release urea and straw biochar in a rice field. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 45 (9), pp. 1393-1402.

How have smallholder farmers used digital extension tools? Developer and user voices from Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and Southeast Asia

Coggins, S., McCampbell, M., Sharma, A., Sharma, R., Haefele, S. M., Karki, E., Hetherington, J., Smith, J. and Brown, B. 2021. How have smallholder farmers used digital extension tools? Developer and user voices from Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and Southeast Asia. Global Food Security. 32 (March), p. 100577.

Long-term fertility experiments for irrigated rice in the West African Sahel: Effect on macro- and micronutrient concentrations in plant and soil

Haefele, S. M., Thomas, C. L. and Saito, K. 2022. Long-term fertility experiments for irrigated rice in the West African Sahel: Effect on macro- and micronutrient concentrations in plant and soil. Field Crops Research. 275 (1 Jan), p. 108357.

Revisiting strategies to incorporate gender-responsiveness into maize breeding in southern Africa

Cairns, J. E., Baudron, F., Hassall, K. L., Ndhlela, T., Nyagumbo, I., McGrath, S. P. and Haefele, S. M. 2021. Revisiting strategies to incorporate gender-responsiveness into maize breeding in southern Africa. Outlook on Agriculture. 51 (2), pp. 178-182.

Comparing the effect of different sample conditions and spectral libraries on the prediction accuracy of soil properties from near- and mid-infrared spectra at the field-scale

Breure, T. S., Prout, J. M., Haefele, S. M., Milne, A. E., Hannam, J. A., Moreno-Rojas, S. and Corstanje, R. 2022. Comparing the effect of different sample conditions and spectral libraries on the prediction accuracy of soil properties from near- and mid-infrared spectra at the field-scale. Soil & Tillage Research. 215, p. 105196.

The distribution of soil micro-nutrients and the effects on herbage micro-nutrient uptake and yield in three different pasture systems

Thomas, C. L., Darch, T., Harris, P., Beaumont, D. A. and Haefele, S. M. 2021. The distribution of soil micro-nutrients and the effects on herbage micro-nutrient uptake and yield in three different pasture systems. Agronomy. 11 (9), p. 1731.

The nitrogen economy of rice-livestock systems in Uruguay

Castillo, J., Kirk, G. J. D., Rivero, M. J., Dobermann, A. and Haefele, S. M. 2021. The nitrogen economy of rice-livestock systems in Uruguay. Global Food Security. 30 (September), p. 100566.

Continental-scale controls on soil organic carbon across sub-Saharan Africa

Von Fromm, S. F., Hoyt, A. M, Lange, M., Acquah, G., Aynekulu, E., Berhe, A. A, Haefele, S. M., McGrath, S. P., Shepherd, K. D., Sila, A. M., Six, J., Towett, E. K, Trumbore, S. E., Vagen, T.-G, Weullow, E., Winowiecki, L. A. and Doetterl, S. 2021. Continental-scale controls on soil organic carbon across sub-Saharan Africa. Soil. 7, pp. 305-332.

Optimizing setup of scan number in FTIR spectroscopy using the moment distance index and PLS regression: application to soil spectroscopy

Barra, I., Khiari, L., Haefele, S. M., Sakrabani, R. and Kebede, F. 2021. Optimizing setup of scan number in FTIR spectroscopy using the moment distance index and PLS regression: application to soil spectroscopy. Scientific Reports. 11, p. 13358.

The nutritional quality of cereals varies geospatially in Ethiopia and Malawi

Gashu, D., Nalivata, P. C., Amede, T., Ander, E. L., Bailey, E. H., Botoman, L., Chagumaira, C., Gameda, S., Haefele, S. M., Hailu, K., Joy, E. J. M., Kalimbira, A. A., Kumssa, D. B., Lark, R. M., Ligowe, I. S., McGrath, S. P., Milne, A. E., Mossa, A. W., Munthali, M., Towett, E. K., Walsh, M. G., Wilson, L., Young, S. D. and Broadley, M. R. 2021. The nutritional quality of cereals varies geospatially in Ethiopia and Malawi. Nature. 594, pp. 71-76.

Liming impacts barley yield over a wide concentration range of soil exchangeable cations

Holland, J. E., White, P .J., Thauvin, J. N., Jordan-Meille, L., Haefele, S. M., Thomas, C. L., Goulding, K. W. T. and McGrath, S. P. 2021. Liming impacts barley yield over a wide concentration range of soil exchangeable cations. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 120, pp. 131-144.

The grain mineral composition of barley, oat and wheat on soils with pH and soil phosphorus gradients

Jordan-Meille, L., Holland, J. E., McGrath, S. P., Glendining, M. J., Thomas, C. L. and Haefele, S. M. 2021. The grain mineral composition of barley, oat and wheat on soils with pH and soil phosphorus gradients. European Journal of Agronomy. 126, p. 126281.

African soil properties and nutrients mapped at 30 m spatial resolution using two-scale ensemble machine learning

Hengl, T., Miller, M. A. E., Krizan, J., Shepherd, K. D., Sila, A., Kilibarda, M., Antonijevic, O., Glusica, L., Dobermann, A., Haefele, S. M., McGrath, S. P., Acquah, G., Collinson, J., Parente, L., Sheykmousa, M., Saito, K., Johnson, J-M., Chamberlain, J., Silatsa, F. B. T., Yemefack, M., Wendt, J., MacMillan, R. A., Wheeler, I. and Crouch, J. 2021. African soil properties and nutrients mapped at 30 m spatial resolution using two-scale ensemble machine learning. Scientific Reports. 11, p. 6130.

Combining host plant defence with targeted nutrition: key to durable control of hemiparasitic Striga in cereals in sub-Saharan Africa?

Mwangangi, I. M., Buchi, L., Haefele, S. M., Bastiaans, L., Runo, S. and Rodenburg, J. 2021. Combining host plant defence with targeted nutrition: key to durable control of hemiparasitic Striga in cereals in sub-Saharan Africa? New Phytologist. 230 (6), pp. 2164-2178.

Impact of biochar on nutrient supply, crop yield and microbial respiration on sandy soils of northern Germany

Knoblauch, C., Priyadarshani, S. H. R., Haefele, S. M., Schroder, N. and Pfeiffer, E-M. 2021. Impact of biochar on nutrient supply, crop yield and microbial respiration on sandy soils of northern Germany. European Journal of Soil Science. 72 (4), pp. 1885-1901.

Soil spectroscopy with the use of chemometrics, machine learning and pre-processing techniques in soil diagnosis: Recent advances–A review

Barra, I., Haefele, S. M., Sakrabani, R. and Kebede, F. 2021. Soil spectroscopy with the use of chemometrics, machine learning and pre-processing techniques in soil diagnosis: Recent advances–A review. Trends in Analytical Chemistry - TrAC. 135 (February), p. 116166.

Plant Available Zinc Is Influenced by Landscape Position in the Amhara Region, Ethiopia

Desta, M. K., Broadley, M. R., McGrath, S. P., Hernandez-Allica, J., Hassall, K. L., Gameda. S., Amede. T. and Haefele, S. M. 2021. Plant Available Zinc Is Influenced by Landscape Position in the Amhara Region, Ethiopia. Plants - Basel. 10 (2), p. 254.

In quest of nitrogen use efficient rice genotypes for drought-prone rainfed ecosystems

Karmaker, B., Haefele, S. M., Henry, A., Kabir, M. H., Islam, A. and Biswas, J. C. 2021. In quest of nitrogen use efficient rice genotypes for drought-prone rainfed ecosystems. Frontiers in Agronomy. 2, p. 607792.

A comparison of soil texture measurements using mid-infrared spectroscopy (MIRS) and laser diffraction analysis (LDA) in diverse soils

Thomas, C. L., Hernandez, J. M. B., Dunham, S. J., McGrath, S. P. and Haefele, S. M. 2021. A comparison of soil texture measurements using mid-infrared spectroscopy (MIRS) and laser diffraction analysis (LDA) in diverse soils. Scientific Reports. 11 (1), p. 16.

Comprehensive nutrient analysis in agricultural organic amendments through non-destructive assays using machine learning

Towett, E. K., Drake, L. B., Acquah, G., Haefele, S. M., McGrath, S. P. and Shepherd, K. D. 2020. Comprehensive nutrient analysis in agricultural organic amendments through non-destructive assays using machine learning. PLOS ONE. 15 (12), p. e0242821.

Non‐flooding rice yield response to straw biochar and controlled‐release fertilizer

Yang, X., Liu, H., Mao, X., Deng, J. and Haefele, S. M. 2020. Non‐flooding rice yield response to straw biochar and controlled‐release fertilizer. Agronomy Journal. 112 (6), pp. 4799-4809.

Predicting the growth of lettuce from soil infrared reflectance spectra: the potential for crop management

Breure, T. S., Milne, A. E., Webster, R., Haefele, S. M., Hannam, J. A., Moreno-Rojas, S. and Corstanje, R. 2021. Predicting the growth of lettuce from soil infrared reflectance spectra: the potential for crop management. Precision Agriculture. 22, p. 226–248.

What is a good level of soil organic matter? An index based on organic carbon to clay ratio

Prout, J. M., Shepherd, K. D., McGrath, S. P., Kirk, G. J. D. and Haefele, S. M. 2020. What is a good level of soil organic matter? An index based on organic carbon to clay ratio. European Journal of Soil Science. pp. 1-11.

Data Study Group Network Final Report: Rothamsted Research

Breure, T., Carmona, C. U., Ellisck, S., Evans, B., Fahmi, A., Haefele, S. M., Hassall, K. L., Loning, M., Ruiz, D. P., Shchepanovska, D. and Thomas, C. L. 2020. Data Study Group Network Final Report: Rothamsted Research. Data Study Group Network Final Report: Rothamsted Research. Zenodo.

The Effect of Different Organic Fertilizers on Yield and Soil and Crop Nutrient Concentrations

Thomas, C. L., Acquah, G., Whitmore, A. P., McGrath, S. P. and Haefele, S. M. 2019. The Effect of Different Organic Fertilizers on Yield and Soil and Crop Nutrient Concentrations. Agronomy. 9 (12), p. 776.

Understanding the interactions between biomass, grain production and grain protein content in high and low protein wheat genotypes under controlled environments.

Eichi, V. R., Okamato, M., Haefele, S. M., Jewell, N., Brien, C., Garnett, T. and Langridge, P. 2019. Understanding the interactions between biomass, grain production and grain protein content in high and low protein wheat genotypes under controlled environments. Agronomy. 9 (11), p. 706.

DREB/CBF expression in wheat and barley using the stress-inducible promoters of HD-Zip I genes: impact on plant development, stress tolerance and yield

Yang, Y., Al-Baidhani, H. H. J., Harris, J., Riboni, M., Li, Y., Mazonka, I., Bazanova, N., Chirkova, L., Hussain, S. S., Hrmova, M., Haefele, S. M., Lopato, S. and Kovalchuk, N. 2019. DREB/CBF expression in wheat and barley using the stress-inducible promoters of HD-Zip I genes: impact on plant development, stress tolerance and yield. Plant Biotechnology Journal.

[Book review] Managing soil health for sustainable agriculture Edited by D Reicosky. Burleigh Dodds Series in Agriculture Science, Cambridge, UK, 2018. Volume 1: Fundamentals, £200, hardback, ISBN 9781786761880; Volume 2: Monitoring and Management, £160, hardback, ISBN 9781786761927

Haefele, S. M. 2019. [Book review] Managing soil health for sustainable agriculture Edited by D Reicosky. Burleigh Dodds Series in Agriculture Science, Cambridge, UK, 2018. Volume 1: Fundamentals, £200, hardback, ISBN 9781786761880; Volume 2: Monitoring and Management, £160, hardback, ISBN 9781786761927. European Journal of Soil Science.

Synergy of reduced gypsum and pressmud – a cost effective approach for sustainable reclamation of degraded sodic lands

Singh, Y. P., Mishra, V. K., Bharadwaj, A. K., Arora, S., Singh, A. K., Singh, S., Singh, U. S., Ismail, A. M. and Haefele, S. M. 2019. Synergy of reduced gypsum and pressmud – a cost effective approach for sustainable reclamation of degraded sodic lands. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 89 (6).

Genome-wide association mapping of grain yield in a diverse collection of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) evaluated in southern Australia

Garcia, M., Eckermann, P., Haefele, S. M., Satija, S., Sznaidjer, B., Timmins, A., Baumann, U., Wolters, P., Mather, D .E. and Fleury, D. 2019. Genome-wide association mapping of grain yield in a diverse collection of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) evaluated in southern Australia. PLOS ONE. 14 (2), p. e0211730.

Quantitative Estimation of Wheat Phenotyping Traits Using Ground and Aerial Imagery

Khan, Z., Chopin, J., Cai, J., Rahimi-Fichi, V., Laga, H., Haefele, S. M. and Miklavcic, S. J. 2018. Quantitative Estimation of Wheat Phenotyping Traits Using Ground and Aerial Imagery. Remote Sensing. 10 (6), p. 950.

Site-specific nutrient management enhances sink size, a major yield constraint in rainfed lowland rice

Banayo, N. P. M. C., Bueno, C. S., Haefele, S. M., Desamero, N. V. and Kato, Y. 2018. Site-specific nutrient management enhances sink size, a major yield constraint in rainfed lowland rice. Field Crops Research. 224 (1 July), pp. 76-79.

Estimation of vegetation indices for high-throughput phenotyping of wheat breeding lines using aerial imaging.

Khan, Z., Rahimi-Eichi, V., Haefele, S. M., Garnett, T. and Miklavcic, S. J. 2018. Estimation of vegetation indices for high-throughput phenotyping of wheat breeding lines using aerial imaging. Plant Methods. 14, p. 20.

Overexpression of the class I homeodomain transcription factor TaHDZipI‐5 increases drought and frost tolerance in transgenic wheat

Yang, Y., Luang, S., Harris, J., Riboni, M., Li, Y., Bazanova, N., Hrmova, M., Haefele, S. M., Kovalchuk, N. and Lopato, S. 2017. Overexpression of the class I homeodomain transcription factor TaHDZipI‐5 increases drought and frost tolerance in transgenic wheat. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 16 (6), pp. 1227-1240.

On-farm assessment of site-specific nutrient management for rainfed lowland rice in the Philippines

Banayo, N. P. M. C., Haefele, S. M., Desamero, N. V. and Kato, Y. 2017. On-farm assessment of site-specific nutrient management for rainfed lowland rice in the Philippines. Field Crops Research. 220, pp. 88-96.

Participatory evaluation guides the development and selection of farmers’ preferred rice varieties for salt- and flood-affected coastal deltas of South and Southeast Asia

Burman, D., Maji, B., Singh, Sudhanshu, Mandal, Subhasis, Sarangi, Sukanta K., Bandyopadhyay, B. K., Bal, A. R., Sharma, D. K., Krishnamurthy, S. L., Singh, H. N., delosReyes, A. S., Villanueva, D., Paris, T., Singh, U. S., Haefele, S. M. and Ismail, Abdelbagi M. 2018. Participatory evaluation guides the development and selection of farmers’ preferred rice varieties for salt- and flood-affected coastal deltas of South and Southeast Asia. Field Crops Research. 220, pp. 67-77.

A Survey: Potential Impact of Genetically Modified Maize Tolerant to Drought or Resistant to Stem Borers in Uganda

Wamatsembe, I., Asea, G. and Haefele, S. M. 2017. A Survey: Potential Impact of Genetically Modified Maize Tolerant to Drought or Resistant to Stem Borers in Uganda. Agronomy. 7 (1), p. 24.

Timing of weed management and yield losses due to weeds in irrigated rice in the Sahel

Johnson, D. E., Wopereis, M. C. S., Mbodj, D., Diallo, S., Powers, S. J. and Haefele, S. M. 2004. Timing of weed management and yield losses due to weeds in irrigated rice in the Sahel. Field Crops Research. 85 (1), pp. 31-42.