Keen, B. A. 1919. A quantitative relation between soil and the soil solution brought out by freezing-point determinations. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 9 (4), pp. 400-415.
Keen, B. A. 1914. The evaporation of water from soil. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 6 (4), pp. 456-475.
Keen, B. A. 1946. Dr. Löwy's theory of ground-water accumulation. The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science . 37 (270), pp. 502-504.
Penman, H. L. and Keen, B. A. 1943. Daily and seasonal changes in the surface temperature of fallow soil at Rothamsted. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 69 (298), pp. 1-13.
Russell, E. W., Keen, B. A. and Mann, H. H. 1942. Studies in soil cultivation: XI. The effect of inter-tillage on the sugar-beet crop. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 32 (3), pp. 330-337.
Russell, E. W., Hine, H. J. and Keen, B. A. 1942. The efficiency of pneumatic tyred tractors under farm conditions. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 32 (1), pp. 1-42.
Keen, B. A. 1940. Weather and crops. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 66 (285), pp. 155-166.
Penman, H. L. and Keen, B. A. 1940. Meteorological and soil factors affecting evaporation from fallow soil. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 66 (287), pp. 401-410.
Russell, E. J., Haryey, M. M., Keen, B. A., Cashen, G. H., Rowland, F. E. and Cameron Brown, C. A. 1937. The Use of Electricity in Agriculture Rothamsted Conference RC No 21 . Rothamsted Research.
Keen, B. A. and Cashen, G. H. 1936. Some aspects of cultivation and other power operations on the farm. Journal and Transactions of the Society of Engineers. 27, pp. 114-128.
Keen, B. A. 1936. The circulation of water in the soil between the surface and the level of underground water. Bulletin of the International Association of Scientific Hydrology. 22, pp. 328-331.
Keen, B. A. 1934. The functions of mechanical power in soil cultivation. Proceedings of the Institution of Automobile Engineers. 29 (1), pp. 179-194.
Keen, B. A. 1934. The contribution of Rothamsted to Soil Physics. Rothamsted Research Annual Report. 1934, pp. 35-48.
Vicount Lymington, Russell, E. J., Greig, R., Newman, J. E., Watson, J. A. S., Nevile, G. H., Orin, C. S., Brown, A. H., Wolton, E. D., Dudley, R., Keen, B. A. and Miller, H. G. 1933. Mechanization and British Agriculture Rothamsted Conference RC No 14 . Rothamsted Research.
Keen, B. A. and Cashen, G. H. 1932. Studies in Soil cultivation. VI. The physical effect of sheep folding on the soil ((With five text-figures). The Journal of Agricultural Science. 22 (1), pp. 126-134.
Keen, B. A. 1930. “Single Value” Soil Properties. A Study of the Significance of Certain Soil Constants. IV. A Further Note on the Technique of the “Box” Experiment . The Journal of Agricultural Science. 20 (3), pp. 414-416.
Keen, B. A. and Staff of the Soil Physics Department 1930. Studies in soil cultivation. V. Rotary cultivation. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 20 (3), pp. 364-389.
Keen, B. A. and Coutts, J. R. H. 1928. Single value soil properties A study of the significance of certain soil constants. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 18 (4), pp. 740-765.
Sub-Committee of the Agricultural Education Association and Keen, B. A. 1928. Revised official British method for mechanical analysis. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 18, pp. 734-739.
Keen, B. A. 1927. The place of the tractor in soil cultivation. Proceedings of the Institution of Automobile Engineers. 21 (2), pp. 242-274.
Keen, B. A., Crowther, E. M. and Coutts, J. R. H. 1926. The evaporation of water from soil III. A critical study of the Technique. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 16 (1), pp. 105-122.
A Sub-Committee of the Agricultural Education Association and Keen, B. A. 1926. The mechanical analysis of soils. A report on the present position and recommendations for a new official method. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 16 (1), pp. 123-144.
Haines, W. B. and Keen, B. A. 1925. Studies in soil cultivation. III. Measurements on the Rothamsted classical plots by means of dynamometer and plough. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 15 (3), pp. 395-406.
Haines, W. B. and Keen, B. A. 1925. Studies in soil cultivation. II. A test of soil uniformity by means of dynamometer and plough. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 15 (3), pp. 387-394.
Keen, B. A. and Haines, W. B. 1925. Studies in soil cultivation. I. The evolution of a reliable dynamometer technique for use in soil cultivation experiments. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 15 (3), pp. 375-386.
Puri, A. N. and Keen, B. A. 1925. The dispersion of soil in water under various conditions. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 15 (2), pp. 147-161.
Keen, B. A. 1925. The use of the dynamometer in soil cultivation studies and implement trials. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 86, pp. 30-43.
Puri, A. N., Crowther, E. M. and Keen, B. A. 1925. The relation between the vapour pressure and water content of soils. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 15 (1), pp. 68-88.
Coutts, J. R. H., Crowther, E. M., Keen, B. A. and Oden, S. 1924. An automatic and continuous recording balance. (The Oden-Keen balance). Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 106 (735), pp. 33-51.
Keen, B. A. 1924. On the moisture relationships in an ideal soil. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 14 (2), pp. 170-177.
Keen, B. A. and Haines, W. B. 1923. On the effect of wear on small mesh wire sieves. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 13 (4), pp. 467-482.
Keen, B. A. 1922. Section II.—Papers and discussion on “soil moisture”. The system soil-soil moisture. Transactions of the Faraday Society. 17, pp. 228-243.
Keen, B. A. and Rackowski, H. 1921. The relation between the clay content of certain physical properties of a soil. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 11 (4), pp. 441-449.
Keen, B. A. 1921. The evaporation of water from soil. II.: Influence of soil type and manurial treatment. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 11 (4), pp. 432-440.
Keen, B. A. and Russell, E. J. 1921. The factors determining soil temperature. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 11 (3), pp. 211-239.
Keen, B. A. 1920. The relations existing between the soil and its water content: A Résumé of the Subject. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 10 (1), pp. 44-71.
Keen, B. A. 1919. A note on the capillary rise of water in soils. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 9 (4), pp. 396-399.