1. Development of research on the insect aerofauna
  2. The way out
  3. Fertiliser placement
  4. Rothamsted field experiments
  5. The effects of plants and animals on soil fertility A review of Rothamsted work
  6. Report of the Bee Department 1948
  7. The effect of artificial fertilizers and dung on the numbers of amoebae in Rothamsted soils
  8. The relation between soil cultivation and crop yields
  9. The foraging method of individual honey-bees
  10. Laboratory experiments on the effect of DDT and BHC on certain aphidophagous insects and their hosts
  11. A technique for determining the stomach poison effect of insecticides used against leaf‐eating insects
  12. A Study of the Accuracy of Simple Methods for the Estimation of Egg Production and Mean Egg Weight
  13. Effect of pH on electric charges carried by clay particles
  14. Calculation of surface area of clays from measurements of negative adsorption
  15. The Relationship between Micro-organisms and Soil Aggregation
  16. The influence of humus on soil aggregation
  17. The influence of earthworms on soil aggregation
  18. Potato Root Eelworm
  19. Potato Root Eelworm, DD, and Soil Sterilization, III. Results for 1947
  20. Potato Root Eelworm Problem
  21. Influence of Kinetin, β-lndoleacetic Acid and Gibberellic Acid on Nuclease Activity of Bean (Phaseolis vulgaris) Hypocotyls
  22. Studies on the Toxicity of insecticide Films III Effect of relative Humidity on the Toxicity of Films
  23. Studies on the Toxicity of insecticide Films II Effect of Temperature on the Toxicity of DDT Films
  24. Studies on the Toxicity Of insecticide Films I Preliminary Investigations on concentration-time-mortality relation
  25. Relation between particles size and shape of insecticial suspensions and their contact toxicity I DDT suspensions against Tribolium Castaneum Hb.
  26. Relation between particles size and shape of insecticial suspensions and their contact toxicity II DDT and rotenone suspensions against Oryzaephilus surinamesis L. with some time-motality studies
  27. The competition between barley and certain weeds under controlled conditions III Competition with Agrostis Gigantea
  28. Isolation of Nitrosomonas from Rothamsted soil
  29. Mineralogical analysis of clays by X-rays
  30. Some notes on the recording and interpretation of X-ray diagrams of soil clays
  31. Conferencias pronunciadas por el Dr Douglas M.C. MacEwan sobre la estructura cristalina de los minérales arcillos.
  32. L'adsorption interlamellaire
  33. The effect of insecticides of the respiration of Oryzaephilus surinamensis - an attempt to compare the speeds of action of a number of DDT analogues
  34. The place of experimental investigations in the planning of resource utilization
  35. Meteorology in agriculture
  36. A necrotic disease of forced tulips caused by tobacco necrosis viruses
  37. The transmission of sugar‐beet yellows virus by mechanical inoculation
  38. Potato tubers freed from leaf-roll virus by heat
  39. The oxidation of manganese by plant extracts in the presence of hydrogen peroxide
  40. Studies on soil manganese
  41. Liming experiments on light land at Tunstall: II. Soil reaction and loss of lime
  42. Obituary Augustus Daniel Imms, 1880 - 1949
  43. Studies on Sclerotinia and Botrytis: II. De Bary's description and specimens of Peziza fuckeliana
  44. The operation of the puff-ball mechanism of lycoperdon perlatum by raindrops shown by ultra-high-speed schlieren cinematography
  45. The spatial distribution of insect‐borne plant‐virus diseases
  46. Death of sycamore trees associated with an unidentified fungus
  47. Tuber-rot eelworm of potato and its weed hosts
  48. The Control of Anguillulina dipsaci on the seed of Teazle and Red Clover by Fumigation with Methyl Bromide
  49. Photoperiodism and Diapause in Insects
  50. A study of violet root rot II Effect of substratum on survival of Helicobasidium purpureum colonies in the soil
  51. Liming Experiments on Light Land at Tunstall, Suffolk Pt 1 The agricultural aspects
  52. A Quick Method of Demonstrating Nematodes of the Genus Aphelenchoides in Leaves
  53. A cotton blue-lactophenol technique for mounting plant-parasitic nematodes
  54. Field trials with d‐d mixture against potato‐root eelworm
  55. Investigations on the Emergence of Larvae from Cysts of the Potato-root Eelworm Heterodera rostochiensis. I. Technique and Variability
  56. A quantitative study of complex formation in heated protein mixtures
  57. The transformation of local lesion counts for statistical analysis
  58. The morphology, cytology, and taxonomy of the actinomycetes
  59. Differentiation of the Vegetative and Sporogenous Phases of the Actinomycetes 4. The Partially Acid-fast Proactinomycetes
  60. Apparatus for fertilizer placement field work
  61. Recent developments in fertiliser placement
  62. Placement of fertilizers for row crops
  63. Placement of fertilizer for potatoes
  64. Fertilizer placement experiments
  65. The movement of tobacco mosaic viruses and potato virus x through tomato plants
  66. The design of experiments in egg production of poultry
  67. Routine Computation of Biological Assays Involving a Quantitative Response
  68. The movement and precipitation of iron oxides in podzol soils
  69. Studies of the clove tree I Sudden‐death disease and its epidemiology
  70. The interpretation of X-ray diagrams of soil clays. II. Structures with random interstratification.
  71. Overwintering of aphids, especially Myzus persicae (Sulzer), in root clamps
  72. The grouping and overwintering of Myzus persicae Sulz. on prunus species
  73. Factors affecting the activity of alatae of the aphids Myzus persicae (Sulzer) and Brevicoryne brassicae (L.)
  74. Alate aphids trapped in the British Isles, 1942–1947
  75. Experiments with leys and permanent grass
  76. The residual manurial value of feeding stuffs consumed on grass
  77. Use of the Van Slyke-Neil manometric apparatus for the determination of organic and inorganic carbon in soil and of organic carbon in soil extracts
  78. Studies on soil organic matter: Part I. The chemical nature of soil organic nitrogen
  79. Studies on soil organic matter: Part III. The extraction of organic carbon and nitrogen from soil
  80. Studies on soil organic matter: Part II. The extraction of organic matter from soil by neutral reagents
  81. Physiological Studies on Nodule Formation: II. The Influence of Delayed Inoculation on the Rate of Nodulation in Red clover
  82. Nuclear and cytoplasmic inheritance of resistance to infection by nodule bacteria in red clover
  83. The Statistical Analysis of Insect Counts Based on the Negative Binomial Distribution
  84. Yellowing disease of 'family 41' sugar beet
  85. Soils and fertilizers
  86. Improving soil productivity : temperate climates UN Conference on the Conservation and Utilization of Resources. Introductory paper prepared for Section Meetings : Land Resources 5a
  87. The part played by phosphorus in agriculture
  88. Rothamsted experiments on the use of salt for sugar beet
  89. Fertilizers in present-day agriculture
  90. Jaccard's generic coefficient and coefficient of floral community, in relation to the logarithmic series and the index of diversity
  91. Migration in lepidoptera and the problem of orientation
  92. Condition in fertilisers - Paper read before a meeting of the Fertiliser Society in London on 20th January 1949
  93. Committee on nutrition problems in forest nurseries: summary report on 1948 experiments
  94. Soil-fertility problems in tropical agriculture III Fertility problems
  95. Effect of previous crops on the incidence of eyespot on winter wheat
  96. The relative yields of different crops in terms of food and their responses to fertilizers
  97. The design of rotation experiments
  98. A portable thermistor bridge for micro-meteorology among growing crops
  99. A general survey of meteorology in agriculture and an account of the physics of irrigation control - discussion
  100. The dependence of transpiration on weather and soil conditions
  101. Bee behaviour
  102. Seasonal records in 1947 and 1948 of flying hemiptera-heteroptera, particularly lygus pratensis l., caught in nets 50 ft. To 3,000 ft. above the ground