1. The aerial dispersal of aphids
  2. Rothamsted Chemistry Department 1952
  3. Fertiliser placement for threshed peas
  4. Placement drills are costly - but they pay
  5. The Effect on Nectar Secretion of Removing Nectar from Flowers
  6. Report of the Bee Department 1952
  7. The adaptability of the homecoming honeybee
  8. The inability of honeybees to communicate colours
  9. The Relationship between certain Ant Species with particular Reference to Biological Control of the Coreid, Theraptus sp.
  10. Studies on Theraptus sp. (Coreidae); the Cause of the Gumming Disease of Coconuts in East Africa
  11. The establishment of serologically identifiable strains of Rhizobium trifolii in field soils in competition with native microflora
  12. The sugar content of nectars
  13. The breakdown of naphthalene by a soil bacterium
  14. The Oxidation of Tryptophan in Pea-Seedling Tissues and Extracts
  15. Inhibition of Fusarium culmorum by Streptomyces albidoflavus
  16. The deflocculation of kaolinite suspensions and the accompanying change-over from positive to negative chloride adsorption
  17. A field experiment on wheat infected with eyespot
  18. The effect of age and stage of development of insect eggs on their resistance to insecticides
  19. A petrographic study of a tropical black earth and grey earth from the Gold Coast
  20. The host plant range of the swede midge (Contarinia nasturtii Kieffer) with special reference to types of plant damage
  21. Biological investigations into the validity of Contarinia species living on the Cruciferae, with special reference to the swede midge, Contarinia nasturtii (Kieffer)
  22. Interspecific copulation between Nabis ferus (L.) and Nabis rugosus (L.)(Hem., Nabidae)
  23. The morphology and taxonomy of the genus Orthotylus Fieber (Hem., Miridae) with special reference to the British species
  24. The biological approach to the problem of wild oat control
  25. Cellulases
  26. Changes in potato root eelworm population with time and depth
  27. Obituary Tom Goodey, 1885–1953
  28. Control of plant nematodes
  29. Trial of ammoniacal gas liquor against potato root eelworm
  30. Vertical migration of potato root eelworm
  31. The analysis of the results of a rotation experiment on the use of straw and fertilizers
  32. Iron and the nitrifying bacteria
  33. The nitrifying bacteria a review
  34. The biology of forest soils with special reference to the mesofauna or meiofauna
  35. Randomly stacked layers in clay minerals
  36. Effects of population density on larvae of Lepidoptera
  37. Hydrolysis of esters by extracts of insects
  38. A nomogram for assays in randomized blocks
  39. Some effects of temperature and nitrogen supply on wheat powdery mildew
  40. The effects of varying the water supply of plants on their susceptibility to infection with viruses
  41. The lysing action of enzymes on a sample of mycelium of Penicillium griseofulvum Dierckx
  42. The Relationship between the Stage of Development and Susceptibility to DDT and the Pyrethrins of Diataraxia oleracea (L.), Tenebrio molitor L., and Periplaneta americana (L.)
  43. Effect of partial sterilization and acidification of soil on the fungal population
  44. Some effects of sucrose and phosphorus in increasing the multiplication of tobacco mosaic virus in detached tobacco leaves
  45. The oxidation of certain dicarboxylic acids by peroxidase systems in presence of manganese
  46. The oxidation of phenylacetaldehyde by plant saps
  47. Interpretation of DTA diagrams: the low temperature endothermic peak
  48. Irreversible dehydration in montmorillonite
  49. The identification of montmorillonoids in clays
  50. The injurious Effects of the Hooked Epidermal Hairs of French Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) on Aphis craccivora Koch
  51. Flight muscle autolysis and reproduction in aphids
  52. Quantitative studies on the transmission of cabbage black ring spot virus by Myzus persicae (Sulz.)
  53. Deposition of air-borne Lycopodium spores on plane surfaces
  54. On Certain Eelworms, including Bütschli's Tylenchus fungorum, obtained from toadstools
  55. On two new species of nematodes associated with leaf-blotch in Evodia roxburghiana an Indian evergreen tree.
  56. Assessment of losses in sugar beet due to virus yellows in Great Britain 1942–52
  57. Assessment of disease incidence in the sugar‐beet crop
  58. A uniformity trial on groundnuts
  59. The Responses of Sugar-cane to Fertilizers in Trinidad
  60. Changes in atmospheric spore content: diurnal periodicity and the effects of weather
  61. Experiments on the control of beet yellows virus in sugar‐beet seed crops by insecticidal sprays
  62. Effects of repeated field injections of d‐d mixture against potato‐root eel‐worm
  63. Seasonal fluctuations in the degree of hatching from cysts of the potato root eelworm
  64. Population Studies on the Potato Root Eelworm (Heterodera rostochiensis Woll.)
  65. A method for testing results of infectivity tests with plant viruses for compatibility with hypotheses
  66. The behaviour of Rhizobium bacteriophages during and after exposure to ultraviolet radiation
  67. The manuring of Hevea brasiliensis at Dartonfield, Ceylon
  68. The correlation of easily soluble phosphorus in soils with responses of crops to dressings of phosphate fertilizers
  69. Methods of applying fertilizers for herbage crops
  70. Placement of fertilizers for row crops
  71. Surveys of rabbit damage to wheat in England and Wales, 1950–52
  72. Nutrient composition of the produce of the Broadbalk continuous wheat experiment II. Changes occurring during one season's growth
  73. Nutrient composition of the produce of the Broadbalk continuous wheat experiment I. Changes over seventy years
  74. The manuring of sugar cane
  75. The effect of partial sterilization by steam and formalin on the numbers of amoebae in field soil
  76. Grow the soil to grow the grass
  77. A Study of Host-Parasite Relationships. The Potatoroot Eelworm (Heterodera rostochiensis) in Black nightshade (Solanum nigrum) and Tomato
  78. A method for comparing fly-repellant sprays
  79. A Hollerith technique for the solution of normal equations
  80. Fertilizer placement experiments on threshold peas
  81. Geochemical affinities of some coals from Svalbard
  82. The geochemistry and mineralogy of rock weathering (1) The Lizard area, Cornwall
  83. The occurrence of lepidocrocite in some British soils
  84. The dioctahedral analogue of vermiculite
  85. Dickite from sandstones in Northern England and Northern Wales
  86. Experiments on control of eel worm in black currants
  87. Symptoms of cauliflower mosaic and cabbage black ring spot in cauliflower
  88. Aphids and virus diseases in potato crops
  89. Sulphate Reduction in Partially Sterilized Soil Exposed to Air
  90. Insect migration records 1952
  91. Structural aspects of the mineralogy of clays and related silicates - ceramics
  92. Ideas and assumptions about the origin of life
  93. A study of podzolization: Part I. The mobilization of iron and aluminium by Scots pine needles
  94. A study of podzolization: Part II. The mobilization of iron and aluminium by the leaves and bark of Agathis australis (Kauri)
  95. Sesquioxide Immobilization and Clay Movement in Podzolized Soils
  96. Tests of synergism between nicotine and the pyrethrins
  97. Research for plenty. No.8: New foods for a crowded world
  98. Studies on the Physiology of Nodule Formation: IV. The Mutual Inhibitory Effects on Nodule Production of Plants grown in Association
  99. Sudden-Death Disease of the Clove Tree, Eugenia aromatica
  100. The interaction of actinomycetes with other micro-organisms in soil
  101. Some host components that affect viruses during isolation
  102. The effect of repeated spraying of insects in increasing their resistance to insecticides: I. Development of resistance to DDT in a strain of Drosophila melanogastermeig
  103. A comparison of the applicability to plant extracts of three methods of determining deoxyribonucleic acid
  104. Food and the future. 3A. The efficient use of sunlight for food production
  105. Contributions to the discussion, the effects of size and stability on antigenicity
  106. Cellulase as a subject for speculation and commercial enterprise
  107. Comparative physiological studies on the growth of field crops. III. The effect of infection with beet yellows and beet mosaic viruses on the growth and yield of the sugar-beet root crop
  108. The spread of beet yellows and beet mosaic viruses in the sugar-beet root crop. II. The effects of aphid numbers on disease incidence
  109. Studies on the feeding of Myzus persicae (Sulz.) on radioactive plants
  110. The behaviour of nitrogenous materials buried in the soil II. The solubilization of nitrogen under full aeration for long periods
  111. The absence of slugs in a garden and an experiment in re-stocking
  112. British Diptera associated with fungi. 1. Gall midges (Cecidomyidae) reared from the larger fungi
  113. The Shasta Daisy midge and other insects in flowers of Chrysanthemum species
  114. The wheat blossom midges
  115. Investigations into the gall midges of Chrysanthemum flowers, 1951-53
  116. The mutual effect of ryegrass and clover when grown together
  117. Turnip yellow mosaic in broccoli
  118. The effect on the health of lactating cows of treatment with galactopoietic doses of thyroxine or iodinated casein
  119. Organic manures and fertilizers
  120. Discussion on organic manures and fertilizers and the production and composition of food for man and animals
  121. Organic manures and fertilizers, Contribution to discussion on organic manures and fertilizers and the production and composition of food for man and animals
  122. A survey of maincrop potatoes I Estimates of yield 1948–50
  123. Graphical and statistical methods in the study of insect phenology
  124. The relative abundance of different species in a wild animal population
  125. The sceptical soil chemist
  126. Effect of fumagillin upon Nosema apis (Zander)
  127. The treatment of nosema disease with fumagillin
  128. The transmission of nosema disease
  129. Production of spores by Cercosporella herpotrichoides
  130. Wheat yield and soil-borne diseases
  131. The behaviour of some plant viruses after exposure to ultraviolet radiation
  132. Criticism of binomial nomenclature as applied to plant viruses
  133. Selection without replacement from within strata with probability proportional to size
  134. Some further aspects of night cooling under clear skies - discussion
  135. Biological investigations into the validity of contarinia species living on the cruciferae, with special reference to the swede midge, contarinia nasturtii (kieffer)*