- The aerial dispersal of aphids
- Rothamsted Chemistry Department 1952
- Fertiliser placement for threshed peas
- Placement drills are costly - but they pay
- The Effect on Nectar Secretion of Removing Nectar from Flowers
- Report of the Bee Department 1952
- The adaptability of the homecoming honeybee
- The inability of honeybees to communicate colours
- The Relationship between certain Ant Species with particular Reference to Biological Control of the Coreid, Theraptus sp.
- Studies on Theraptus sp. (Coreidae); the Cause of the Gumming Disease of Coconuts in East Africa
- The establishment of serologically identifiable strains of Rhizobium trifolii in field soils in competition with native microflora
- The sugar content of nectars
- The breakdown of naphthalene by a soil bacterium
- The Oxidation of Tryptophan in Pea-Seedling Tissues and Extracts
- Inhibition of Fusarium culmorum by Streptomyces albidoflavus
- The deflocculation of kaolinite suspensions and the accompanying change-over from positive to negative chloride adsorption
- A field experiment on wheat infected with eyespot
- The effect of age and stage of development of insect eggs on their resistance to insecticides
- A petrographic study of a tropical black earth and grey earth from the Gold Coast
- The host plant range of the swede midge (Contarinia nasturtii Kieffer) with special reference to types of plant damage
- Biological investigations into the validity of Contarinia species living on the Cruciferae, with special reference to the swede midge, Contarinia nasturtii (Kieffer)
- Interspecific copulation between Nabis ferus (L.) and Nabis rugosus (L.)(Hem., Nabidae)
- The morphology and taxonomy of the genus Orthotylus Fieber (Hem., Miridae) with special reference to the British species
- The biological approach to the problem of wild oat control
- Cellulases
- Changes in potato root eelworm population with time and depth
- Obituary Tom Goodey, 1885–1953
- Control of plant nematodes
- Trial of ammoniacal gas liquor against potato root eelworm
- Vertical migration of potato root eelworm
- The analysis of the results of a rotation experiment on the use of straw and fertilizers
- Iron and the nitrifying bacteria
- The nitrifying bacteria a review
- The biology of forest soils with special reference to the mesofauna or meiofauna
- Randomly stacked layers in clay minerals
- Effects of population density on larvae of Lepidoptera
- Hydrolysis of esters by extracts of insects
- A nomogram for assays in randomized blocks
- Some effects of temperature and nitrogen supply on wheat powdery mildew
- The effects of varying the water supply of plants on their susceptibility to infection with viruses
- The lysing action of enzymes on a sample of mycelium of Penicillium griseofulvum Dierckx
- The Relationship between the Stage of Development and Susceptibility to DDT and the Pyrethrins of Diataraxia oleracea (L.), Tenebrio molitor L., and Periplaneta americana (L.)
- Effect of partial sterilization and acidification of soil on the fungal population
- Some effects of sucrose and phosphorus in increasing the multiplication of tobacco mosaic virus in detached tobacco leaves
- The oxidation of certain dicarboxylic acids by peroxidase systems in presence of manganese
- The oxidation of phenylacetaldehyde by plant saps
- Interpretation of DTA diagrams: the low temperature endothermic peak
- Irreversible dehydration in montmorillonite
- The identification of montmorillonoids in clays
- The injurious Effects of the Hooked Epidermal Hairs of French Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) on Aphis craccivora Koch
- Flight muscle autolysis and reproduction in aphids
- Quantitative studies on the transmission of cabbage black ring spot virus by Myzus persicae (Sulz.)
- Deposition of air-borne Lycopodium spores on plane surfaces
- On Certain Eelworms, including Bütschli's Tylenchus fungorum, obtained from toadstools
- On two new species of nematodes associated with leaf-blotch in Evodia roxburghiana an Indian evergreen tree.
- Assessment of losses in sugar beet due to virus yellows in Great Britain 1942–52
- Assessment of disease incidence in the sugar‐beet crop
- A uniformity trial on groundnuts
- The Responses of Sugar-cane to Fertilizers in Trinidad
- Changes in atmospheric spore content: diurnal periodicity and the effects of weather
- Experiments on the control of beet yellows virus in sugar‐beet seed crops by insecticidal sprays
- Effects of repeated field injections of d‐d mixture against potato‐root eel‐worm
- Seasonal fluctuations in the degree of hatching from cysts of the potato root eelworm
- Population Studies on the Potato Root Eelworm (Heterodera rostochiensis Woll.)
- A method for testing results of infectivity tests with plant viruses for compatibility with hypotheses
- The behaviour of Rhizobium bacteriophages during and after exposure to ultraviolet radiation
- The manuring of Hevea brasiliensis at Dartonfield, Ceylon
- The correlation of easily soluble phosphorus in soils with responses of crops to dressings of phosphate fertilizers
- Methods of applying fertilizers for herbage crops
- Placement of fertilizers for row crops
- Surveys of rabbit damage to wheat in England and Wales, 1950–52
- Nutrient composition of the produce of the Broadbalk continuous wheat experiment II. Changes occurring during one season's growth
- Nutrient composition of the produce of the Broadbalk continuous wheat experiment I. Changes over seventy years
- The manuring of sugar cane
- The effect of partial sterilization by steam and formalin on the numbers of amoebae in field soil
- Grow the soil to grow the grass
- A Study of Host-Parasite Relationships. The Potatoroot Eelworm (Heterodera rostochiensis) in Black nightshade (Solanum nigrum) and Tomato
- A method for comparing fly-repellant sprays
- A Hollerith technique for the solution of normal equations
- Fertilizer placement experiments on threshold peas
- Geochemical affinities of some coals from Svalbard
- The geochemistry and mineralogy of rock weathering (1) The Lizard area, Cornwall
- The occurrence of lepidocrocite in some British soils
- The dioctahedral analogue of vermiculite
- Dickite from sandstones in Northern England and Northern Wales
- Experiments on control of eel worm in black currants
- Symptoms of cauliflower mosaic and cabbage black ring spot in cauliflower
- Aphids and virus diseases in potato crops
- Sulphate Reduction in Partially Sterilized Soil Exposed to Air
- Insect migration records 1952
- Structural aspects of the mineralogy of clays and related silicates - ceramics
- Ideas and assumptions about the origin of life
- A study of podzolization: Part I. The mobilization of iron and aluminium by Scots pine needles
- A study of podzolization: Part II. The mobilization of iron and aluminium by the leaves and bark of Agathis australis (Kauri)
- Sesquioxide Immobilization and Clay Movement in Podzolized Soils
- Tests of synergism between nicotine and the pyrethrins
- Research for plenty. No.8: New foods for a crowded world
- Studies on the Physiology of Nodule Formation: IV. The Mutual Inhibitory Effects on Nodule Production of Plants grown in Association
- Sudden-Death Disease of the Clove Tree, Eugenia aromatica
- The interaction of actinomycetes with other micro-organisms in soil
- Some host components that affect viruses during isolation
- The effect of repeated spraying of insects in increasing their resistance to insecticides: I. Development of resistance to DDT in a strain of Drosophila melanogastermeig
- A comparison of the applicability to plant extracts of three methods of determining deoxyribonucleic acid
- Food and the future. 3A. The efficient use of sunlight for food production
- Contributions to the discussion, the effects of size and stability on antigenicity
- Cellulase as a subject for speculation and commercial enterprise
- Comparative physiological studies on the growth of field crops. III. The effect of infection with beet yellows and beet mosaic viruses on the growth and yield of the sugar-beet root crop
- The spread of beet yellows and beet mosaic viruses in the sugar-beet root crop. II. The effects of aphid numbers on disease incidence
- Studies on the feeding of Myzus persicae (Sulz.) on radioactive plants
- The behaviour of nitrogenous materials buried in the soil II. The solubilization of nitrogen under full aeration for long periods
- The absence of slugs in a garden and an experiment in re-stocking
- British Diptera associated with fungi. 1. Gall midges (Cecidomyidae) reared from the larger fungi
- The Shasta Daisy midge and other insects in flowers of Chrysanthemum species
- The wheat blossom midges
- Investigations into the gall midges of Chrysanthemum flowers, 1951-53
- The mutual effect of ryegrass and clover when grown together
- Turnip yellow mosaic in broccoli
- The effect on the health of lactating cows of treatment with galactopoietic doses of thyroxine or iodinated casein
- Organic manures and fertilizers
- Discussion on organic manures and fertilizers and the production and composition of food for man and animals
- Organic manures and fertilizers, Contribution to discussion on organic manures and fertilizers and the production and composition of food for man and animals
- A survey of maincrop potatoes I Estimates of yield 1948–50
- Graphical and statistical methods in the study of insect phenology
- The relative abundance of different species in a wild animal population
- The sceptical soil chemist
- Effect of fumagillin upon Nosema apis (Zander)
- The treatment of nosema disease with fumagillin
- The transmission of nosema disease
- Production of spores by Cercosporella herpotrichoides
- Wheat yield and soil-borne diseases
- The behaviour of some plant viruses after exposure to ultraviolet radiation
- Criticism of binomial nomenclature as applied to plant viruses
- Selection without replacement from within strata with probability proportional to size
- Some further aspects of night cooling under clear skies - discussion
- Biological investigations into the validity of contarinia species living on the cruciferae, with special reference to the swede midge, contarinia nasturtii (kieffer)*