1. Insect pests on Broadbalk
  2. Entomological Department at Rothamsted 1967
  3. Experiments with ley and arable farming systems
  4. Report of the Bee Department 1967
  5. The Transmission of Satellite Viruses of Tobacco Necrosis Virus by Olpidium brassicae
  6. Nutrition experiments in forest nurseries
  7. The Saxmundham Experiments
  8. Rothamsted Chemistry Department 1967
  9. Changes in Auxins in Expanding and Senescent Primary Leaves of Dwarf French Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)
  10. Taxonomy of Meloidogyne (Nematodea: Heteroderidae) with descriptions of four new species
  11. Invertase in the hypopharyngeal glands of the honeybee
  12. Root growth of a barley crop estimated by sampling with portable powered soil-coring equipment
  13. Preliminary studies of germination and seedling behaviour in Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. and Agrostis gigantea Roth
  14. The effect of traces of beryllium on the growth of kale, grass, and mustard
  15. Adsorption and desorption of simazine by some Rothamsted soils
  16. Root growth of a barley crop estimated by sampling with portable powered soil-coring equipment
  17. Statistical Models and Designs for Varietal, Fertiliser and Pesticide Trials
  18. Water movement in dry soils I Physical factors affecting sorption of water by dry soil
  19. Water movement in porous materials III Evaporation of water from soil
  20. Morphology of particles in size-fractionated Na-montmorillonites
  21. The occurrence of perithecia of the oak mildew in Britain
  22. A prospect of crop physiology
  23. Why starve grass ?
  24. Equipment for sampling roots of field crops
  25. The limits of microbial existence
  26. The anaerobic bacteria of soil
  27. The benefits and limitations of breakcrops for the control of soil-borne diseases of cereals
  28. The automatic determination of phosphorus in extracts of soils made with 0.5 M sodium bicarbonate and 0.01 M calcium chloride
  29. Laboratory studies on the acute contact and oral toxicities of insecticides to honeybees
  30. A review of the biology and ecology of slugs of agricultural importance
  31. Measurement of radiant energy
  32. Growth of perennial grass weeds in relation to the cereal crop
  33. Effect of radiation and temperature on efficiency of cereal leaves during grain growth
  34. The behaviour of a cotton stainer Dysdercus Intermedius ( Heteroptera, Pyrrhocoridae) in a temperature gradient and the effect of temperature on aggregation
  35. Cytochrome Oxidase and Mitochondrial Protein in Extracts of Leaves of Nicotiana glutinosa L. Infected with Tobacco Mosaic Virus
  36. Balanced 6× 6 designs for 9 treatments
  37. Serial factorial design
  38. Apparatus for the simultaneous measurement of water vapour and carbon dioxide exchanges of single leaves
  39. Carbon dioxide infra-red gas analysis - effects of water vapour
  40. Bio-electric Potentials of Intact Green Plants III Effects of jacketing a region of the plant tissue between the measuring contacts with mineral salt solutions
  41. Problems in the systematics of the Olpidiaceae
  42. Transmission of tobacco necrosis virus to higher plants by Olpidium—a model for the activities of lower fungi parasitic in algae
  43. Crop rotations for experimental stations
  44. Separation of Endogone spores from organic soil debris by differential sedimentation on gelatin columns
  45. Studies on the chemical control of wireworms (Agriotes spp.) III.—The direct and residual effects of BHC, aldrin and dieldrin
  46. Results of an experiment at Rothamsted testing farmyard manure and N, P and K fertilizers on five arable crops and permanent grass III. Yields 1961–1965
  47. The effect of a nitrification inhibitor on the concentration of nitrate in grass during growth
  48. A simple apparatus for separating fluorine from aluminosilicates by pyrohydrolysis
  49. Instruments and techniques for measuring the microclimate of crops
  50. Studies on the penetration and sorption of insecticides in insects
  51. A program to fit constants to multiway tables of quantitative and quantal data
  52. Windbreaks, shelter and insect distribution
  53. Calibration of infra-red gas analysers for use with carbon dioxide
  54. Metal contamination of soil in the Woburn Market-Garden experiment resulting from the application of sewage sludge
  55. Ion-exchange concentration of trace elements for spectrochemical analysis of rocks and soils
  56. The location of trace elements in sedimentary rocks and in soils derived from them
  57. The substrate specificity of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases from higher plants
  58. Photosynthesis in crop profiles, measured by phytometers
  59. Observations on the infection of potato leaves by Phytophthora infestans
  60. Infection of potato tubers by common scab (Streptomyces scabies) during brief periods when soil is drying
  61. Nitrate nitrogen in leaves and petioles of sugar beet in relation to yield of sugar and juice purity
  62. Isolation of ammonia‐oxidizing autotrophic bacteria
  63. Electron microscopic observation on dolichos enation mosaic virus
  64. The secretion of the systemic insecticides dimethoate and phorate into nectar
  65. Rate‐controlling processes in the release of soil phosphate
  66. Theory and practice in statistics. Interim report of the RSS Committee on teaching of statistics in schools
  67. Relative incidence of Fusarium pathogens of cereals in rotation plots at Rothamsted
  68. Aggregated forms of the satellite of tobacco necrosis virus
  69. Conversion of tryptophan to auxin by phenolic esters from leaves of dwarf French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
  70. The purification of commercial Alizarin Red S for the determination of aluminium in silicate minerals
  71. Potato production using resistant varieties on land infested with potato cyst-eelworm, Heterodera rostochiensis Woll.
  72. Obituary - Professor Frank Raw
  73. Manganese-phosphate reactions in aqueous systems and the effects of applications of monocalcium phosphate, on the availability of manganese to oats in an alkaline fen soil
  74. The use of menazon seed dressing to decrease spread of virus yellows in sugar‐beet root crops
  75. Protection of sugar beet stecklings against aphids and viruses by cover crops and aluminium foil
  76. Laboratory methods for assessing the toxicity of contact poisons to slugs
  77. The effect of moving carabids on oviposition by frit fly (Oscinella Frit. L.)
  78. Observations on hymenopterous parasites of frit fly Oscinella frit L. on oats
  79. A soil‐borne virus of winter oats
  80. Insecticides on single seeds treated with liquid dressings
  81. Reactions of some old and new British potato cultivars to tobacco rattle virus
  82. Growth substances in roots of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) infected with root‐knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.)
  83. The spray warning scheme for control of sugar beet yellows in England Summary of results between 1959-66
  84. The Food of Female Wheat Bulb Flies (Leptohylemyia coarctata (Fall.))
  85. Extraction, standardization and assessment of the volatility of the sex attractants of Heterodera rostochiensis Woll. and H. schachtii Schtn.
  86. Physiological analysis of the effects of different soils on sugar beet crops in different years
  87. Broad‐bean stain and true broad‐bean mosaic viruses
  88. The benefical effects of CCC on wheat yields in dry conditions
  89. Effect of CCC on the growth of wheat roots
  90. CCC and cereals
  91. Responses of crop plants to growth regulators
  92. The Effect of Growth Regulators, CCC and B9, on Protein and Total Nitrogen of Bean Leaves (Phaseolus vulgaris) during Development
  93. The effect of infection with beet yellows virus on the growth of sugar beet
  94. A Review of the Genus Aulolaimus de Man, 1880 (Axonolaimidae: Aulolaiminae n. subfam.) with Notes on the Synonymy of the Genus Pandurinema Timm, 1957
  95. The effect of soil conditioners on the growth of sugar beet in a sandy soil
  96. Viruses in Horseradish
  97. Broad‐bean stain and true broad‐bean mosaic viruses
  98. Mineralizable-N in the soil under various leys and its effect on the yields of following wheat
  99. The effects of soil management on available nitrogen
  100. Effects of previous cropping and fertilizer-N applied in field experiments on soil-N available to ryegrass grown in pots
  101. The effects on winter wheat of ammonium sulphate, with and without a nitrification inhibitor, and of calcium nitrate
  102. Field experiments on carrots at Rothamsted, Woburn and Tunstall (Suffolk)
  103. The Foraging Behaviour of Honeybees (Apis mellifera) and Bumblebees (Bombus Spp.) on Blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum), Raspberry (Rubus idaeus) and Strawberry (Fragaria × Ananassa) Flowers
  104. The pollination of strawberries by honey-bees
  105. The pollination of black currants
  106. Studies on the seasonal changes in the activities of honeybee colonies
  107. Dandelion as a competitor to fruit trees for bee visits
  108. The conditions under which foraging honeybees expose their Nasonov gland
  109. Engorging of honey by worker honeybees when their colony is smoked
  110. The behaviour of bees visiting runner beans (Phaseolus multiflorus)
  111. The Pollination of Runner Beans (Phaseolus Multiflorus) in a Glasshouse
  112. The effect of the size of honeybee colonies on food consumption, brood rearing and the longevity of the bees during winter
  113. The alerting pheromones of the honeybee
  114. Growth, development, and yield of spring wheat in artificial climates
  115. Some observations on the structure of the filamentous particles of several plant viruses
  116. The multiplicity of bands in the gel diffusion precipitin analysis of the protein of tobacco mosaic virus.
  117. Mathematical models for infectivity dilution curves of plant viruses.
  118. The identification and classification of Rhizobium
  119. The use of visible mutant markers in the study of resistance of house flies to insecticides.
  120. Genetics of resistance to insecticides of the ska strain of musca domestica Iii. Location and isolation of the factors of resistance to dieldrin
  121. Examination of the isolated autosomes of the SKA strain of house-flies (Musca domestica L.) for resistance to several insecticides with and without pretreatment with sesamex and TBTP
  122. Dark reactivation of ultraviolet-irradiated tobacco necrosis virus
  123. Calcium: Aluminium exchange equilibria in clay minerals and acid soils
  124. Relationships between soil volume used by roots and nutrient accessibility
  125. The effect of the size of soil aggregates on nutrient supply
  126. The Value of a Fluorescent Tracer in Determining the Quantity of Dieldrin on Honeybees Foraging in a Sprayed Crop
  127. Hatching agents for the potato cyst‐nematode, Heterodera rostochiensis Woll
  128. The chemical composition of the cyst wall of the potato cyst-nematode, Heterodera rostochiensis
  129. Soils and fertilizers
  130. Soil fertility problems in cereal growing
  131. How serious is soil compaction?
  132. Future trends in the use of fertilisers
  133. The forms and amounts of fertilizers used in the UK and possible changes that may affect methods of applications
  134. Fertiliser use on cereals in England and Wales, 1966
  135. Mites in bedroom air
  136. Cation-anion relationships in crop nutrition: VI. The effect of part, age and species of plant and some soil characteristics
  137. Geochemistry of the Whitbian (Upper Lias) sediments of the Yorkshire coast
  138. Identification and functions of secretion from the posterior scent gland of fifth instar larva of the bug Dysdercus intermedius
  139. Field comparisons between compound and straight fertilisers for sugar beet
  140. Field experiments and increases in yield of crops
  141. Potassium reserves in British soils: II. Soils from different parent materials
  142. Potassium reserves in British soils. I. The Rothamsted Classical Experiments
  143. Localization of peroxidase activity in legume root nodules
  144. Laboratory experiments on sugar‐beet downy mildew (Peronospora farinosa)
  145. Effect of the situation of the aphid host at death on the type of spore produced by Entomophthora spp.
  146. The influence of penetration, distribution, sorption and decomposition on the poisoning of the cockroach Periplaneta americana treated topically with diazoxon
  147. Expansion of Leaf Area Per Plant in Field Bean (Vicia fabia L.) as Related to Daily Maximum Temperature
  148. Production of plant growth substances by Azotobacter chroococcum
  149. Herbage /tillage systems in England
  150. Effects Produced on Tomato Plants, Lycopersicum esculentum, by Seed or Root Treatment with Gibberellic Acid and Indol-3yl-Acetic Acid
  151. Movement of systemic insecticides through soil to plant roots
  152. Experiments on the P and K requirements of barley
  153. A type of farming map based on agricultural census data
  154. Migration records 1965
  155. Exchange visits of scientists between the Academy of the Socialist Republic of Rumania and the Royal Society [Report O/6 (68)]
  156. Oil plams on acid sulphate soils in Malaya
  157. The effects of drying and ageing tree leaves on the ability of their aqueous extracts to dissolve ferric oxide
  158. Symbiotic effectiveness in nodulated red clover V The n and d factors for ineffectiveness
  159. The identification and classification of Rhizobium
  160. The pollination of oilseed rape (Brassica napus) and the behaviour of bees on the crop
  161. Effect of the time of day at which honeybee colonies are first allowed flight in a new location on their choice of flower species
  162. Use of plant protein concentrates as human food
  163. Factors affecting flight responses of alienicolae of Aphis fabae Scop. and Schizaphis graminum Rondani (Homoptera: Aphididae)
  164. High-altitude migration of aphids in maritime and continental climates
  165. The larger fungi of Rothamsted
  166. Implementing the possibilities
  167. The Microflora of Fodders Associated with Bovine Respiratory Disease
  168. The Thermophilic Actinomycetes in mouldy hay
  169. A titrimetric method for determining total sulphur in mineral soils
  170. Studies on the decomposition of plant material in soil. III. The distribution of labelled and unlabelled carbon in soil incubated with 14C labelled ryegrass
  171. A key to the recognition of some Endogone spore types
  172. The distribution of Endogone spores in some Australian and New Zealand soils, and in an experimental field soil at Rothamsted
  173. Chemical tests for potentially available nitrogen in soil
  174. Leaching of fertilizers applied to a latosol in lysimeters
  175. The effects of potassium and magnesium fertilizers on yield and composition of successive crops of ryegrass, clover, sugar beet, potatoes, kale and barley on sandy soil at Woburn
  176. Algorithm AS 1: Simulating Multidimensional Arrays in One Dimension
  177. A method of assessing losses in spring oats from frit fly (Oscinella frit(L)) shoot attack
  178. Evaluation of phosphate fertilizers II Residual value of nitrophosphates, Gafsa rock phosphate, basic slag and potassium metaphosphate for potatoes, barley and swedes grown in rotation, with special reference to changes in soil phosphorus status
  179. Evaluation of phosphate fertilizers I. Immediate value of dicalcium phosphate, nitrophosphates, Gafsa rock phosphate, basic slag and potassium metaphosphate for barley and ryegrass
  180. Movement and oviposition of wheat bulb flies
  181. Distribution of pyrophosphate-extractable iron and organic carbon in soils of various groups
  182. A new apparatus for recording particle size distribution
  183. The effect on yield of maincrop potatoes of different methods of fertilizer application
  184. Leaf injury and food consumption by larvae of Phaedon cochleariae (Coleoptera; Chrysomelidae) and Plutella maculipennis (Lepidoptera plutellidae) feeding on turnip and radish
  185. Wheat bulb fly, Leptohylemyia coarctata Fall., and its effect on the growth and yield of wheat
  186. Population studies on the active stages of the black bean aphid, Aphis fabae Scop., on its winter host Euonymus europaeus L
  187. Cannibalism and predation by aphids
  188. Effects of insect predators on small populations of Aphis fabae in the field
  189. General soil classification: hierarchical and co-ordinate systems
  190. A versatile gas/liquid valve
  191. Broadbalk: Historical Introduction
  192. Some effects of chlorfenvinphos, an organophosphorus insecticide on populations of soil animals
  193. Serological and morphological studies on the inter- and intraspecific differences of the plant-parasitic nematodes Heterodera and Ditylenchus
  194. Clumping of the plant parasitic nematode Ditylenchus dipsaci in water
  195. Honey Bee Pathology
  196. The measurement and interrelationships of infections with Nosema apis and Malpighamoeba mellificae of honey-bee populations
  197. The multiplication of sacbrood virus in the adult honeybee
  198. Control of the greater and lesser wax moths (Galleria mellonella and Achroia grisella) with Bacillus thuringiensis
  199. The purification and properties of chronic bee-paralysis virus
  200. Experiments on the etiology of European foul brood of the honeybee
  201. The serological relationship between tobacco mosaic virus and cucumber viruses 3 and 4
  202. Algorithm AS 9: Construction of additive table
  203. Algorithm AS 8: Main effects from a multi-way table
  204. Patterns and progress of research
  205. Available and accessible water
  206. The inefficiency of world farming
  207. The Earth's potential
  208. Discussion of hamilton,ra
  209. Pheromones of the honeybee (Apis mellifera L.): the “inhibitory scent” of the queen
  210. Adding a point to vector diagrams in multivariate analysis