1. Rothamsted Soil Microbiology Department
  2. Rothamsted Soils and Plant Nutrition Department
  3. Two Serologieally Unrelated Viruses Isolated from a Phialophora sp.
  4. Properties of Thirteen Viruses and Virus Variants Obtained from Eight Isolates of the Wheat Take-All Fungus, Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici.
  5. Chemical communication in honeybees
  6. Photosyntheis photorespiration and crop productivity
  7. Biological effectiveness of spinning disc electrostatic sprayers
  8. 2 Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Fr; Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Ra
  9. Soil limitations to crop yields
  10. Taylor's power law for dependence of variance on mean in animal populations
  11. Aerial environment and crop growth
  12. Mg2+-Dependent, cation-stimulated inorganic pyrophosphatase associated with vacuoles isolated from storage roots of red beet (Beta vulgaris L.)
  13. Characterisation of a salt-stimulated ATPase activity associated with vacuoles isolated from storage roots of red beet (Beta vulgaris L.)
  14. Settling behaviour of cereal aphids and forecasting
  15. Loveland, P.J. 1981b. Heavy minerals in the Upper Albian/Lower Cenomanian
  16. Fungal parasites of some plant parasitic nematodes
  17. The gene-for-gene relationship and its significance for potato cyct nematodes and their Solanaceous Hosts
  18. Mycorrhiza and its significance in horticulture
  19. A comparison of autumn-born Friesian or Hereford cross Friesian calves finished out of yards at 18-21 months, or grass finished at two years [cattle]
  20. The effect of weeds and wild plants on the reinfestation of land by Ditylenchus dipsaci (stem and bulb nematode) and on the stability of its populations
  21. Role of wild plants and weeds in the ecology of plant parasitic nematodes
  22. Hatching of Globodera rostochiensis in response to potato root diffusate persisting in soil
  23. Biology and Behaviour of the Honeybee Apis Florea, and Possibilities for Beekeeping
  24. Statistics and computing in agricultural research
  25. Effects of root-infecting fungi on structure and function of cereal roots
  26. New or unusual records of plant diseases and pests
  27. Seventh Boyd Orr memorial lecture. Managing the mineral cycle
  28. Scanning electron microscope observations on the morphology of Tylenchorhynchus aduncus
  29. Quaternary history of the Hertfordshire area
  30. Comparison of the epidemiology of Metopolophium dirhodum and Sitobion avenae on winter wheat
  31. Settling behaviour of cereal aphids and forecasting outbreaks
  32. Fungitoxicity of hydroxy‐ and methoxy‐substituted phenyl‐ and naphthyl‐benzofurans, phenylbenzo[b]thiophenes and phenylindoles
  33. Algorithm AS 166: Generation of Polynomial Contrasts for Incomplete Factorial Designs with Quantitative Levels
  34. Algorithm AS 167: Screening Algorithm for Experimental Designs with Quantitative Levels
  35. Forecasting outbreaks of the English grain aphid, Sitobion avenae, with the aid of a simulation model
  36. Housefly resistance to pyrethroids in the vicinity of Harpenden
  37. Present trends and future needs in modelling for the management of insecticide resistance
  38. Towards integrated control of cereal aphids
  39. Water stress and crop growth 11
  40. Protoplasts in the in vivo life cycle of Erynia neoaphidis
  41. Influence of aerial pollution on crop growth and yield
  42. Effects of ground rock phosphate and elemental S on yield and P uptake of maize in western Kenya
  43. The deposition of sulphur and sodium in rainwater in the coastal region of Kenya
  44. Relationships between chemical structure and the behaviour and fate of pesticides
  45. Adsorption of pesticides by some Australian soils
  46. The first fifty years of the Journal of Animal Ecology with an Author index
  47. Canopy conductance of estate tea in Kenya
  48. Airborne Actinomycete spores as respiratory allergens
  49. chemicals for preventing moulding in damp hay
  50. The aerobiology of conidial fungi
  51. Problems in the use of sensitive serological methods for detecting viruses in vectors
  52. A comparison of the relative importance of between- and within-crop spread of ryegrass mosaic virus by eriophyid mites
  53. Agropyron mosaic virus in wheat
  54. Proceedings 3rd Conference on Virus Diseases of Gramineae in Europe, Rothamsted, 28-30 May 1980
  55. Seed transmission and effects of ryegrass spherical virus
  56. Opportunities for manipulation of cereal productivity
  57. Barley yellow dwarf virus infectivity of cereal aphids trapped at two sites in Victoria
  58. Microbial biomass in soil: measurement and turnover
  59. Cation exchange in soils
  60. Precipitation
  61. The translocation of metals in soils
  62. The fate of plant and animal residues in soil
  63. Soil-borne pests and diseases
  64. Cropping systems in relation to soil-borne and trash-borne diseases of cereals
  65. Chairman's comments
  66. Chemicals in the control of cereal virus diseases
  67. Fungicides, fertilizers and sowing date
  68. Strategies for the control of cereal disease
  69. Expressing complex relationships in two dimensions
  70. Ordination between-and within-groups applied to soil classification
  71. Plotting the optimum positions of an array of cortical electrical phosphenes
  72. The effects of irrigation, nitrogen fertilizer and the control of pests and pathogens on spring-sown field beans (Vicia faba L.) and residual effects on two following winter wheat crops
  73. Petrography, origin and environment of deposition of the Shirdley Hill Sand of southwest Lancashire, England
  74. Analysis of asymmetric relationships in geological data
  75. Analysis of asymmetric relationships in geological data
  76. control of soil-inhabiting arthropods with Neoaplectana carpocaspsae
  77. Carabid beetles as predators of cereal aphids
  78. Biological effectiveness of spinning disc electrostatic sprayers
  79. Electrostatic spraying of crops with the APE 80
  80. The effect of temperature on photosynthetic and photorespiratory metabolism
  81. Experience of kriging from field measurements of soil properties : 3rd Colloque AISA Traitment informatique des Donnes de sol 14-17th Sept 1981
  82. Science in Crop Protection
  83. Nonprotein Amino Acids
  84. Would food and health-services benefit from a more intimate union
  85. Weathering of a soil glauconite in southern England
  86. Water-vapor calibration using salt hydrate transitions
  87. Water-use and tolerance of cyst-nematode attack in potatoes
  88. Water-movement in porous building-materials .3. A sorptivity test procedure for chemical injection damp proofing
  89. Virus-particles and double-stranded-rna in isolates of phialophora sp with lobed hyphopodia, phialophora-graminicola and gaeumannomyces-graminis var graminis
  90. Variation in 2 barley pathogens towards systemic fungicides
  91. The use of egg counts and suction trap samples to forecast the infestation of spring-sown field beans, vicia-faba, by the black bean aphid, aphis-fabae
  92. Use of c1q enzyme-linked immunosorbent-assay to detect plant-viruses and their serologically different strains
  93. Use of anthelmintics for cattle in England and Wales during 1978
  94. The use of anthelmintics for cattle in England and Wales during 1978
  95. Uptake and movement of chlormequat-C-14 chloride applied to leaves of barley and wheat
  96. Transcriptase activity associated with a type-2 double-stranded-rna mycovirus
  97. Theoretical and experimental relationships between soil adsorption, octanol-water partition-coefficients, water solubilities, bioconcentration factors, and the parachor
  98. Techniques for studying the infection of plants by vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi under axenic conditions
  99. Techniques for preparation and examination of plant parasitic nematodes in the scanning electron-microscope
  100. Techniques for distributing non-fumigant nematicides in soil to control potato cyst-nematodes, globodera-rostochiensis and globodera-pallida
  101. Synthetic pheromones to attract honeybee (apis-mellifera) swarms
  102. Synthesis and X-ray crystal-structures of 3 isomeric macrobicyclic polyethers having similar melting-points and different complexing power for alkali-metal cations
  103. The synthesis and complexation of open-chain polyethers having various end groups
  104. Study of the behavior of several strains of conidiobolus-obscurus zygomycetes entomophthoraceae on the aphids acyrthosiphon-pisum and sitobion-avenae hom, aphididae
  105. Structure of the complex formed between ammonium picrate and 1,10-phenanthroline
  106. The structure of the 1,4,7,10,13,16-hexaoxacyclooctadecane (18-crown-6) bis(dimethyl sulfone) complex
  107. Structure of rel-([alpha]R),(1R,trans)-[alpha]-cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl 3-(2,2-dichlorovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate, non-insectidal components of cypermethrin
  108. Structure of a hydrazido(2-) complex of tungsten(V): trichlorobis(dimethylphenylphosphine)[phenylhydrazido(2-)]tungsten(V)
  109. A strain of Arracacha Virus B infecting Oca (Oxalis tuberosa: Oxalidaceae) in the Peruvian Andes
  110. The specification of experimental-designs to ANOVA programs - comment
  111. Spatial dependence and classification of the soil along a transect in northeast Scotland
  112. Sowing date - notes and recommendations
  113. Some speculations on the nature of the natural defense-mechanism of plants against virus-infection
  114. Some observations on earthworm populations in grassland soils
  115. Solitary bees that inhabit walls
  116. Soil segment overlap in character space and its implications for soil classification
  117. A simple and reliable method of estimating root length
  118. Similarity of Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylases of isogenic diploid and tetraploid ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) cultivars
  119. Separation of non-filamentous microorganisms from soil by density gradient centrifugation in percoll
  120. Selective isolation and enumeration of actinomycetes using rifampicin
  121. Selection criteria for the construction of efficient diagnostic keys
  122. Scaling of infiltration behavior in dissimilar porous materials
  123. A satellite double-stranded-rna in a virus from gaeumannomyces-graminis
  124. Routine production of axenic vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizas
  125. Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase - how does it work - reply
  126. A review of statistical ideas relevant to intercropping research
  127. Responses of myzus-persicae (sulzer) (hemiptera, aphididae) to plants treated with fatty-acids
  128. The response of tensiometers embedded in saturated soil peds of low hydraulic conductivity
  129. Requirements of magnesium fertilizer by sugar-beet
  130. The relative abundance of the hymenopterous parasites attacking metopolophium-dirhodum (walker) and sitobion-avenae (f) (hemiptera, aphididae) on cereals during 1973-79 in southern England
  131. The relationship between light-trap and suction-trap catches of chrysoperla-carnea (stephens) (neuroptera, chrysopidae), and the adjustment of light-trap catches to allow for variation in moonlight
  132. Recent work with critical-point dried soils - reply
  133. Rapid spread by mites of ryegrass mosaic-virus from old sward to seedling ryegrass and its prevention by aldicarb
  134. A rapid and accurate method of aligning a crystal on a weissenberg goniometer
  135. A quantitative method for extracting resting spores of 2 nematode parasitic fungi, nematophthora-gynophila and verticillium-chlamydosporium, from soil
  136. The pyrethrins and related-compounds .25. Synthesis and insecticidal activity of conformationally restrained compounds related to 3-phenoxybenzyl esters
  137. Purification and some properties of tephrosia-symptomless virus
  138. Protoplasts in the invivo life-cycle of erynia-neoaphidis
  139. Prospects for improving plant establishment
  140. Properties of a filamentous virus of the honey bee (Apis mellifera)
  141. Proline accumulation in a barley mutant resistant to trans-4-hydroxy-L-proline
  142. Problems in interpreting scanning electron-micrographs of plasmodiophora plasmodia
  143. Problems in countering resistance
  144. Preventing phosphorus losses during perchloric acid digestion of sodium bicarbonate soil extracts
  145. The prevalence of viruses of honey bees in Britain
  146. The presence of pathogenesis-related proteins in callus of xanthi-nc tobacco
  147. Preparation of green plant-material for liquid scintillation-counting
  148. Powdery mildew and its control
  149. Potassium retention and release in Rothamsted and Saxmundham soils
  150. Possible impact of cosmochemistry on terrestrial biology - historical introduction
  151. The polymorphism and structural homology of storage polypeptides (hordein) coded by the Hor-2 locus in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
  152. Plant-regeneration from shoot culture-derived protoplasts of tetraploid potato (solanum-tuberosum cv maris-bard)
  153. Plant-growth responses to vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza .12. Field inoculation responses of barley at 2 soil-p levels
  154. Phosphorus and carbon relationships in plants infected with vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
  155. Phosphate adsorption in allophanic soils
  156. Phenological and geographical relationships between catches of pea moth in sex-attractant traps
  157. Pest monitoring to aid insecticide use
  158. The pathogenesis-related proteins of tobacco - their induction by viruses in intact plants and their induction by chemicals in detached leaves
  159. Observations on relationships between infective juveniles of bovine lungworm, dictyocaulus-viviparus (nematoda, strongylida) and the fungi, pilobolus-kleinii and pilobolus-crystallinus (zygomycotina, zygomycetes)
  160. Observations on globodera-pallida and globodera-rostochiensis on early potatoes
  161. Novel 2-acycyclohexane-1,3-diones in the mandibular glands of lepidopteran larvae - kairomones of ephestia-kuehniella zeller
  162. Non-protein amino-acids of plants
  163. Nitrilase activity in clubroot diseased plants
  164. New weed hosts for the giant race of ditylenchus-dipsaci (kuhn) filipjev
  165. A new species of dysaphis borner from nepal (homoptera, aphidoidea)
  166. The nasonov pheromone of the honeybee apis-mellifera l (hymenoptera, apidae) .2. Bioassay of the components using foragers
  167. Nasonov pheromone of the honey bee, apis-mellifera l (hymenoptera, apidae) .3. Regulation of pheromone composition and production
  168. Movement of fluometuron, simazine, 36Cl− and 144Ce3+ in soil under field conditions: qualitative aspects
  169. Molecular-cloning and analysis of cdna sequences derived from polya+rna from barley endosperm - identification of b-hordein related clones
  170. Mode of action of hydroxypyrimidine fungicides
  171. The mode of action of ethionine foliar sprays against potato common scab (streptomyces-scabies)
  172. Microbiology of roots infected with the take-all fungus (gaeumannomyces-graminis var tritici) in phased sequences of winter-wheat
  173. Microbially bound phosphates in soils
  174. Methyl-substituted macrocyclic crown polyethers and their complexation
  175. Methods of producing perithecia of gaeumannomyces-graminis and their application to related fungi
  176. Methods for inoculating field crops with mycorrhizal fungi
  177. Maize endosperm proteins compared by sodium dodecyl-sulfate gel-electrophoresis and isoelectric-focusing
  178. The location of the enzymes of ammonia assimilation in root-nodules of phaseolus-vulgaris L.
  179. Localization and characterization of homoserine dehydrogenase isolated from barley and pea leaves
  180. Levels, distribution and chemical forms of trace-elements in food plants
  181. Laboratory application of preservatives to hay and the effects of irregular distribution on mold development
  182. The k-40 and bi-214 (from u-238) contents of Rothamsted soils determined by gamma spectrometry
  183. Invitro transcription of double-stranded-rna by virion-associated rna-polymerases of viruses from gaeumannomyces-graminis
  184. Interrelationship between nitrogen concentration in grain, grain-yield and added fertilizer nitrogen in wheat experiments of southeast England
  185. Interpretation of sperm development in nematodes
  186. The interaction between bactericidal chemicals and the wound-healing process of potato-tuber tissue
  187. The influence of soil treatments on the bacterial-degradation of diazinon and other organo-phosphorus insecticides
  188. Influence of plant interactions on vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal infections .2. Crop rotations and residual effects of non-host plants
  189. Infectivity of lesioned wheat root-tissue related to the presence of dehydrogenase enzymes in hyphae of gaeumannomyces-graminis var tritici (take-all) in the lesions
  190. The incidence of gaeumannomyces-graminis var tritici and phialophora-radicicola var graminicola on wheat grown after different cropping sequences (take-all)
  191. An improved small-scale unit for extracting leaf juice
  192. An improved open-topped chamber for pollution studies on crop growth
  193. An improved method for measuring soil respiration in the field
  194. Hydroxypyrimidine fungicides inhibit adenosine-deaminase in barley powdery mildew
  195. Host ranges of globodera species within solanum subgenus leptostemonum
  196. Hirschmanniella sp, an endo-parasitic nematode associated with miti-miti disease of taro corms in the Solomon-Islands
  197. Heterodera-mediterranea n-sp (nematoda, heteroderidae) on pistacia-lentiscus in southern italy
  198. A heavy metal-tolerant strain of a mycorrhizal fungus
  199. Hatching of potato cyst-nematodes (globodera-rostochiensis, globodera-pallida) in root exudates of solanum-vernei hybrids
  200. Hatching mechanisms of nematodes
  201. Growth on oat-seedling agar of isolates of gaeumannomyces-graminis and some phialophora species from cereal roots
  202. Growth of spring barley under drought - crop development, photosynthesis, dry-matter accumulation and nutrient content
  203. Glutamine-metabolism in higher-plants
  204. Genetic-control of ethirimol resistance in a natural-population of erysiphe-graminis f-sp-hordei
  205. Fungus diseases on potato seed tubers planted in England and Wales, 1963-76
  206. Fungal parasites - a weapon against cyst nematodes
  207. Formation of microbial biomass during the decomposition of C-14 labelled ryegrass in soil
  208. Finding nitrogen-fixation genes
  209. Field plans - why the biometrician finds them useful
  210. Field desorption mass-spectrometry of complexes of sodium and potassium with macrocyclic polyethers
  211. Fertilizing for a rotation
  212. Fatty-acids as substrates and inhibitors of fungi from propionic-acid treated hay
  213. Factors determining the release of nasonov pheromone by honeybees at the hive entrance
  214. Factors affecting the sequential acquisition by danish houseflies (musca-domestica l) of resistance to organo-phosphorus insecticides
  215. Facilities for modeling linear and non-linear bioassay relationships in mlp
  216. The extraction and separation of barley glutelins and their relationship to other endosperm proteins
  217. Evidence for gene-for-gene relationships between resistance gene-H1 from Solanum-tuberosum ssp andigena and a gene in Globodera-rostochiensis, and between H-2 from solanum-multidissectum and a gene in Globodera-pallida
  218. Evaluation of the various components of the nasonov pheromone used by clustering honeybees
  219. Estimating parameters in quantitative bioassay
  220. Enhancement of polygalacturonase activity by potassium phosphate in liquid culture of phialophora-radicicola var radicicola
  221. Effects on dry-weight and nitrogen-content of grains of semi-dwarf and tall varieties of winter-wheat caused by decreasing the number of grains per ear
  222. Effects of soil application of benomyl against take-all (gaeumannomyces-graminis) and footrot diseases of wheat
  223. Effects of plant-protection chemicals on vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizas
  224. Effects of ethionine and flurecols, applied to leaves, on clubroot of cabbage
  225. The effects of drought on barley - soil and plant water relations
  226. Effects of dose and attractant on interactions between pheromone traps for the pea moth, cydia-nigricana
  227. Effects of decreasing the number of grains in ears of cvs hobbit and maris huntsman winter-wheat
  228. Effects of covering potato crops with clear polyethylene film on spread of potato virus-y
  229. An effective lure for use in pheromone traps for monitoring pea moth, cydia-nigricana (f)
  230. The effect on wheat-grain growth of the removal or aba treatment of glumes and lemmas
  231. The effect of perforated polyethylene sheeting on the alighting behavior of aphids (hemiptera, aphididae) and their infestation of potato crops
  232. The effect of minimum cultivation on the incidence of take-all down the root profile of winter-wheat
  233. The effect of introducing aphid-pathogenic entomophthoraceae into field populations of aphis-fabae
  234. Effect of host plant-selection and temperature on the structure of root-nodules of red-clover (trifolium-pratense l)
  235. Effect of green manures on yield and nitrogen requirement of sugar-beet
  236. Ecology of mycorrhizae and mycorrhizal fungi
  237. Ecology of conidiobolus-obscurus (entomophthora-obscura) in soil
  238. The dual polyclave - an aid to more efficient identification
  239. Distributions of final digits in data
  240. Development of virology .5. Portraits of viruses - tobacco necrosis virus and its satellite virus
  241. Development of the crop
  242. The development of protein bodies in the storage tissues of seeds - subcellular separations of homogenates of barley, maize, and wheat endosperms and of pea cotyledons
  243. The determination of imazalil on potatoes and its use in controlling potato storage diseases
  244. Detection of starvation as the cause of death in honeybees, from thoracic glucose-levels
  245. Detection of ridge and furrow pattern by spectral-analysis of crop yield
  246. The design of optimal sampling schemes for local estimation and mapping of regionalized variables .2. Program and examples
  247. The design of optimal sampling schemes for local estimation and mapping of regionalized variables .1. Theory and method
  248. Deposition of particles liberated in gusts of wind
  249. Denitrification in a very acid tropical soil
  250. Dehydrochlorination of some organochlorine pesticides in freeze-dried egg and egg fat during storage
  251. Decreased severity of potato common scab after foliar sprays of 3,5-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, a possible anti-pathogenic agent
  252. Darwin,charles and earthworms
  253. Dark respiration of several varieties of winter-wheat given different amounts of nitrogen-fertilizer
  254. The crystal-structures of 1,5,12,16,23,26,29,32,35-nonaoxa 133,14 - 5.5 orthocyclophane and its complex with rubidium picrate
  255. Crystal-structure studies of hydrazido(2-)quinolin-8-olato-complexes of molybdenum and tungsten
  256. Crystal-structure of 2 bridged macrobicyclic polyethers, 1,5,12,16,23,26,29-heptaoxa 73,14 5.5 orthocyclophane and 1,5,12,16,23,26,29,32-octaoxa 103,14 5.5 orthocyclophane
  257. The crystal-structure of 1,4,7,14,17,20,28,35-octaoxa 23,29.218,34 7.7 -orthocyclophane and its multihydrated complex with kcl
  258. Cross-linking of the Subunits of Potato Virus X with Di-imidates
  259. Crop protection chemicals - directions of future-development - introductory-remarks
  260. The correction of insitu tensiometer readings for overburden pressures in swelling soils
  261. Conventional and novel approaches to the improvement of the nutritional quality of cereal and legume seeds
  262. Control of potato diseases during growth and in store by fungicide seed treatment
  263. Contamination of vegetation with synthetic sex-attractant released from traps for the pea moth, cydia-nigricana
  264. Conidiobolus-obscurus in arable soil - a method for extracting and counting azygospores
  265. Complex-formation between guanidinium nitrate and 1,4,7,10,13,16-hexaoxacyclo-octadecane (18-crown-6) - crystal-structure of the hydrogen-bonded 2 - 1 complex
  266. The compatibility of the nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide with injected anhydrous ammonia
  267. Compartmental modeling of photo-respiration and carbon metabolism of water stressed leaves
  268. A comparison of the organic matter, biomass, adenosine triphosphate and mineralizable nitrogen contents of ploughed and direct-drilled soils
  269. The classification, identification and nomenclature of agrobacteria - incorporating revised descriptions for each of agrobacterium-tumefaciens (smith and townsend) conn 1942, agrobacterium-rhizogenes (riker et al) conn 1942, and agrobacterium-rubi (hildebrand) starr and weiss 1943
  270. Chemicals for preventing molding in damp hay
  271. Carbonyl-complexes of niobium and tantalum and evidence of a niobium dinitrogen complex - the structure of carbonyldichlorocyclopentadienylbis(dimethylphenylphosphine)tantalum
  272. Calcium inhibitors and the hatching of globodera-rostochiensis
  273. Breeding of nodulated red-clover (trifolium-pratense) for high-yield
  274. Badgers guilty
  275. Badger debate
  276. Bacterium-like organelles in the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus glomus-caledonius
  277. Attraction of honey bees to flowering plants by using synthetic nasonov pheromone
  278. Attractant lures for males of the pea moth,Cydia nigricana (F.) Containing (E)-10-dodecen-1-yl acetate and (E,E)-8,10-dodecadien-1-yl acetate
  279. The attachment of honeybee comb to sloping hive sides and side-bars of frames
  280. Analysis of field-weathered lures containing (E)-10-dodecen-1-yl acetate, a sex attractant for the pea moth,Cydia nigricana (F.)
  281. Agricultural use of lime
  282. Aerodynamic properties of field bean and potato crops
  283. 2 serologically unrelated viruses isolated from a phialophora sp
  284. Variation in chiasma distribution in inbred perennial ryegrass
  285. Optimal interpolation and isarithmic mapping of soil properties .4. Sampling strategy
  286. The development of forecasting systems for cereal aphid outbreaks in Europe
  287. The 'natural enemy ravine' in cereal aphid population dynamics: a consequence of predator activity or aphid biology?
  288. Effects of common scab Streptomyces scabies on potatoes
  289. The determination of ionic diffusion coefficients in field soils. I. Diffusion coefficients in sieved soils in relation water content and bulk density.
  290. Simulations of population models for cyst-nematodes: applications in agriculture.
  291. Phoridae (Diptera) from English pasture soils.