Restoring diverse grassland: what can be achieved where, and what will it do for us?

E - Books edited/written by staff member, alone/with others

Peel, S., Chesterton, C., Cooke, A., Jefferson, R., Martin, D., Smith, B., Smith, S. and Tallowin, J. R. B. 2012. Restoring diverse grassland: what can be achieved where, and what will it do for us? Association of Applied Biologists (AAB) Wellesbourne Warwick .

AuthorsPeel, S., Chesterton, C., Cooke, A., Jefferson, R., Martin, D., Smith, B., Smith, S. and Tallowin, J. R. B.
Open accessPublished as non-open access
Year of Publication2012
PublisherAssociation of Applied Biologists (AAB) Wellesbourne Warwick
SeriesAspects of Applied biology 115
Page range193pp

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