Recon2Neo4j: applying graph database technologies for managing comprehensive genome-scale networks

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Balaur, I., Mazein, A., Saqi, M., Lysenko, A., Rawlings, C. J. and Auffray, C. 2017. Recon2Neo4j: applying graph database technologies for managing comprehensive genome-scale networks. Bioinformatics. 33 (7), pp. 1096-1098.

AuthorsBalaur, I., Mazein, A., Saqi, M., Lysenko, A., Rawlings, C. J. and Auffray, C.
Year of Publication2017
Journal citation33 (7), pp. 1096-1098
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Open accessPublished as ‘gold’ (paid) open access
FunderBiotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Funder project or codeProject: 4918
Project: 5467
Publisher's version
Publication dates
Online30 Dec 2016
PublisherOxford University Press (OUP) Oxford
Oxford University Press (OUP)

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