Systems responses to progressive water stress in durum wheat

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Habash, D. Z., Baudo, M., Hindle, M. M., Powers, S. J., Defoin-Platel, M., Mitchell, R. A. C., Saqi, M., Rawlings, C. J., Latiri, K., Araus, J. L., Abdulkader, A., Tuberosa, R., Lawlor, D. W. and Nachit, M. M. 2014. Systems responses to progressive water stress in durum wheat. PLOS ONE. 9, p. e108431.

AuthorsHabash, D. Z., Baudo, M., Hindle, M. M., Powers, S. J., Defoin-Platel, M., Mitchell, R. A. C., Saqi, M., Rawlings, C. J., Latiri, K., Araus, J. L., Abdulkader, A., Tuberosa, R., Lawlor, D. W. and Nachit, M. M.
Year of Publication2014
Journal citation9, p. e108431
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Open accessPublished as ‘gold’ (paid) open access
Funder project or codeDesigning Seeds for Nutrition and Health (DS)
Design Cereal Seeds [Shewry/Mitchell]
Publisher's version
PublisherPublic Library of Science, San Fancisco (PLOS)
Public Library of Science (PLOS)

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