Effects of nitrate nutrition on chloroplast composition and photosynthetic activities in wheat.

G - Articles in popular magazines and other technical publications

Macnab, F., Lawlor, D. W., Baker, N. R. and Young, A. T. 1987. Effects of nitrate nutrition on chloroplast composition and photosynthetic activities in wheat.

AuthorsMacnab, F., Lawlor, D. W., Baker, N. R. and Young, A. T.
Year of Publication1987
Open accessPublished as non-open access
Collective title Progress in Photosynthesis Research Vol.2 Ed. J. Biggins. Dordrecht : Nijhoff
Page range359-362

Permalink - https://repository.rothamsted.ac.uk/item/860q0/effects-of-nitrate-nutrition-on-chloroplast-composition-and-photosynthetic-activities-in-wheat

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