Attraction of Lygus rugulipennis and Adelphocoris lineolatus to synthetic floral odour compounds in field experiments in Hungary (Heteroptera: Miridae)

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Vuts, J., Koczor, S. and Toth, M. 2012. Attraction of Lygus rugulipennis and Adelphocoris lineolatus to synthetic floral odour compounds in field experiments in Hungary (Heteroptera: Miridae). Journal of Pest Science. 85, pp. 239-245.

AuthorsVuts, J., Koczor, S. and Toth, M.

Field experiments were carried out to ascertain whether synthetic floral odour compounds were attractive for two pest bug species. The European tarnished plant bug (Lygus rugulipennis Poppius) has been reported to damage various crops (e.g. strawberry, sugarbeet, alfalfa, cucumber), and the alfalfa plant bug (Adelphocoris lineolatus (Goeze)) is considered as a pest of alfalfa and Bt-cotton. In our field tests, traps baited with phenylacetaldehyde caught significantly more L. rugulipennis than unbaited traps. In addition, A. lineolatus was also attracted to phenylacetaldehyde-baited traps. When testing other, EAG active compounds, (E)-cinnamaldehyde attracted A. lineolatus as well. This compound was also attractive for L. rugulipennis, however, to a lesser extent than phenylacetaldehyde. When the two compounds were presented in combination, no synergistic or inhibitory effect was detected in either species. By attracting both sexes of both species, these new attractants may prove to be useful and provide the basis for further development of new lures for agricultural use.

KeywordsHeteroptera; Miridae; Phenylacetaldehyde ; (E)-cinnamaldehyde; Synthetic floral odour compounds; Field trapping
Year of Publication2012
JournalJournal of Pest Science
Journal citation85, pp. 239-245
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Open accessPublished as non-open access
FunderHungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA)
Funder project or codeChemical and visual cues mediating biotic interactions of pest and beneficial insects
Accepted author manuscript
Output statusPublished
Publication dates
Online10 Mar 2012
Publication process dates
Accepted20 Feb 2012
PublisherSpringer Heidelberg
Copyright licenseCC BY

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