Effects of root inoculation of entomopathogenic fungi on olfactory-mediated behavior and life-history traits of the parasitoid Aphidius ervi (Haliday) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Wilberts, L., Vuts, J., Caulfield, J. C., Thomas, G., Withall, D., Wackers, F., Birkett, M. A., Jacquemyn, H. and Lievens, B. 2023. Effects of root inoculation of entomopathogenic fungi on olfactory-mediated behavior and life-history traits of the parasitoid Aphidius ervi (Haliday) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Pest Management Science. 80 (2), pp. 307-316. https://doi.org/10.1002/ps.7762

AuthorsWilberts, L., Vuts, J., Caulfield, J. C., Thomas, G., Withall, D., Wackers, F., Birkett, M. A., Jacquemyn, H. and Lievens, B.

Although most biological control programs use multiple biological agents to manage pest species, to date only a few programs have combined the use of agents from different guilds. Using sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.), the entomopathogenic fungus Akanthomyces muscarius ARSEF 5128, the tobacco peach aphid Myzus persicae var. nicotianae and the aphid parasitoid Aphidius ervi as the experimental model, we explored whether root inoculation with an entomopathogenic fungus is compatible with parasitoid wasps for enhanced biocontrol of aphids.

In dual-choice behavior experiments, A. ervi was significantly attracted to the odor of M. persicae-infested C. annuum plants that had been inoculated with A. muscarius, compared to noninoculated infested plants. There was no significant difference in attraction to the odor of uninfested plants. Myzus persicae-infested plants inoculated with A. muscarius emitted significantly higher amounts of indole, (E)-nerolidol, (3E,7E)-4,8,12-trimethyltrideca-1,3,7,11-tetraene and one unidentified terpene compared to noninoculated infested plants. Coupled gas chromatography-electroantennography, using the antennae of A. ervi, confirmed the physiological activity of these elevated compounds. Inoculation of plants with A. muscarius did not affect parasitism rate nor parasitoid longevity, but significantly increased the speed of mummy formation in parasitized aphids on fungus-inoculated plants.

Our data suggest that root inoculation of C. annuum with A. muscarius ARSEF 5128 alters the olfactory-mediated behavior of parasitoids, but has little effect on parasitism efficiency or life-history parameters. However, increased attraction of parasitoids towards M. persicae-infested plants when inoculated by entomopathogenic fungi can accelerate host localization and hence improve biocontrol efficacy.

KeywordsAkanthomyces muscarius; Biological control; Capsicum annuum; Lecanicillium muscarium; Myzus persicae var.nicotianae; Endophyte
Year of Publication2023
JournalPest Management Science
Journal citation80 (2), pp. 307-316
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)https://doi.org/10.1002/ps.7762
Web address (URL)https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ps.7762
Open accessPublished as non-open access
FunderBBSRC Industrial Strategy Challenge
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Funder project or codeGrowing Health [ISP]
BBSRC Strategic Programme in Smart Crop Protection
Growing Health (WP1) - bio-inspired solutions for healthier agroecosystems: Understanding biointeractions
Output statusPublished
Publication dates
Online08 Sep 2023

Permalink - https://repository.rothamsted.ac.uk/item/98y48/effects-of-root-inoculation-of-entomopathogenic-fungi-on-olfactory-mediated-behavior-and-life-history-traits-of-the-parasitoid-aphidius-ervi-haliday-hymenoptera-braconidae

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