Aspects of insect chemical ecology: exploitation of reception and detection as tools for deception of pests and beneficial insects

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Pickett, J. A., Aradottir, G. I., Birkett, M. A., Bruce, T. J. A., Chamberlain, K., Khan, Z. R., Midega, C. A. O., Smart, L. E. and Woodcock, C. M. 2012. Aspects of insect chemical ecology: exploitation of reception and detection as tools for deception of pests and beneficial insects. Physiological Entomology. 37 (1), pp. 2-9.

AuthorsPickett, J. A., Aradottir, G. I., Birkett, M. A., Bruce, T. J. A., Chamberlain, K., Khan, Z. R., Midega, C. A. O., Smart, L. E. and Woodcock, C. M.

Empirical exploitation of insect reception and detection at the peripheral neurosensory level has been extremely valuable for identifying pheromones and other semiochemicals, mainly by electroantennogram or single cell preparations coupled with capillary gas chromatography. Differential sensitivity to semiochemicals at the single-cell level has allowed the identification of some of the most active semiochemicals relating to host location and, more importantly, to the avoidance of nonhosts. However, in terms of molecular recognition, there is still a considerable gap in understanding the detection of particular molecules and their discrimination from closely-related chemical structures. New approaches will be needed to understand the processes of molecular recognition more precisely. Nevertheless, from electrophysiological studies to the most advanced molecular techniques, it has been possible to identify semiochemicals for the deception of pests in their quest to find plant and animal hosts, as well as mates. Even the deception of insects antagonistic to pests, particularly parasitoids, can now be exploited for managing pests in more sustainable systems. Successes in exploiting insect semiochemicals in the interests of better agriculture and animal husbandry are exemplified, and potential new ways of learning more about reception and detection for deception are discussed. This takes the subject beyond the management of pest and beneficial insects to wider commercial and social opportunities.

Year of Publication2012
JournalPhysiological Entomology
Journal citation37 (1), pp. 2-9
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Open accessPublished as green open access
FunderBiotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Biovision Foundation for Ecological Development, Switzerland
European Union - EU
Funder project or codeCentre for Sustainable Pest and Disease Management (PDM)
Project: 4944
Project: 4945
Publisher's version
Grant IDBB/H017011/1
DCI-FOOD / 2010 / 230224

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