Effects of the antifeedant polygodial on plant penetration by aphids, assessed by video and electrical recording

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Powell, G., Hardie, J. and Pickett, J. A. 1993. Effects of the antifeedant polygodial on plant penetration by aphids, assessed by video and electrical recording. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. 68 (2), pp. 193-200.

AuthorsPowell, G., Hardie, J. and Pickett, J. A.

Adult apterous Myzus persicae (Sulz.) discriminated within 2 min between mature Chinese cabbage (Brassica pekinensis L.) leaf halves treated with (+/-)-polygodial solution and solvent alone, and walked off leaf areas treated with polygodial faster than off the solvent-treated areas. However, when aphids were attached to a fine gold wire and stylet penetration of cabbage leaves was recorded electrically, polygodial treatment did not affect the number or duration of electrically-recorded penetrations, time taken to initiate a first penetration, or total penetration time. As the tethering of aphids causes behavioural restrictions which may negate the response to polygodial, indications of stylet penetration by freely-moving insects were sought. Simultaneous electrical recording and video monitoring showed that stylet penetration duration could be accurately inferred from antennal and body movements, enabling assessment of penetration times without attachment to the wire tether. When freely-moving M. persicae were video recorded during 15 min access to cabbage seedlings, polygodial treatment again had no apparent effect on stylet penetration. However, when aphids were presented with a choice of polygodial- and solvent-treated sides of floating mature cabbage leaf discs, video recordings revealed that the insects spent less time and made fewer penetrations on the polygodial-treated side. In addition to this rapid repellent effect, prolonged exposure to polygodial also produced behavioural changes. After being held for 24 h on polygodial-treated leaves or green paper prior to behavioural examination, aphids penetrated seedlings fewer times but for longer periods. The relevance of the results to virus transmission studies is discussed.

Year of Publication1993
JournalEntomologia Experimentalis et Applicata
Journal citation68 (2), pp. 193-200
Open accessPublished as non-open access
Funder project or code905
Project: 051014

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