The synthesis and enzymic hydrolysis of (E) -2-[2,3-2H2] propenyl glucosinolate: confirmation of the rearrangement of the thiohydroximate moiety

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Rossiter, J. T., Pickett, J. A., Bennett, M. H., Bones, A. M., Powell, G. and Cobb, J. 2007. The synthesis and enzymic hydrolysis of (E) -2-[2,3-2H2] propenyl glucosinolate: confirmation of the rearrangement of the thiohydroximate moiety. Phytochemistry. 68, pp. 1384-1390.

AuthorsRossiter, J. T., Pickett, J. A., Bennett, M. H., Bones, A. M., Powell, G. and Cobb, J.
Year of Publication2007
Journal citation68, pp. 1384-1390
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Open accessPublished as non-open access
Funder project or codeCentre for Sustainable Pest and Disease Management (PDM)

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