Activity of drimane antifeedants and related compounds against aphids, and comparative biological effects and chemical reactivity of (-)- and (+)- polygodial.

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Asakawa, Y., Dawson, G. W., Griffiths, D. C., Lallemand, J. Y., Ley, S. V., Mori, K., Mudd, A., Massoume, P. L., Pickett, J. A., Watanabe, H., Woodcock, C. M. and Zhang, Z-N. 1988. Activity of drimane antifeedants and related compounds against aphids, and comparative biological effects and chemical reactivity of (-)- and (+)- polygodial. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 14, pp. 1845-1855.

AuthorsAsakawa, Y., Dawson, G. W., Griffiths, D. C., Lallemand, J. Y., Ley, S. V., Mori, K., Mudd, A., Massoume, P. L., Pickett, J. A., Watanabe, H., Woodcock, C. M. and Zhang, Z-N.
Year of Publication1988
JournalJournal of Chemical Ecology
Journal citation14, pp. 1845-1855
Open accessPublished as non-open access
Funder project or code02

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