SAS-NW: Environment Systems and Modelling

TitleSAS-NW: Environment Systems and Modelling
TypeResearch cluster


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The uptake of selenium by perennial ryegrass in soils of different organic matter contents receiving sheep excreta

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Kao, P-T., Buss, H. L., McGrath, S. P., Darch, T., Warren, H. E. and Lee, M. R. F. 2023. The uptake of selenium by perennial ryegrass in soils of different organic matter contents receiving sheep excreta. Plant and Soil. 486, pp. 639-659.

Water chemistry of combined surface and subsurface runoff from the North Wyke Farm Platform, with hydrologically isolated catchments sown with different pasture types.

N - Datasets
Granger, S. J., Quincke, J. A., Carswell, A. M., Olde, L., Darch, T., Peukert, S., Horrocks, C. A., Dixon, E. R., Collins, A. L., Blackwell, M. S. A., Murray, P. J., Dungait, J. A. J. and Harris, P. 2023. Water chemistry of combined surface and subsurface runoff from the North Wyke Farm Platform, with hydrologically isolated catchments sown with different pasture types. Rothamsted Research.

Temporal measurement of penetrometer resistance for 20 grassland sites on 4 contrasting soil types in South-West England

N - Datasets
Harrod, T. and Blackwell, M. S. A. 2023. Temporal measurement of penetrometer resistance for 20 grassland sites on 4 contrasting soil types in South-West England. Rothamsted Research.

Movement of micro- and macronutrients from sheep excreta to grass and leachate via soil

N - Datasets
Kao, P-T., Darch, T., Warren, H., McGrath, S. P., Buss, H.L. and Lee, M. R. F. 2023. Movement of micro- and macronutrients from sheep excreta to grass and leachate via soil. Rothamsted Research.

Response of soil health indicators to dung, urine and mineral fertilizer application in temperate pastures

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Segura, C., Horrocks, C. A., Lopez-Aizpun, M., Blackwell, M. S. A., Darch, T., Hood, J., Le Cocq, K., McAuliffe, G., Lee, M. R. F. and Cardenas, L. M. 2023. Response of soil health indicators to dung, urine and mineral fertilizer application in temperate pastures. Journal of Environmental Management. 330, p. 117096.

Sediment source apportionment using geochemical composite signatures in a large and polluted river system with a semiarid-coastal interface, Brazil

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Nascimento, R. C., Maia, A .J., Agra Bezerra da Silva, Y. J., Amorim, F. F., Williams Araújo do Nascimento, C., Tiecher, T., Evrard, O., Collins, A. L., Biondi, C. M. and Agra Bezerra da Silva, Y. J. 2023. Sediment source apportionment using geochemical composite signatures in a large and polluted river system with a semiarid-coastal interface, Brazil. Catena. 220, Part B, p. 106710.

(Un)willingness to contribute financially towards advice surrounding diffuse water pollution - the perspectives of farmers and advisors

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Chivers, C. and Collins, A. L. 2023. (Un)willingness to contribute financially towards advice surrounding diffuse water pollution - the perspectives of farmers and advisors. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension. 29 (3), pp. 327-350.

Optimisation of Cereal Farm Strategies for Mitigating Externalities Associated with Intensive Production

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Collins, A. L. and Zhang, Y. 2022. Optimisation of Cereal Farm Strategies for Mitigating Externalities Associated with Intensive Production. Water. 15 (1), p. 169.

Protein quality as a complementary functional unit in life cycle assessment (LCA)

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
McAuliffe, G., Takahashi, T., Beal, T., Huppertz, T., Leroy, F., Buttriss, J., Collins, A. L., Drewnowski, A., McLaren, S. J., Ortenzi, F., Van der Pols, J., Van Vliet, S. and Lee, M. R. F. 2022. Protein quality as a complementary functional unit in life cycle assessment (LCA). International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. 28 (2), pp. 146-155.

A reconnaissance survey of channel bank particulate phosphorus concentrations, controls and estimated contributions to riverine loads across England

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Pulley, S., Zhang, Y., Copeland-Phillips, R., Vadher, A. N., Foster, I. D. L, Boardman, J. and Collins, A. L. 2022. A reconnaissance survey of channel bank particulate phosphorus concentrations, controls and estimated contributions to riverine loads across England. Hydrological Processes. 35 (12), p. e14785.

A meta-analysis of phosphatase activity in agricultural settings in response to phosphorus deficiency

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Janes-Bassett, V., Blackwell, M. S. A., Blair, G., Davies, J., Haygarth, P. M., Mezelia, M. M. and Stewart, G. R. 2022. A meta-analysis of phosphatase activity in agricultural settings in response to phosphorus deficiency. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 165, p. 1008537.

A review of models for simulating the soil-plant interface for different climatic conditions and land uses in the Loess Plateau, China

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Turkeltaub, T., Gongadze, K., Lu, Y., Huang, M., Jia, X., Yang, H., Shao, M., Binley, A., Harris, P. and Wu, L. 2022. A review of models for simulating the soil-plant interface for different climatic conditions and land uses in the Loess Plateau, China. Ecological Modelling. 474, p. 110173.

Blueprint for phosphorus efficiency

G - Articles in popular magazines and other technical publications
Blackwell, M. S. A. 2022. Blueprint for phosphorus efficiency. Nature Sustainability.

Water chemistry under low-flow conditions from grazed pastures seeded with different species

N - Datasets
Granger, S. J., Olde, L., Hodgson, C. J., Blackwell, M. S. A., Sint, H. M., Quincke, J. A. and Harris, P. 2022. Water chemistry under low-flow conditions from grazed pastures seeded with different species. Rothamsted Research.

Impacts of different vegetation in riparian buffer strips on runoff and sediment loss

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Dunn, R. M., Hawkins, J. M. B., Blackwell, M. S. A., Zhang, Y. and Collins, A. L. 2022. Impacts of different vegetation in riparian buffer strips on runoff and sediment loss. Hydrological Processes. 36 (11), p. e14733.

Using particle size distributions to fingerprint suspended sediment sources Evaluation at laboratory and catchment scales

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Lake, N. F., Martinez-Carreras, N., Shaw, P. J. and Collins, A. L. 2022. Using particle size distributions to fingerprint suspended sediment sources Evaluation at laboratory and catchment scales. Hydrological Processes. 36 (10), p. e14726.

Responses of crop productivity and reactive nitrogen losses to the application of animal manure to China's main crops - A meta-analysis

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Ren, F., Sun, N., Misselbrook, T. H., Wu, L., Xu, M., Zhang, F. and Xu, W. 2022. Responses of crop productivity and reactive nitrogen losses to the application of animal manure to China's main crops - A meta-analysis. Science of the Total Environment. 850, p. 158064.

The effect of soil type on yield and micronutrient content of pasture species

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Darch, T., Blackwell, M. S. A., Hood, J., Lee, M. R. F., Storkey, J., Beaumont, D. A. and McGrath, S. P. 2022. The effect of soil type on yield and micronutrient content of pasture species. PLOS ONE. 17 (11), p. e0277091.

Progress on improving agricultural nitrogen use efficiency: UK-China virtual joint centers on nitrogen agronomy

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Misselbrook, T. H., Bai, Z., Cai, Z., Cao, W., Carswell, A. M., Cowan, N., Cui, Z., Chadwick, D. R., Emmett, B., Goulding, K. W. T., Jiang, R., Jones, D. L., Ju, X., Liu, H., Lu, Y., Ma, L., Powlson, D. S., Rees, R. M., Skiba, U., Smith, P., Sylvester-Bradley, R., Williams, J., Wu, L., Xu, M., Xu, W., Zhang, F., Zhang, J., Zhou, J. and Liu, X. 2022. Progress on improving agricultural nitrogen use efficiency: UK-China virtual joint centers on nitrogen agronomy. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering - FASE. 9 (3), pp. 475-489.

Challenges in measuring nitrogen isotope signatures in inorganic nitrogen forms: An interlaboratory comparison of three common measurement approaches

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Biasi, C., Jokinen, S., Prommer, J., Ambus, P., Dorsch, P., Yu, L., Granger, S. J., Boeckx, P., Nieuland, K. V., Bruggemann, N., Wissel, H., Voropaev, A., Zilberman, T., Jantti, H., Trubnikova, T., Welti, N., Voigt, C., Gebus-Czupyt, B., Czupyt, Z. and Wanek, W. 2022. Challenges in measuring nitrogen isotope signatures in inorganic nitrogen forms: An interlaboratory comparison of three common measurement approaches. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. 36 (22), p. e9370.

Projected climate effects on soil workability and trafficability determine the feasibility of converting permanent grassland to arable land

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Wu, L., Wu, L., Bingham, I. and Misselbrook, T. H. 2022. Projected climate effects on soil workability and trafficability determine the feasibility of converting permanent grassland to arable land. Agricultural Systems. 203, p. 103500.

Data, and sample sources thereof, on water quality life cycle impact assessments pertaining to catchment scale acidification and eutrophication potentials and the benefits of on-farm mitigation strategies

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
McAuliffe, G.A., Zhang, Y. and Collins, A. L. 2022. Data, and sample sources thereof, on water quality life cycle impact assessments pertaining to catchment scale acidification and eutrophication potentials and the benefits of on-farm mitigation strategies. Data in Brief. 44, p. 108505.

Applying geochemical and colour properties to quantify sediment sources in a Brazilian semiarid ephemeral river system

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Nascimento, R. C., Maia, A. J., Bezerra da Silva, Y .J. A., Amorim, F. F., Araujo do Nascimento, W. C., Tiecher, T., Evrard, O., Collins, A. L., Biondi, C. M. and Bezerra da Silva, Y .J. A. 2022. Applying geochemical and colour properties to quantify sediment sources in a Brazilian semiarid ephemeral river system. Journal of Hydrology. 613 (A), p. 128360.

The effect of soil type on yield and macro- and micronutrient content of a wide range of pasture species

N - Datasets
Darch, T., Blackwell, M. S. A., Hood, J., Lee, M. R. F., Storkey, J., Beaumont, D. A. and McGrath, S. P. 2022. The effect of soil type on yield and macro- and micronutrient content of a wide range of pasture species. Rothamsted Research.

Elemental concentrations and growth characteristics of wild-type and cultivated varieties of pasture species

N - Datasets
Darch, T., McGrath, S. P., Lee, M. R. F., Beaumont, D. A., Blackwell, M. S. A., Horrocks, C. A., Hood, J. and Storkey, J. 2022. Elemental concentrations and growth characteristics of wild-type and cultivated varieties of pasture species. Rothamsted Research.

Soil CO2 emissions in cropland with fodder maize (Zea mays L.) with and without riparian buffer strips of differing vegetation

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Dlamini, J., Cardenas, L. M., Tesfamariam, E. H., Dunn, R. M., Hawkins, J. M. B., Blackwell, M. S. A. and Collins, A. L. 2022. Soil CO2 emissions in cropland with fodder maize (Zea mays L.) with and without riparian buffer strips of differing vegetation. Agroforestry Systems. 96, pp. 983-995.

Separating natural from human enhanced methane emissions in headwater streams

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Zhu, Y., Iwan Jones, J., Collins, A. L., Zhang, Y., Olde, L., Rovelli, L., Murphy, J. F., Heppell, C. M. and Trimmer, M. 2022. Separating natural from human enhanced methane emissions in headwater streams. Nature Communications. 13, p. 3810.

Assessing catchment scale water quality of agri-food systems and the scope for reducing unintended consequences using spatial life cycle assessment (LCA)

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
McAuliffe, G. A., Zhang, Y. and Collins, A. L. 2022. Assessing catchment scale water quality of agri-food systems and the scope for reducing unintended consequences using spatial life cycle assessment (LCA). Journal of Environmental Management. 318 (15 Sept), p. 115563.

Tracing the sources and fate of NO3– in the vadose zone-groundwater system of a thousand-year cultivated region

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Niu, X., Jia, X., Yang, X., Wang, J., Wei, X., Wu, L. and Shao, M. 2022. Tracing the sources and fate of NO3– in the vadose zone-groundwater system of a thousand-year cultivated region. Environmental Science & Technology. 56 (13), pp. 9335-9345.

Climate change impacts on crop yield of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) and maize (Zea mays) and soil organic carbon stocks in northern China

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Liu, C., Yang, H., Gongadze, K., Harris, P., Huang, M. and Wu, L. 2022. Climate change impacts on crop yield of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) and maize (Zea mays) and soil organic carbon stocks in northern China. Agriculture - Basel. 12 (5), p. 614.

Future climate change impacts on mulched maize production in an arid irrigation area

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Quan, H., Ding, D., Wu, L., Qiao, R., Dong, Q., Zhang, T., Feng, H., Wu, L. and Siddique, K. H. M. 2022. Future climate change impacts on mulched maize production in an arid irrigation area. Agricultural Water Management. 266, p. 107550.

Riparian buffer strips influence nitrogen losses as nitrous oxide and leached N from upslope permanent pasture

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Dlamini, J., Cardenas, L. M., Tesfamariam, E.H., Dunn, R. M., Loick, N., Charteris, A., Cocciaglia, L., Vangeli,S., Blackwell, M. S. A., Upadhayay, H., Hawkins, J. M. B., Evans, J. and Collins, A. L. 2022. Riparian buffer strips influence nitrogen losses as nitrous oxide and leached N from upslope permanent pasture. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 336 (15 September), p. 108031.

Micro- and macro-elements in sheep excreta after consumption of feed supplements according to supplement formulation and level

N - Datasets
Kao, P-T., Darch, T., Fleming, H. R., Warren, H., McGrath, S. P., Buss, H. L. and Lee, M. R. F. 2022. Micro- and macro-elements in sheep excreta after consumption of feed supplements according to supplement formulation and level. Rothamsted Research.

Soil N2O and CH4 emissions from fodder maize production with and without riparian buffer strips of differing vegetation

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Dlamini, J., Cardenas, L. M., Tesfamariam, E. H., Dunn, R., Evans, J., Hawkins, J. M. B., Blackwell, M. S. A. and Collins, A. L. 2022. Soil N2O and CH4 emissions from fodder maize production with and without riparian buffer strips of differing vegetation. Plant and Soil. 477, pp. 297-318.

CO2 fluxes from three different temperate grazed pastures using Eddy covariance measurements

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Cardenas, L. M., Olde, L., Loick, N., Griffith, B. A., Hill, T., Evans, J., Cowan, N., Segura, C., Sint, H. M., Harris, P., McCalmont, J., Zhu, S., Dobermann, A. and Lee, M. R. F. 2022. CO2 fluxes from three different temperate grazed pastures using Eddy covariance measurements. Science of the Total Environment. 831 (20 July), p. 154819.

Prolonged heavy rainfall and land use drive catchment sediment source dynamics: appraisal using multiple biotracers

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Upadhayay, H. R., Zhang, Y., Granger, S. J., Micale, M. and Collins, A. L. 2022. Prolonged heavy rainfall and land use drive catchment sediment source dynamics: appraisal using multiple biotracers. Water Research. 216, p. 118348.

Monitored flow and water quality data from upper river taw observatory in 2018 and 2019 water years

N - Datasets
Granger, S. J., Zhang, Y., Sint, H. M. and Collins, A. L. 2022. Monitored flow and water quality data from upper river taw observatory in 2018 and 2019 water years. Rothamsted Research.

A rapid and inexpensive colour-based sediment tracing method incorporating hydrogen peroxide sample treatment as an alternative to quantitative source fingerprinting for catchment management

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Pulley, S. and Collins, A. L. 2022. A rapid and inexpensive colour-based sediment tracing method incorporating hydrogen peroxide sample treatment as an alternative to quantitative source fingerprinting for catchment management. Journal of Environmental Management. 311 (1 June), p. 114780.

Coupled steroid and phosphorus leaching from cattle slurry at lysimeter scale

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Manley, A., Collins, A. L., Joynes, A., Mellander, P-E. and Jordan, P. 2022. Coupled steroid and phosphorus leaching from cattle slurry at lysimeter scale. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. 247 (May), p. 103979.

Exploring the effects of land management change on productivity, carbon and nutrient balance: Application of an Ensemble Modelling Approach to the upper River Taw observatory, UK

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Hassall, K. L., Coleman, K., Dixit, P., Granger, S. J., Zhang, Y., Sharp, R., Wu, L., Whitmore, A. P., Richter, G. M., Collins, A. L. and Milne, A. E. 2022. Exploring the effects of land management change on productivity, carbon and nutrient balance: Application of an Ensemble Modelling Approach to the upper River Taw observatory, UK. Science of the Total Environment. 824, p. 153824.

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