- Entomological Department at Rothamsted 1961
- Reginald George Stapledon, 1882-1960
- Rothamsted Chemistry Department 1960
- Phosphorus in soil organic matter
- Report of the Bee Department 1960
- Effect of light quality on the growth and growth-substance content of plants
- Nest climate regulation in honey bee colonies
- Absence of salivary invertase in queen and drone honeybees
- The agricultural importance of the soil meso-fauna
- Crop losses by insects and the problem of control
- Bean aphid control on field beans in relation to the flowering period and to honey bee poisoning
- Growth of Nitrosomonas europaea in batch and continuous culture
- The bionomics of the free-living stages of zoo-parasitic and phyto-parasitic nematodes – a critical survey
- Browning of Chrysanthemum Leaves Infested With Aphelenchoides Ritzemabosi
- The Nature of Resistance in Chrysanthemum Varieties To Aphelenchoides Ritzemabosi
- The Orientation of Ditylenchus Dipsaci To Physical Stimuli
- Factors influencing the ability of Heterodera larvae to reach host plant roots
- A technique for the topical application of poisons to non-anaesthetised house-flies for knockdown assessments
- The effect of safroxan on the knockdown and the 24-hour toxicity of commercial pyrethrum extract against houseflies (Musca domestica L.)
- The effect of depth of burying and frequency of cultivation on survival and germination of wild oats ( Avena fatua L. and Avena ludoviciana Dur.)
- Effects of Age and Environment on Net Assimilation Rate of Barley
- Some aspects of the drift deposits and geomorphology of south-east Hertfordshire
- Chemical and biological examination of commercial pyrethrum extracts for insecticidal constituents
- Four new species of Helicotylenchus Steiner (Hoplolaiminae: Tylenchida) and a redescription of H. canadensis Waseem, 1961
- Heterodera rostochiensis Population Density in Relation to Potato Growth
- The future of chemical control of insects
- Investigations on nematicidal activity and crop responses to chemical soil sterilants
- Physical conditions affecting in vitro fungi-static action on conidia of Botrytis fabae Sardina
- Graphical and other short statistical methods for all‐or‐none bioassay tests
- Effects of time and temperature on the fungistatic action of mercury‐containing and other compounds on conidia of Botrytis fabae Sardina
- Some variants and possible errors in the test‐tube dilution and slide‐germination methods for laboratory testing of fungicides
- Further purification and properties of the amine oxidase of pea seedlings
- The behaviour of free-living mites as affected by humidity (Acarina; Oribatoidea)
- The control of relative humidity with aqueous solutions of sodium hydroxide
- Preferred Temperatures of Land Arthropods
- A podzol development sequence in oakwoods and heath in central England
- Microbiological observations on the classical fields at Rothamsted
- Earthworms and the soil
- Slugs at low temperatures
- The function of the sternal spatula in gall midges
- Soil Survey in Britain
- The podzol and podzolic soils
- Applying nitrogen fertilizers for spring barley
- Autumn nitrogen for winter wheat
- Experiments with nitrogen and potash on barley
- The effect of different nitrogenous fertilizers, applied as solids or solutions, on the yield and nitrate-N content of established grass and newly sown ryegrass
- Pedology
- An automatic device for measuring leaf area
- The partial purification and properties of a cholinesterase from Blatella germanica L
- Phospholipid content in different strains of Drosophila melanogaster and the tentative relation to resistance to organophosphorus compounds
- Food losses through animal disease
- A statistical technique suitable for the analysis of farm surveys of fertility
- Potato haulm resistance to Phytophthora infestans III Lesion distribution and leaf destruction
- Potato haulm resistance to Phytophthora infestans II Lesion production and sporulation
- Potato haulm resistance to Phytophthora infestans: I. Field assessment of resistance
- Sporulation of blight on potato tubers within ridges
- Laboratory assessments of the susceptibility of potato haulm to blight (Phytophthora infestans)
- Direct and residual effects of Striga control treatments on sorghum yields
- Control of cocoa capsids in West Africa
- Reaction of tubers of r-gene potato clones to inoculation with specialized races of Phytophthora infestans
- Cultivation of Vicia faba L. in Northern Sudan
- The histochemistry of the cholinesterases in the central nervous system of susceptible and resistant strains of the house-fly, Musca domestica L., in relation to diazinon poisoning
- Nutrition of pigs and poultry
- The large‐scale production of protein from leaf extracts
- Transfer of virulence in Rhizobium trifolii
- The effect of paracrinkle virus on the growth of King Edward potato at different temperatures and daylengths
- Potato paracrinkle virus
- Thermotherapy of virus infected plants
- Transmission of Tobacco Necrosis Virus by Zoospores of Olpidium brassicae
- The transmission of potato aucuba mosaic virus by aphids from plants also infected by potato viruses A or Y
- Studies on the culturing and parasitism of plant-parasitic nematodes, in particular Ditylenchus dipsaci and Aphelenchoides ritzeiwabosi on alfalfa tissues
- Nematode injury to crops
- The potato root-eelworm Heterodera rostochiensis Woll. in India.
- Aphid dispersal and its bearing on the general character of insect migration by flight
- Syrphid (Diptera) migration on the Norfolk coast in Augus
- Studies on cation-exchange capacities of roots
- An investigation into leaf deformation in Medicago sativa caused by the gall midge Jaapiella medicaginis Rubsaamen (Cecidomyidae) Marcellia
- Observations on the susceptibility of chrysanthemum varieties infested at two different times with chrysanthemum eelworm, Aphelenchoides ritzemabosi
- Problems in the routine hot-water treatment of chrysanthemum stools
- Observations on the biology of chrysanthemum eelworm Aphelenchoides ritzema‐bosi (Schwartz) Steiner in florists' chrysanthemum: II Symptoms of eelworm infestation
- Observations on the biology of chrysanthemum eelworm Aphelenchoides ritzema‐bosi (Schwartz) Steiner in florists' chrysanthemum: I. Spread of eelworm infestation
- Heterodera rostochiensis (Woll. 1923) on Solanum demissum—a population study
- Cotton disease symptoms caused by different concentrations of Xanthomonas malvacearum
- Laboratory rearing and life history studies of the honey bee: a lecture given to the Central Association of Bee-keepers
- Identity of red currant spoon leaf virus
- Soil-bourne plant viruses
- Transmission of a strain of tomato black ring virus by Longidorus elongatus (Nematoda)
- Laboratory and field studies on the relation of arabis mosaic virus to its nematode vector Xiphinema diversicaudatum (Micoletzky)
- The Response of Potato Root Eelworm, Heterodera Rostochiensis Wollenweber and Beet Eelworm, H. Schachtii Schmidt To Root Diffusates of Some Grasses, Cereals and of Tagetes Minuta
- Daffodil and tulip diseases - Botrytis disease of narcissus
- Recent developments in plant nematology
- The nature of the spear guiding apparatus in Dorylaimidae
- The damage to wheat kernels caused by the wheat blossom midge (Sitodiplosis mosellana)
- Effects of quality of light on development of roots on dwarf bean hypocotyls in presence and absence of boron
- The health of the Sugar Beet crop in Great Britain
- A method for attaching the funnel to the flask for use in the Seinhorst two-Erlenmeyer-flask soil extraction technique
- A Redescription of Longidorus Elongatus (De Man, 1876) Thorne & Swanger, 1936, (Nematoda, Dorylaimidae) and Descriptions of Five New Species of Longidorus From Great Britain
- The rearing, handling and biology of house flies (Musca domestica L.) for assay of insecticides by the application of measured drops
- Lucerne mosaic virus in Great Britain
- Effects of air‐drying and air‐dry storage on the mineralisable‐nitrogen of soils
- Determination of the nitrogen requirements of crops by analysis 1 Laboratory method of measuring soil nitrogen status and methods of correlating measurements with crop performance
- Soil nitrogen VI Correlations between laboratory measurements of soil mineral‐N and crop yields and responses in pot and field experiments
- Transformation, leaching and uptake of fertilizer nitrogen applied in autumn and spring to winter wheat on a heavy soil
- Hypopharyngeal gland development and division of labour in honey-bee (Apis mellifera L.) colonies
- The Social Organization of the Bumble-bee Colony
- The stimuli releasing the stinging response of honeybees
- The foraging behaviour of honeybees from colonies moved into a pear orchard in full flower
- Effect of nitrogen supply on the response of Majestic potato to gibberellic acid
- A British Root-knot Nematode, Meloidogyne artiellia n.sp.
- Extraction of proteins from green leaves
- Serological behaviour of tobacco mosaic virus and of its protein fragments
- Protection from proteolysis by aggregating the protein isolated from tobacco mosaic virus
- Effects of ultraviolet radiation on plant viruses and on the capacity of host plants to support their multiplication.
- Estimation of Field Populations of Cyst forming Nematodes of the Genus Heterodera
- Activation of one tobacco necrosis virus by another
- The Mononchidae (Enoplida: Nematoda) of New Zealand. IV. The genus Mylonchului (Cobb, 1916) Pennak, 1953.
- A revised classification of the order Enoplida (Nematoda)
- Fuel utilization and duration of tethered flight in Aphis fabae Scop
- Viability and fecundity of alate alienicolae of Aphis fabae Scop. after flights to exhaustion
- Water relationships of Aphis fabae Scop. during tethered flight
- Susceptibility of the bed bug, Cimex lectularius Linnaeus, to Aspergillus flavus Link
- Low temperature thresholds for flight in aphis fabae scop
- The use of nitrogen fertilizers in Britain and their effects on the yield and composition of crops
- Soils and fertilizers : Trace elements : Cobalt an essential nutrient for some legumes
- Some effects of farmyard manure and of grass residues on soil structure
- Phosphate interaction with clay minerals
- Gaseous diffusion in porous media. Part 3-Wet granular materials
- Gaseous diffusion in the aeration of aggregated soils
- A Cocoa Shade and Manurial Experiment at the west African Cocoa Research Institute: III. Physiological Results
- A Cocoa Shade and Manurial Experiment at the west African Cocoa Research Institute, Ghana: II. Second and Third Years
- Electric charges of clays
- An interpretation of the micro‐mineralogy of certain Glamorgan soils: the influence of ice and wind
- A brief account of the soils of Yorkshire
- Nematodes attacked by protozoa and tardigrades
- Observations on natural mortality, parasites and predators of Wheat bulb fly, Leptohylemyia coarctata (Fall.)
- Observations on emergence and life-span of wheat bulb fly, Leptohylemyia coarctata (Fall.), under field-cage conditions.
- Mangold fly incidence economic importance and control
- Electronic computation and data processing for research statistics
- Effect of time and temperature on toxicity of insecticides to insects III Tests of seven poisons in the range 10–28° C
- Effect of time and temperature on toxicity of insecticides to insects: II. Tests of DDT on adult Tenebrio molitor L. below 10° G
- Effect of time and temperature on toxicity of insecticides to insects I Tests of DDT on larvae of Aedes aegypti L
- Extraction of protein from the leaves of some plants growing in Ghana
- Effect of gibberellic acid on the extraction of protein from the leaves of spring vetches (vicia sativa L.)
- Age at menarche in South African Bantu schoolgirls living in the Transkei Reserve
- Humicola stellatus sp. nov., a thermophilic mould from hay
- The use of rainfall, temperature, and actual transpiration in some crop-weather investigations
- Stimulation of streptomycin-resistant bacteria in the rhizosphere of leguminous plants
- The analysis of survey data on an electronic computer
- Winged aphids trapped in potato fields, 1942–1959
- Local spread of potato leaf roll and Y viruses
- Home production of seed for early potatoes. 2. Comparison of home produced and imported seed.
- Current Fertiliser Practice in Relation to Manurial Requirements
- Fertilizer practice in England and Wales I General features of fertilizer consumption 1956-7
- Fertiliser responses of maincrop potatoes A re‐examination of the experimental evidence
- Series of experiments
- A study of the peat fenlands with particular reference to potato manuring
- Aspect and time in soil formation
- The solution of some minor element oxides by decomposing plant materials
- Mobilisation of Trace Elements in Waterlogged Soils
- Importance of osmotic potential as a component of the total potential of the soil water on the movement of nematodes.
- Variation in symbiotic effectiveness in subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.)
- Progress in biochemical engineering broadens our choice of crop plants
- Solar wind and terrestrial oxygen
- The analysis of numbers and distribution in an aerial population of Macrolepidoptera
- A method for the measurement of the calcium deficit in saline soils
- The breakdown of chlorophyll by chlorophyllase
- The disintegration of soft tissues in the absence of air
- Further experiments on the drifting of honey-bees
- Effect of temperature on Apis indica workers
- The effect of feeding sugar syrup to honey-bee colonies
- Analysis of honey farmers' records on queen rearing and queen introduction
- Aliasing in partially confounded factorial experiments
- Some relationships between isotopically exchangeable phosphate, soil analysis and crop growth in the greenhouse
- Isotopic Exchange of Phosphates in Soil
- Results of experiments with systemic insecticidal seed dressings
- Copper accumulation in the soils of apple orchards near wisbech
- A calcimeter for routine use on soil samples
- Field studies of the daily activity and feeding behaviour of Sunn Pest, Eurygaster integriceps put., (Hemiptera, Scutelleridae) on wheat in North Iran
- Soils and crop nutrition in relation to health
- Potassium-releasing power of soils from the Agdell rotation experiment assessed by glasshouse cropping
- Release of non-exchangeable potassium from some British soils cropped in the glasshouse
- The ecology of symphyla Part III Factors controlling soil distributions
- Phytotoxicity of insecticides and acaricides I Foliage Sprays
- Control of the glasshouse millepede
- The natural incidence of Acarapis woodi (Rennie) and the winter mortality of honeybee colonies
- Melanospora damnosa associated with Fusarium culmorum on cereals (New or uncommon plant diseases and pests)
- The susceptibility of the Rhoeo discolor to infection by tobacco mosaic virus
- Some effects of changing environment on the behaviour of plant viruses
- Effects of ultraviolet radiation on infection by intact and phenol-disrupted red clover mottle virus
- Marginal percentages in multiway tables of quantal data with disproportionate frequencies
- The analysis of surveys: Processing and printed the basic tables
- Weather, plant and soil factors in hydrology
- Weather in wheat - reply
- The radiation balance of bare soil and vegetation
- Measured radiative flux divergence near the ground at night - discussion
- The fragmentation and electrification of freezing water drops
- The flux of CO2 over a field of sugar beet - reply
- An empirical method for estimating long-wave radiation exchanges in the british isles
- A direct measurement of the humidity in the stratosphere using a cooled-vapour trap - discussion
- The scent of queen honeybees (A mellifera L) that causes partial inhibition of queen rearing
- Efficiency of a honeybee community
- A note on some asymptotic properties of the logarithmic series distribution
- Epidemiology of apple scab (Venturia inaequalis (Cke) Wint.) 1. Frequency of airborne spores in orchards
- The pyrethrins and related compounds. II. infra‐red spectra of the pyrethrins and of other constituents of pyrethrum extract
- A synthesis of calythrone
- Aggregation, Variance and the Mean
- The manuring of sugar beet
- The effect of time of application of phosphate and potash on sugar beet
- The effect of sodium and potassium on sugar beet on the Lincolnshire limestone soils
- The effect of sodium and potassium fertilizer on the mineral composition of sugar beet