1. Fossil Hail Prints
  2. Rothamsted Chemistry Department 1962
  3. Experiments on cumulative dressings of fertilisers on calcareous soils in South‐West England I Description of field experiments and soil analysis for phosphorus residues
  4. Magnesium in soils and crops
  5. Nutrition experiments in forest nurseries comparison of Sitka Spruce and Norway Spruce
  6. Fertilizer availability
  7. Determination of potassium and rubidium in the presence of each other
  8. Report of the Bee Department 1962
  9. Betaine : A Plant-growth Substance from Sugar-beet (Beta vulgaris)
  10. Queen perception by honey bee swarms
  11. The source of the saliva honeybees use to moisten materials they chew with their mandibles
  12. A new method for measuring soil stability
  13. Minimum spanning tree
  14. The effect of dissolved salts on water movement
  15. Water movement in porous materials: Part 1 - Isothermal vapour transfer
  16. Water movement in porous materials: Part 2-The separation of the components of water movement
  17. Mate-killer (mu) particles in Paramecium aurelia: further mathematical models for metagon distribution
  18. The factor that causes swarming by honeybee colonies in small hives
  19. Some features of crop nutrition
  20. Climate weather and plant yield
  21. A comparison of competitive effects of some common weed species
  22. Toxin production during decay of Agropyron repens. (couch grass) and other species
  23. Magnesium relationships in soils and plants
  24. Pyrethrum - its use in public health
  25. Bauxitic weathering at Mount Zomba, Nyasaland
  26. Varietal Differences in Photosynthesis of Ears and Leaves of Barley
  27. Distribution of Dry Matter between Ear and Shoot of Plumage Archer and Proctor Barley grown in the Field
  28. The distribution of succinate dehydrogenase and malate dehydrogenase among components of tobacco-leaf extracts
  29. Chemical control of plant parasitic nematodes in the United Kingdom.
  30. Micro-organisms in the intestines of earthworms
  31. A microbiological study of earthworm casts
  32. Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza an extreme form of fungal adaptation
  33. Survey of maincrop potatoes
  34. Chemical treatment of quarantined banana stocks infested with plant parasitic nematodes.
  35. An experiment comparing responses to nitrogen fertilizer of four grass species
  36. Experiments comparing yield, and residual effects on winter wheat, of 1-year clover, rye-grass and clover-rye-grass leys
  37. The effect of block size on the errors of modern cereal experiments
  38. Rapid estimation of amino-acids
  39. The growth response of sugar beet to similar irrigation cycles under different weather conditions
  40. A watering system for small plots
  41. The effect of weather on emergence and take‐off of overwintering Limothrips cerealium Haliday (Thysanoptera)
  42. Electronic computers in relation to veterinary science
  43. A method of studying trace elements in soil fractions
  44. The susceptibility of honey bees of different ages to infestation by Acarapis woodi (Rennie)
  45. Potato haulm resistance to Phytophthora infestans IV Laboratory and field estimates compared and further field analyses
  46. Metabolism of barley leaves inoculated with Erysiphe graminis Merat
  47. Effect of temperature on cereal powdery mildews
  48. Effects of some chlorinated hydrocarbons on the development of take-all of wheat
  49. A three-year laboratory study of pathological material received from Yorkshire sheep flocks with an abortion problem
  50. A method of calculating net assimilation rate
  51. Trichodorus spp.(Nematoda: Trichodoridae) from Tunisia and Nicaragua
  52. Fisher's contributions to the design and analysis of experiments
  53. Irrigation in Britain
  54. Penetration of diazoxon and acetyl choline into the thoracic ganglia in susceptible and resistant houseflies and the effects of fixatives
  55. Studies on the Physiology of Nodule Formation: VIII. The Influence of the Size of the Rhizosphere Population of Nodule Bacteria on Root Hair Infection in Clover
  56. Boleodorus volutus n. sp.(Nematoda: Nothotylenchinae) found in soil about grass roots in England
  57. Interactions of viruses in plants
  58. The nature and behavior of unstable variants of tobacco necrosis virus
  59. Birefringence of clay mineral complexes
  60. The behaviour of populations of potato‐root eelworm (Heterodera rostochiensis Woll.) towards some resistant tuberous and other Solanum species
  61. Hatching tests and counts of primary galls in assessment of nematodes against Meloidogyne Spp.
  62. The origin of flight in insects
  63. Physiological factors in insect migration by flight
  64. Note on the availability of magnesium in basic slags
  65. The effect of DDT on Myzus persicae (Sulz.) and Brevicoryne brassicae (L.) (Aphididae) in relation to the spread of cauliflower mosaic and cabbage black ring spot viruses
  66. The effect of coccinellids on aphids infesting insecticide-treated sugar beet
  67. Experiments on the treatment of chrysanthemum stools for the control of eelworm
  68. Virus du ringspot en Grande-Bretagne et leurs nematodes vecteurs
  69. The relation of polyphenoloxidase in leaf extracts to the instability of cucumber mosaic and other plant viruses
  70. Copper-dependent and iron-dependent inactivations of cucumber mosaic virus by polyphenols
  71. The use of nematicides to control the spread of arabis mosaic virus by Xiphinema diversicaudatum (Micol.)
  72. Change of flavour of potatoes grown on different soils treated with insecticides
  73. The Emergence of Larvae of Heterodera Goettingiana Liebs. in Vitro and a Comparison Between Field Populations of H. Goettingiana and H. Rostochiensis Woll
  74. A water sprinkler to separate Heterodera cysts from debris in hatching experiments
  75. The spread of plant pathogens in air currents
  76. Mycological Examination of Dust from Mouldy Hay Associated with Farmer's Lung Disease
  77. Liberation of spores from mouldy hay
  78. Prospects in soil science
  79. Speculations on the identity of the parts of the Tylenchid spear
  80. The status of the genera and subfamilies of the Criconematidae (Nematoda); with a comment on the position of Fergusobia
  81. Hirschmanniella nom. nov. for Hirschmannia
  82. Deposition of type slides at Rothamsted.
  83. Some effects of different soils on composition and growth of sugar beet
  84. An investigation of the value of five treatments for acetonaemia in Jersey cows
  85. Effects of (2 Chloro-Ethyl) Trimethlammonium Chloride on Plant Growth, Leaf Area, and Net Assimilation Rate
  86. Dependence of net assimilation rate on root growth of isolated leaves
  87. Effect of Gibberellic Acid on Growth, Gibberellin Content, and Chlorophyll Content of Leaves of Potato (Solanum tuberosum)
  88. The physiology of leaf growth
  89. Chemical treatment of quarantined banana stocks infested with plant parasitic nematodes
  90. Longevity of Longidorus elongatus (de Man) and other nematodes in soil kept in polythene bags
  91. The nerve rings of Longidorus and Xiphinema
  92. A New Nematode Genus Paralongidorus (Nematoda: Dorylaimoidea) With Descriptions of Two New Species and Observations On Paralongidorus Citri ( Siddiqi 1959 ) N. Comb
  93. Trichodorus viruliferus n. sp.(Nematoda: Dorylaimida)
  94. Observations on the identity of Trichodorus teres Hooper, 1962 and T. flevensis Kuiper & Loof, 1962
  95. Tangmere and Waterbeach
  96. Dry liberation of fungus spores by raindrops
  97. A substitute reagent for titanous sulphate for reducing nitrate-N
  98. Soil nitrogen VII Correlations between measurements of nitrogen status of soils and nitrogen % and nitrogen content of crops
  99. An earthworm labelled with radioactive tantalum
  100. The Priority of Tylenchus hexalineatus over T. megacephalus
  101. Chemical control of potato‐root eelworm in glasshouses: experiments in 1961
  102. The flower constancy of bumblebees
  103. The respiratory metabolism of honey-bee colonies at low temperatures
  104. The effects of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and gibberellic acid on leaf area and cell division in Majestic potato
  105. The accuracy of the rating method for determining leaf area
  106. Analysis of growth and yield of winter and spring wheats
  107. Antirrhinum not a host of Heterodera rostochiensis
  108. Aphelenchoides trivialis n. sp. from South India
  109. Microbial and biochemical changes during the moulding of hay
  110. Farmer's lung Thermophilic actinomycetes as a source of farmer's lung hay antigen
  111. The inactivation of ribonucleic acid from tobacco mosaic virus bu yltraviolet radiation at different wave-lengths
  112. Protein of tobacco mosaic virus
  113. Properties of purified preparations of lucerne mosaic virus
  114. The relationship between barley stripe mosaic and lynchis ringspot virus
  115. Thermopilic and Mesophilic Actinomycetes in Mouldy Hay
  116. The priming action
  117. Experimental techniques for using Carbon-14 in studies of soil organic matter
  118. The turnover of organic matter in soil
  119. Control of potato root eelworm in a glasshouse soil with a formulation of methyl isothiocyanate
  120. Some factors affecting the transmission of sugar‐beet mosaic and pea mosaic viruses by Aphis fubue and Myzus persicae
  121. General principles governing the potassium manuring of grassland
  122. Results of an experiment at Rothamsted testing farmyard manure and N, P and K fertilizers on five arable crops I. Yields
  123. Results of an experiment at Rothamsted testing farmyard manure and N, P and K fertilizers on five arable crops II. Nutrients removed by crops
  124. Information on lime requirements and the use of lime in England and Wales
  125. Field tests of experimental and commercial soil sterilants against the potato‐root eel worm, Heterodera rostochiensis Woll
  126. What shade and fertilisers are needed for good cocoa production?
  127. Evidence against relationships between root cation exchange capacity and cation uptake by plants
  128. The effect of clearing a tropical forest soil
  129. Electric charges and thixotropy of clays
  130. Outbreaks of tomato black ring virus in onion and leek crops in Northern Ireland
  131. Potential horticultural soils in Glamorgan
  132. The relationship between grapevine fanleaf, grapevine yellow mosaic and arabis mosaic viruses
  133. Host range and properties of grapevine fanleaf and grapevine yellow mosaic viruses
  134. Bibliography of the works of Sir Ronald Fisher
  135. Fitting a Quadratic
  136. Fiducial limits for a variance component
  137. A Subject Index to the Kendall‐Doig Bibliography of Statistical Literature
  138. Programming multiple regression
  139. Pleospora Bjoerilingii nom. nov
  140. Field emergence and laboratory germination of sugar-beet seed
  141. Experiments on the use of ethyl mercury phosphate and other materials for treating sugar‐beet seed
  142. Control of sugar‐beet downy mildew (Peronospora farinosa) by sprays
  143. A method of isolating Pythium spp. and Fusarium oxysporum from soil
  144. Experiments on organic manures, 1942–49
  145. The identity of rectorite and allevardite
  146. Costs and returns for reseeded hills in Montgomeryshire
  147. Fertilizer use on grassland in England and Wales
  148. Migration records 1961
  149. Human survival: the essential conditions
  150. Batch production of protein from leaves
  151. The selection and use of leafy crops as a source of protein for man
  152. Factors influencing the balance of mutual advantage in legume symbiosis
  153. Non-conventional protein sources
  154. Viruses, Genes and Cistrons [Response to Letter by C. C. Lindegren]
  155. Effect of weather on the height of flight of insects
  156. Analysis of the effect of temperature on insects in flight
  157. The pollination of mustard by honeybees
  158. The foraging behaviour of honeybees in an orchard of dwarf apple trees
  159. The foraging areas of honey-bee colonies in fruit orchards
  160. The effect of examining honeybee colonies on their subsequent foraging activity
  161. FORTRAN subroutines for time series analysis
  162. A factorial fertilizer experiment on coconuts
  163. The agricultural value of some water and citrate soluble fertilisers: an account of recent work at Rothamsted and elsewhere
  164. Experiments on cumulative dressings of fertilisers on calcareous soils in South‐West England II Phosphorus uptake by ryegrass in the greenhouse
  165. Residual value of superphosphate and rock phosphate on an acid soil I. Yields and phosphorus uptakes in the field
  166. Residual value of superphosphate and rock phosphate on an acid soil II. Soil analysis and greenhouse experiments
  167. Agricultural Value of some Water and Citrate Soluble Phosphate Fertilisers: An Account of Recent Work at Rothamsted and Elsewhere
  168. Some systemic insecticides compared as seed treatments against aphids
  169. A Cartesian hydrometer and its application to sedimentation analysis
  170. Thermal inactivation of tobacco necrosis virus
  171. Serological Relationships and Some Properties of Tobacco Necrosis Virus Strains
  172. The behaviour of some tobacco necrosis virus strains in plants
  173. The uptake of magnesium under exhaustive cropping
  174. Phytotoxicity of insecticides and acaricides II flowers and ornamentals
  175. Persistence of insecticides in the soil
  176. Gas exchange in plant communities
  177. Dew : facts and fallacies
  178. The pathogenicity for honey-bee larvae of microorganisms associated with European foulbrood
  179. Two viruses from adult honey bees (Apis mellifera Linnaeus)
  180. The Habitat of ‘Bacterium eurydice’
  181. Infectious diseases of the honey-bee
  182. Eyespot (Cercosporella herpotrichoides) and other factors influencing yield of wheat in the six-course rotation experiment at Rothamsted (1930-60)
  183. Plant viruses : Their nature and control
  184. A specialized autocode for the analysis of replicated experiments
  185. Weather and water in the growth of potatoes
  186. The role of the queen in preventing oogenesis in worker honeybees
  187. The rise of an isolated thermal in wind shear
  188. The radiation balance of bare soil and vegetation - radiative temperature in the heat balance of natural surfaces
  189. Rain in east africa
  190. Mirror for meteorologists
  191. Measurements of evaporation and heat transfer in the lower atmosphere by an automatic eddy-correlation technique
  192. Fifty years of physics at rothamsted
  193. Calculations of the ascent of a saturated buoyant parcel with mixing - cloud-droplet growth by condensation in cumulus
  194. Ronald Aylmer Fisher, 1890-1962