1. Entomological Department at Rothamsted 1964
  2. Rothamsted Chemistry Department 1963
  3. Mineral fertilization and organic composition
  4. The basis of modern manuring
  5. Nutrition experiments in forest nurseries Potassium manuring of Sitka Spruce seedlings
  6. Fertiliser Urea
  7. An experiment comparing responses to nitrogen fertilizer of four grass species Part II Residual effects in wheat and barley
  8. Report of the Bee Department 1963
  9. The mechanism of honey-bee queen piping
  10. Dilution by honeybees of solid and liquid food containing sugar
  11. The Emergence of Swarms from Apis mellifera Colonies
  12. Discharge and manipulation of labial gland secretion by workers of Apis mellifera (L.) (Hymenoptera: Apidae)
  13. Potato root eelworm
  14. Experiments comparing liquid and solid fertilisers for grass and kale
  15. Decomposition of β‐Naphthol by a Soil Pseudomonad
  16. Soil nematode population studies. I. The migratory root Tylenchida and other nematodes of the Rothamsted and Woburn six-course rotations
  17. Competition for nitrogen and potassium in Agropyron repens
  18. Some general considerations on housefly rearing techniques
  19. Eyespot on wheat in ley-arable rotation experiments at Rothamsted 1952-58
  20. The incidence of oospora pustulans on potato plants in different soils
  21. Cation exchange reactions
  22. Cation activity ratios in equilibrium soil solutions and the avaiability of magnesium
  23. Weed studies in winter wheat I comparison on bare fallow andherbicides for weed control II The fate of weeds in combine-harvested winter wheat
  24. Germination of Alopecurus myosuroides Huds. (blackgrass)
  25. The biological basis of the control of wild oats
  26. The effect of temperature in a sack‐drier on survival of insects (Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L.) (Col., Silvanidae)) and weed seeds (Avenafafua L. and A. ludoviciana Dur.)
  27. Natural radioactivity in soils
  28. Selective control of insect pests from symposium on food supply and nature conservation
  29. The light reactions and feeding behaviour of larvae of the cutworm Tryphacua pronuba L. (Lepidoptera Noctuidae) Part II Field investigations
  30. The light reactions and feeding behaviour of larvae of the cutworm Tryphacua pronuba L. (Lepidoptera Noctuidae) Part I Laboratory investigations
  31. Electron-microscope studies of nodule development in some clover species
  32. Estimating kill of potato-root eelworm
  33. Experiments comparing broadcast and combine drilled dressings of several NPK fertilizers for spring barley
  34. Experiments testing P and K fertilizers on lucerne 1952-1957
  35. Side-placing urea and other nitrogen fertilizers for spring barley
  36. Control of some bean and potato pests using a systemic insecticide applied to the soil and seed
  37. Selectiveness in pest control by chemicals - Studies on bee poisoning in Great Britain
  38. The micrometeorology of the potato crop
  39. Insecticides
  40. Effect of insecticides, especially diazinon, on the amino acids of adult houseflies Musca domestica.
  41. Reports on the progress of applied chemistry
  42. The weather and mass flights of Thysanoptera
  43. The effects of shelter on the distribution of insect pests
  44. The food of swifts swallow and martins
  45. Factors affecting plasma calcium and inorganic phosphorus concentrations in the cow with particular reference to pregnancy, lactation and age.
  46. Growth of Picea sitchensis in old forest nurseries
  47. An example of the analysis of unifority trial data on an electronic computer
  48. Properties of tobacco necrosis virus and its association with satellite
  49. Transmission of tobacco necrosis virus to tobacco callus tissues by zoospores of Olpidium brassicae
  50. Biology of a slug-killing fly, Tetanocera elata (Diptera: Sciomyzidae)
  51. The specific surface areas of montmorillonites
  52. Litter breakdown in deciduous forest soils
  53. Specific nematode vectors for serologically distinctive forms of raspberry ringspot and tomato black ring viruses
  54. Infection of gymnosperms with nematode-transmitted viruses of flowering plants
  55. Cocksfoot mottle virus
  56. Obituary - Dr Eric W Buxton
  57. Observations on the taxonomy and biology of Tylenchorhynchus macrurus (Goodey, 1932) Filipjev, 1936 and Tylenchorhynchus icarus sp.nov.
  58. Observations on Sexual Attraction and Copulation in the Nematode Panagrolaimus rigidus (Schneider)
  59. Farmer's lung disease: the development of antigens in moulding hay
  60. A form of pea early‐browning virus found in Britain
  61. The effect of root formation on photosynthesis of detached leaves
  62. Separation of the effects of gibberellic acid on leaf and stem growth of dwarf french bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)
  63. Cell division and growth substances in leaves
  64. A survey of the incidence of mastitis in dairy cows in the Reading area
  65. Dating of humus podzols by residual radiocarbon activity
  66. Further properties of the diamine oxidase of pea seedlings
  67. Fungal epidemics of plants
  68. Virus diseases of pasture and forage legumes in temperate regions
  69. Nematode‐transmitted viruses in sugar beet in East Anglia
  70. Some factors affecting losses of ammonia from urea and ammonium sulphate applied to soils
  71. Effects of solutions of urea and of ammonium and potassium salts on the germination of kale, barley and wheat
  72. Urea as a fertilizer
  73. Fertilizer urea
  74. A note on the effects of some soil sterilants on the mineralisation and nitrification of soil‐nitrogen
  75. Soil nitrogen VIII some factors affecting correlations between measurements of soil‐N status and crop performance
  76. The behaviour of honeybees on sunflowers (Helianthus annuus L.)
  77. The allocation of duties among worker honeybees
  78. Honeybees play an important role in orchard fruit set
  79. Comparison of the importance of insect and wind pollination of apple trees
  80. The pollination requirements of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L)
  81. Determination of leaf area by rating in comparison with geometric shapes
  82. Xiphinema vuittenezi n. sp.(Nematoda: Dorylaimidae)
  83. Effect of ultraviolet irradiation on susceptibility of serum albumins to trypsin
  84. A dipping technique for selecting house-flies, Musca domestica L., for resistance to insecticides
  85. How Efficiently Can Wax be Extracted from Old Brood Combs by Simple Methods?
  86. Influence of tops and roots on net assimilation rate of sugar-beet and spinach beet and grafts between them
  87. Winged aphids trapped in an abaca (Musa textilis] plantation in British North Borneo
  88. Some effects of other viruses and of temperature on the multiplication of potato virus X
  89. The decomposition of toluene by soil bacteria
  90. Synthetic hatching agents for Heterodera schachtii Schm. and their mode of action
  91. Transmission of beet yellows virus by alate and apterous aphids
  92. Soils and fertilizers - sulphur
  93. What about liquids - liquid fertilisers for grassland
  94. Nitrogen fertilisers their place in food production the forms which are made and their efficiencies
  95. Micro-nutrient deficiency in cacao in Ghana
  96. The effects of soil temperature and form and level of nitrogen on growth and chemical composition of Italian ryegrass
  97. Cation-anion relationships in crop nutrition: III. Relationships between the ratios of sum of the cations: sum of the anions and nitrogen concentrations in several plant species
  98. Cation-anion relationships in crop nutrition: II. Factors affecting the ratios of sum of the cations: sum of the anions in Italian rye-grass
  99. Cation-anion relationships in crop nutrition: I. Factors affecting cations in Italian rye-grass
  100. Height in relation to puberty family size and social class: A longitudinal study
  101. Observations on gut pH and absorption of methyl red and neutral red in the intestinal walls of Pelodera and Diplogaster
  102. Four patterns of observation chamber for studying nematode behaviour
  103. The effects of D‐D treatments applied during a five‐course rotation on the soil population of Heterodera rostochiensis Woll
  104. A comparative study of the movement of some microphagous, plant-parasitic and animal-parasitic nematodes
  105. Why leys?
  106. Restricted randomization for blocks of sixteen plots
  107. Studies in the Physiology of Leaf Growth: II. Growth and Structure of the First Leaf of Rye when cultivated in Isolation or attached to the Intact Plant
  108. The use of gypsum on heavy textured soils not flooded by sea water
  109. Fertilizer experiments on maincrop potatoes 1955–61
  110. Birefringence of thin liquid films
  111. Studies on a strain of raspberry ringspot virus occurring in England
  112. Variation in the long-tailed field-mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus (L.)) in North-West Scotland II. Simultaneous examination of all characters
  113. A property of the multinomial distribution and the determination of appropriate scores
  114. Note on the use of procedures
  115. Speculations on plant pathogen-host relations
  116. Effect of temperature on water solubility of phorate and disulfoton
  117. Soils of Shropshire
  118. A preliminary study of some slope soils in Wales and the Welsh Borderland
  119. Similar effects on tomato plants of Azotobacter inoculation and application of gibberellins
  120. Studies on Azotobacter species in soil III. Effects of artificial inoculation on crop yields
  121. Structure of pyrophyllite
  122. Insecticides
  123. Some properties of cocoa swollen-shoot virus
  124. The use of insecticides to find when leaf roll and Y viruses spread within potato crops
  125. Home production of seed for early potatoes. 6. Insecticides applied to the soil or tubers
  126. Charolais trials in England and Wales. Interim report on comparisons under intensive feeding systems.
  127. Fertilizer experiments on maincrop potatoes 1955–61
  128. Migration records 1962
  129. The need for new thinking on food production
  130. Novel protein sources for use as human food in wet tropical regions
  131. The Leeuwenhoek Lecture, 1963 The size of small organisms
  132. Population parameters, wing production and behaviour in red and green Acyrthosiphon Pisum (Harris) (Homoptera: Aphididae)
  133. Spore concentrations in the air of farm buildings
  134. The effect of distance from pollinizer varieties on the fruit set of apple, pear and sweet-cherry trees
  135. Carrot motley dwarf and parsnip mottle viruses
  136. Observations on Vegetation Arcs in the Northern Region, Somali Republic
  137. The effect of motley dwarf virus on yield of carrots and its transmission in the field by Cavariella aegopodiae Scop
  138. Failure of anaesthetized aphids to acquire or transmit henbane mosaic virus when their stylets were artificially inserted into leaves of infected or healthy tobacco plants
  139. Rapid method for the determination of cation-exchange capacity of calcareous and non-calcareous soils
  140. Organophosphorous and carbamate insecticides as soil treatments for the control of wireworms
  141. The uptake of phorate, a systemic insecticide, applied as a slurry to wheat and mustard seeds
  142. Apparatus for quantitative application of samples as streaks in paper and thin-layer chromatography
  143. Natural mortality of eggs of the black bean aphid, Aphis fabae Scop., on the spindle tree, Euonymus europaeus L
  144. The feeding, growth and reproduction of Aphis fabae Scop. on Viciu fuba under experimental conditions
  145. The influence of the amount and the origin of calcium carbonates on the isotopically exchangeable phosphate in calcareous soils
  146. Some methods for assessing the activity of soil animals in the breakdown of leaves
  147. The Park Grass Experiment
  148. The bionomics of swift moths I The ghost swift moth, Hepialus humuli (L.)
  149. Phytotoxicity of insecticides and acaricides III Soil applications
  150. Changes in soil faunal populations caused by aldrin and DDT
  151. The effect of storage conditions on the infectivity of narcissus stem eelworm Ditylenchus dipsaci (Kuhn)
  152. Population increase of Ditylenchus dipsaci (Kuhn) in the narcissus and the spread of the nematode through the soil
  153. The plant and its environment
  154. Control of behaviour in the honeybee colony
  155. Sacbrood virus of the larval honey bee (Apis mellifera linnaeus)
  156. Acute infection of bees with paralysis virus
  157. The ‘Isle of Wight Disease’: The origin and significance of the myth
  158. How should we reform the teaching of statistics?
  159. Fiducial probability, recognisable sub-sets and Behrens' test
  160. Sir Ronald Fisher and the Design of Experiments
  161. Tube solarimeter to measure radiation among plants
  162. Crop photosynthesis and the flux of carbon dioxide below the canopy
  163. Pheromones of the honeybee: biological studies of the mandibular gland secretion of the queen
  164. Pheromones in sexual processes in insects
  165. The validity of solar radiation data for the british isles - reply
  166. Long-wave radiation from clear skies
  167. The electrification of frost deposits
  168. The electrification of freezing water droplets and of colliding ice particles
  169. Decreasing transpiration of field plants by chemical closure of stomata
  170. Aircraft observations near jet streams
  171. 9-hydroxydec-trans-2-enoic acid pheromone stabilizing honeybee swarms
  172. The pyrethrins and related compounds. Part V. Purification of (+)-pyrethrolone as monohydrate and nature of pyrethrolone-c
  173. The pyrethrins and related compounds. Part IV. Ultraviolet absorption of conjugated cis-pentadiene in pyrethrolone
  174. The pyrethrins and related compounds. Part III. Thermal isomerization of cis-pyrethrolone and its derivatives