- Entomological Department at Rothamsted 1971
- The relation between capsid numbers, new damage and the state of the canopy and its significance in the tactics of control;
- Methods of testing insecticides against cocoa capsids in the field in Ghana
- Academic aspects of applied research on food proteins
- Recovery of inter-block information when clock sizes are unequal
- The effects of ley arable systems of farming on soil potassium reserves
- Seed and forest nursery experiments in tree nutrition
- Rothamsted Soil Microbiology Department
- Thermophilic actinomycetes associated with Farmer's Lung
- Frederick Charles Bawden a review of Rothamsted during his Directorship 1958-1972
- Soil variability - a review
- Report of the Bee Department 1970 pt 1
- Long-term Liming Experiments at Rothamsted and Woburn
- Relationships Between the Composition of Soils and Physical Measurements Made on Them
- The Chemical Composition of Water from Land Drains at Saxmundham and Woburn, and the Influence of Rainfall Upon Nutrient Losses
- Results of the rotation I Experiment at Saxmundham Experimental Station 1964-69
- Rothamsted Chemistry Department 1970
- Discharge of conidia of Entomophthora thaxteriana Petch from the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris
- Effects of light intensity, photoperiod and nitrogen on the growth of seedlings of Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. and Agrostis gigantea Roth
- Germination of seeds and emergence of seedlings of Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv.
- Stochastic model fitting by evolutionary operation
- The National Survey of health and development: 2. Rate of school progress between 8 and 15 years and between 15 and 18 years
- The national survey of health and development: 1. Educational attainment
- Water movement in dry soils II An analysis of hysteresis
- A total-consumption Laminar-flow nebulizer and burner system for flame spectroscopy
- Manuring potatoes
- The isolation of soil clostridia
- Bee poisoning in 1970
- Effect of processing on measurements of Heterodera rostochiensis larvae
- The fertility status of soil potassium related to K : Ca exchange isotherms from 'Double-label' experiments
- Radioisotopes to estimate the dispersal of insecticides in the environment and irradiation techniques for the study of insect populations
- Iterative procedures for missing values in experiments
- Aluminium distribution in soils in relation to surface area and cation exchange capacity
- Persistence of organochlorine insecticides on different substrates under different environmental conditions. I. The rates of loss of dieldrin and aldrin by volatilisation from glass surfaces
- Control of common scab of potato
- Tests of aryltin compounds as potato blight fungicides
- The effect of nitrogen on the growth and sugar content of sugar-beet
- The influence of phosphate and other nutrients on the development of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza in culture
- The analysis of experiments on hydrodynamic dispersion
- Gravity segregation during miscible displacement experiments
- Hydrodynamic dispersion in aggregated media: 2. Effects of velocity and aggregate size
- Potassium requirements of herbage in relation to nitrogen
- Effects of potassium and sodium on the contents of soluble carbohydrates and nitrogenous compounds in grass
- Diagnosis of resistance to organophosphorus insecticides in Myzus persicae (Sulz.)
- Advanced sugar–beet seed
- A critique of the methods and results of the British national surveys of disease in farm animals. I. Discussion of the surveys
- A critique of the methods and results of the British national surveys of disease in farm animals. II. Some general remarks on population surveys of farm animal disease
- A new method for calibrating infrared gas analysers
- Observations on blight (Phytophthora infestans) and resistant potatoes at Toluca, Mexico
- Seasonal changes in the population structure of wasp colonies (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)
- Effect of aluminium on growth of tea (Camellia sinensis) and its uptake of potassium and phosphorus
- Electron microscopy of cells infected with narcissus mosaic virus
- The use of computers for statistical analysis: A review of aims and achievements
- Weather 1970 Rothamsted Experimental Station Harpenden
- The control of common scab by the use of irrigation
- Extraction of nematodes from sterile culture
- The swarming behaviour of honeybee colonies kept in small hives and allowed to outgrow them
- The relative concentration of infective intact virus and RNA of four strains of tobacco mosaic virus as influenced by temperature
- In vivo phenotypic mixing between two strains of tobacco mosaic virus
- Phenotypic mixing between strains of tobacco mosaic virus
- An unusual inclusion in plants infected with a tobacco mosaic virus mutant
- A Comparison of Some Distance Measures Applicable to Multinomial Data, Using a Rotational Fit Technique
- The spectrophotometric determination of the purity of commercial dithizone and the purification of small amounts of the reagent by chromatography
- The movement of Dieldrin in young cotton plants
- The shrinkage of clay soils during impregnation by polyethylene glycols
- Sugar beet seedling emergence prediction from radiographs
- Abundance of Aphids and some Insects,that prey on them in Suffolk, as shown catches on Sticky Traps
- Observations on changes in the female reproductive system of the wheat bulb fly Leptohylemyia coarctata (Fall.)
- Retention and distribution of dry powder and liquid formulations of insecticides and fungicides on commercially dressed cereal seed
- Limitations of seed-treatments for pest control
- Purification of tobacco ribonuclease by affinity chromatography
- Irrigation as a Practical Means to Control Potato Common Scab (Streptomyces scabies)
- Plant growth responses to vesicular‐arbuscular mycorrhiza I Growth of Endogon-inoculated plants in phosphate-deficient soils
- Plant growth responses to vesicular‐arbuscular mycorrhiza II In unsterilized field soils
- The Leeuwenhoek Lecture 1970 Airborne microbes: their significance and distribution
- The morphology of the terminal area of the round-cyst nematodes, SG Heterodera rostochiensis and allied species
- A simple method of preparing nematodes for scanning electron microscopy
- The role of the helper virus in aphid transmission of potato aucuba mosaic virus and potato virus C
- New evidence on the mechanism of aphid transmission of potato C and potato aucuba mosaic viruses
- Changes induced by magnesium ions in the morphology of some plant viruses with filamentous particles
- Persistence to rainwashing of DDT wettable powders
- Tylenchus emarginatus and Tylenchorhynchus dubius associated with Sitka Spruce (Picea sitchensis) Seedlings
- A neotype for Eucephalobus striatus (Bastian, 1865) Thorne, 1937 (Nematoda) and redescription of the species from topotypes and their progeny
- Stem Eelworm (Ditylenchus dipsaci), a Seed and Soil‐borne Pathogen of Field Beans (Vicia faba)
- Aphelenchoides Rutgersi N. Sp. (Nematoda: Aphelenchoidea), Description and Morphometrics, With Observations On a. Dactylocercus Hooper, 1958 and a. Cibolensis Riffle, 1970
- Root rot and wilt of field beans (Vicia faba)
- Internal data structures
- Relationships between soil and plant nutrient status in commercial tomato houses
- Nature and value of residual fertilizer nitrogen in soils
- The late Weichselian sequence in the Vale of York
- Stimuli Eliciting Mating Behaviour of Bumblebee (Bomb Us Pratoruml.) Males
- The effect of giving pollen and pollen supplement to honeybee colonies on the amount of pollen collected
- Interference between rows and between plants within rows of a wheat crop, and its effects on growth and yield of differently-spaced rows
- Isobutylidene diurea and other nitrogen fertilizers for seedlings and transplants of Picea sitchensis in two English forest nurseries
- Carbohydrates in hay on self‐heating to ignition
- The measurement of arthropod numbers and activity by sampling with sweep-nets and traps
- The extraction from soil of small arthropods by the dry-funnel method
- The place of sample survey in crop loss estimation
- Genetical changes in Rhizobium bacteria and in their bacteriophages during coexistence
- Effects of amino acids on the reproduction of Heterodera rostochiensis
- Grain yield and incidence of take‐all (Ophiobolus graminis Sacc.) in wheat grown in different crop sequences
- Oxidative metabolism of pyrethrins in mammals
- Effects of soil fumigation on soil nitrogen and on disease incidence in winter wheat
- Interactions between Heterodera rostochiensis Woll. and Verticillium dahliae Kelb. on potatoes and the effect of CCC on both
- Defective Strains and Phenotypic Mixing
- Population changes and development of Meloidogyne naasi in the field
- Epidemiology and control of weevil-transmitted viruses in field beans
- Potassium for grassland : present use and future possibilities
- Value and valuation of fertilizer residues
- Fertiliser practice in England and Wales: a new series of surveys
- Factors defining spontaneous heating and ignition of hay
- Loess in the soils of north Norfolk
- Geochemistry, micropalaeontology and origin of the middle Lias ironstones in northeast Yorkshire (Great Britain)
- Postglacial soil formation in the loess of Pegwell bay, Kent (England)
- Oxidative metabolism of pyrethrins in mammals
- Disk electrophoresis of proteins of Heterodera species and pathotypes of Heterodera rostochiensis
- A comparison of soils on coal measures in SW Ireland and SE Wales
- Oxidative dimerisations of natural rethrolones and related compounds with manganese dioxide
- Effects of nitrogen fertilizer, plant population and irrigation on sugar beet: I. Yields
- Fertilizer requirements of sugar beet on peaty mineral and organic mineral soils
- The effects of soil fumigation and nitrogen fertilizers on nematodes and sugar beet in sandy soils
- Predicting the amount of nitrogen fertiliser needed for sugar‐beet by soil analysis
- Some effects of partial sterilization on mineral nitrogen in a light soil
- Prediction of the fertiliser needs of sugar‐beet grown on fen peat soils
- Effects of nitrogen fertilizer, plant population and irrigation on sugar beet: III. Water consumption
- An analysis of the effects of nutrient supply on the growth of potato crops
- Uptake of magnesium and other fertilizer elements by sugar beet grown on sandy soils
- Changes in sugar beet husbandry and some effects on pests and their damage
- Changes in organo‐chlorine usage on sugar beet, and progress in the replacement of dieldrin seed treatment
- Entomophthora infecting the cereal aphids Metapolophium dirhodum and Sitobion avenae
- Scanning electron microscopy of plant roots
- Organo‐mercury fungicide treatment of sugar‐beet seed
- Amino acid composition and In Vitro digestibility of some protein fractions from three species of leaves of various ages
- The site of action of pyrethrin I in the nervous system of the cockroach Periplaneta Americana
- The spread of topically‐applied pyrethrin I from the cuticle to the central nervous system of the cockroach Periplaneta americana
- Field-trials of anti-capsid insecticides on farmers' cocoa on Ghana, 1956-60. 2, Effects of different insecticides compared by counting capsid-counting compared with counting the percentage of newly damaged treses
- The petrography and origin of deposits filling solution pipes in the Chalk near South Mimms, Hertfordshire
- The soils of the Malham Tarn area
- Behaviour of Ophiobolus graminis on slides buried in soil in the presence or absence of wheat seedlings
- Uranium content of peaty soils rich in molybdenum and selenium from Co. Limerick, Eire
- The structure, composition and origin of the subcrystalline layer in some species of the genus Heterodera
- Pepper veinal mottle virus‐a new member of the potato virus Y group from peppers (Capsicum annuum L. and C. frutescens L.) in Ghana
- Viruses infecting cacao
- The relationship between soil phosphorus and response by sugar beet to phosphate fertilizer on mineral soils
- Residual phosphate experiments on experimental husbandry farms
- Migration records 1966 and 1967
- Resistance to organophosphorus insecticides in the SKA strain of houseflies (Musca domestica)
- Metabolism of 3‐chloro‐4‐methoxyaniline and some N‐acyl derivatives in soil
- O-2-acetyl-6-methyl-pyrimidin-4-yl o, o-diethyl phosphorothioate - a new degradation product diazinon
- The control of insect-transmitted viruses of cereals
- The mobilization of trace elements by aerobically decomposing plant material under simulated soil conditions
- Some obstacles to innovation
- Selection for increased nitrogen fixation in red clover
- Perspectives in biological nitrogen fixation
- Experiments on nitrogen fixation by nodulated lucerne
- Lunar cycles in the distribution and abundance of airborne insects in the equatorial highlands of East Africa
- Effects of plant density and nitrogen fertilizer on growth and yield of short varieties of wheat derived from Norin 10
- Fertilisers and society - Seventh Francis new memorial lecture
- Thermoactinomyces sacchari sp.nov., a Thermophilic Actinomycete Causing Bagassosis
- The microbiology of moist barley storage in unsealed silos
- Endospore formation and germination in a new Thermoactinomyces species
- Fixation and electron microscopy of the Rothamsted culture of henbane mosaic virus
- European wheat striate mosaic disease in 1970
- Possible wind transport of coffee leaf rust across the Atlantic Ocean
- Bromine in wheat grown on soil fumigated with methyl bromide
- Quantity‐intensity relationships for labile sodium in field soils
- Effects of magnesium on cereals, potatoes and leys grown on the 'continuous cereals' site at Woburn
- Controlling soil pH with different N-fertilizers in experiments with ryegrass in pots
- The chloride balance in a fertiliser experiment on sandy soil
- The Behaviour of Plants in Various Gas Mixtures
- Comparison of Natural and Artificial Sources of Light
- Statistical methods of comparing different multivariate analyses of the same data
- A General Coefficient of Similarity and Some of Its Properties
- Inhibition of nitrification in soil by carbon disulphide from rubber bungs
- An Investigation on the Direct Effect of Dimethoate and Demeton-S-Methyl on the Yield and Quality of Field Beans
- Evaluation of phosphate fertilizers. III. Immediate and residual values of potassium metaphosphate and magnesium ammonium phosphate for potatoes, radishes, barley and ryegrass
- Residual value of phosphate fertilizers on neutral and calcareous soils
- Pathotypes in perspective
- The structure of the females of the round‐cyst nematodes
- Electrophoresis and morphometrics of the round-cyst nematodes
- The round-cyst species of Heterodera as a group
- Electrophoresis of protein from the different populations of the postato cyst nematode
- The distribution of eggs, larvae and plants within crops attacked by wheat bulb fly Leptohylemyia coarctata (Fall.)
- Potassium residues in soils from experiments at Rothamsted and Woburn
- Seed production of Agropyron epens (L.) Beauv in arable crops in England and Wales in 1969
- A preliminary study of the agronomic factors affecting the yield of extractable leaf protein
- Production and use of leaf protein
- The Agdell experiment - Estimates of the P and K accumulated from fertiliser dressings given between 1848-1951 their recovery by grass between 1958 and 1970 and their effect on the response by grass to new dressings of P and K
- Nematicides and the soil fauna
- The symptoms of attack by swede midge (Contarinia nasturtii) and effects on the yield of swedes
- Control of wireworms with organophosphorus and carbamate insecticides
- Wilks's criterion: A measure for comparing the value of general purpose soil classifications
- Honey-bee viruses
- Honey bee paralysis : retrospect and prospect : A lecture given to the Central Association of Bee-keepers on the 10th February 1971
- Potassium in soils under different cropping systems 1. Behaviour of K remaining in soils from classical and rotation experiments at Rothamsted and Woburn and evaluation of methods of measuring soil potassium
- Input/Output in statistical programming
- Statistical computing and computer languages
- Algorithm AS 43: Variable Format in Fortran
- The mating behaviour of the honeybee (Apis mellifera L.)
- Insecticidal activity of the pyrethrins and related compounds IV.—Essential features for insecticidal activity in chrysanthemates and related cyclopropane esters
- The pyrethrins and related compounds. Part XI. Synthesis of insecticidal esters of 4-hydroxycyclopent-2-enones (nor-rethrins)
- The pyrethrins and related compounds. Part XII. 5-Substituted 3-furoates and 3-thenoates, intermediates for synthesis of insecticidal esters
- The pyrethrins and related compounds. XIII. Insecticidal methyl‐, alkenyl and benzyl‐substituted furfuryl and furylmethyl chrysanthemates
- Statistics in Biology .2. - Bliss, C. I.
- Seeds of change - green revolution and development in 1970s - brown,lr
- Biosphere
- Basis of automatic classification - french - lerman,ic
- The algebraic basis of classical multivariate methods
- Some factors affecting the activities of dinitrophenol fungicides. II.—Use of g.l.c. partition data in studies of chemical structure/fungicidal activity against powdery mildew
- Fungicidal activity and chemical constitution. XVIII. The activity of 4-(1-cyclo-, 1-iso- and 1-n-propylalkyl)-2, 6-dinitrophenols against powdery mildews
- Studies on decomposition of c14 labelled organic matter in soil
- A comparison of liveweight gains of beef cattle with values predicted from energy intakes measured as starch equivalent or metabolisable energy
- The transport of potassium to ryegrass roots in soils with and without added potassium
- Potassium in soils under different cropping systems. 2. The effects of cropping systems on the retention by the soils of added K not used by crops