- Rothamsted Soil Microbiology Department
- Calcium and Magnesium in Plants and Soil from a Serpentine Area on Unst, Shetland
- The Multiplication of Nodamura Virus in Insect and Mammalian Cell Cultures
- The influence of soil type and manuring on measurements of physical properties and nutrient status of some British soils
- Rapid techniques for automatic identification
- Storing and processing data for soil and land use capability surveys
- Research on root growth at Rothamsted
- Interactions between different factors or mechanisms of resistance to insecticides in insects.
- Field measurements of energy in the 0.4-0.7 micron range I-I
- Common salt and uncommon complexes
- Water movement in soils
- Genkey - a program for constructing diagnostic keys
- Degradation of I‐Naphthol by a Soil Pseudomonad
- Bolting of sugar beet in England
- The early history of experimental design
- Fungi and the Decrease of Cereal Cyst‐nematode Populations in Cereal Monoculture
- Mechanisms of carbon dioxide assimilation in photosynthesis
- Irrigating the sugar beet seed crop in England
- Estimates of genetic parameters for lint quality in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum)
- Results of restricting the brood space of honeybee colonies
- Unusually Severe Granulation of Winter Stores Caused by Nectar from Ivy, Hedera Helix, in Ireland
- Inoculum of the take-all fungus: nature, measurement, distribution and survival
- The behaviour of xylocopa mordax foraging on ipomoca nil
- Pollination of Capsicum frutescens L., Capsicum annuum L. and Solanum melongena L.(Solanaceae) in Jamaica
- Beneficial insects present on a motorway verge
- Pollination of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) in Jamaica by honeybees and wasps
- A field method for determining air permeability in soil
- Multiband photography for soil survey in Breckland, East Anglia
- Retrospect on the discovery of a new insecticide
- Control of weed beet in cereals
- Sources of protein for people and livestock; the amounts now available and future prospects
- A comparison of two methods of overall fumigation for the control of Docking disorder of sugar beet
- Nematicide usage on sugarbeet
- Soil respiration
- New evidence for the glacial diversion of the River Teme near Ludlow, Salop
- Growth and yield of sugar beet on contrasting soils in relation to nitrogen supply: I. Soil nitrogen analyses and yield
- Growth and yield of sugar beet on contrasting soils in relation to nitrogen supply: II. Growth, uptake and leaching of nitrogen
- International cooperation in the development of control of pests and diseases of sugarbeet
- Bird damage to sugarbeet and approaches to its control
- Air photo-tones and soil properties: implications for interpreting satellite imagery
- Electric fence for retaining slugs in outdoor enclosures
- Studies of the carboxylesterases of Myzus persicae resistant and susceptible to organophosphorus insecticides
- Studies of the acetylcholinesterase from houseflies (Musca domestica L.) resistant and susceptible to organophosphorus insecticides
- The importance of the decreased susceptibility of acetylcholinesterase in the resistance of houseflies to organophosphorus insecticides
- Resistance to organophosphorus insecticides of peach-potato aphid (Myzus persicae) from sugarbeet in 1975
- Monitoring for resistance to organophosphorus insecticides in Myzus persicae from sugarbeet
- Observations on cereal aphids and their natural enemies in 1972
- Sugarbeet, and its pest and virus problems, in England
- Legume root nodule initiation and development
- Mycoplasma-like Organisms in Ipomoea batatas in the Solomon Islands
- Fungal diseases of sugar beet in England and the prospects for the use of fungicides
- Selective insecticidal action
- Retrospect on the discovery of a new insecticide
- The future of pesticide technology opportunities for research
- Effects of Ground Rock Phosphate-Sulphur Mixture on Yield and Nutrient Uptake of Groundnuts (Arachis hypogaea) in Northern Nigeria
- Clay mineralogy of sediments of the western Nile Delta
- The turnover of organic matter in agricultural soils
- Algorithm AS 80: Spherical Statistics
- Relating classification to identification
- Woburn Experimental Farm: a hundred years of agricultural research
- Experiments made on Stackyard Field, Woburn, 1876-1974. I. History of the Field, Details of the Cropping and Manuring and the Yields in the Continuous Wheat and Barley Experiments
- The Woburn Market Garden experiment, 1942-1969. II: The effect of the treatments on soil pH, soil carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium
- Experiments made on Stackyard Field, Woburn, 1876-1974. II. Effects of treatments on soil pH, P and K in the Continuous Wheat and Barley Experiments
- The Woburn Market Garden experiment 1942-1969 I. A history of the experiment, details of the treatments and yields of the crops
- Experiments made on Stackyard Field, Woburn, 1876-1974. III. Effects of NPK Fertilisers and Farmyard Manure on Soil Carbon, Nitrogen and Organic Phosphorus
- Effects of direct drilling on the soil fauna
- Soil transect correlograms of North Oxfordshire and their interpretation
- Heat and mass transfer within plant canopies
- Recent research on honeybee viruses
- tRNA species in the developing grain of Triticum aestivum
- Yields of extracted protein and of residual fiber from potato haulm taken as a by-product
- Viruslike particles in the taro planthopper, Tarophagus proserpina
- Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal infections in root organ-cultures
- The use of weather data and counts of aphids in field to predict incidence of yellowing viruses of sugar-beet crops in England in relation to use of insecticides
- Use of pine resin in nests of pemphredonine wasps
- Uptake of phenylalanine and tyrosine by seedling root tips
- Unusual features of toxic action of dimethoate on periplaneta-americana and their causes
- Turbulent-diffusion within a wheat canopy .2. Results and interpretation
- Turbulent-diffusion within a wheat canopy .1. Measurement using nitrous-oxide
- Transmission of broad bean stain virus and Echtes Ackerbohnenmosaik-virus to field beans (Vicia faba) by weevils
- Technique for selective solution of iron oxides in thin-sections of soil
- Synthesis of 10 isomers of a macrocyclic polyether, tetramethyldibenzo-18-crown-6, and their complexes with salts of alkali-metals
- Surveys of sugar-beet seed crops, mangold clamps and weeds in England for aphids and viruses, 1963-73
- Surface areas of calcium carbonate in soils
- Studies of acetylcholinesterase from houseflies (Musca domestica L.) resistant and susceptible to organophosphorus insecticides
- Studies in leaf litter breakdown III Influence of leaf age
- Some obstacles to eliminating famine
- Some methods of mounting and maintaining live organisms for cinemicrography
- Some effects of soil type and crop density on activity and abundance of epigeic fauna, particularly carabidae, in sugar-beet fields
- Some effects of insecticides on predatory beetles
- Some effects of growth-retardant glyphosine N,N-bis (phosphonomethyl) glycine on sugar-beet crop
- Soil as an environment for plant parasitic nematodes
- Size and shape of plots in sugar-beet experiments
- Simple method of preparing nematodes for scanning electron-microscopy, using spurrs low viscosity epoxy-resin
- Results from experiments measuring effects of large amounts of an npk fertilizer on yield, tuber size and n, p and k contents of 3 potato varieties
- Results from two experiments with winter wheat, comparing top-dressings of a liquid N-fertilizer either alone or with added herbicide or mildew fungicide or both, and of 'Nitro-Chalk' without or with herbicide or fungicide or both
- Resistance to some organophosphorus insecticides in field populations of myzus-persicae from sugar-beet in 1974
- Repression of beta-cyanoalanine synthase by iron - possible mechanism for anomalous growth response of plants to cyanide
- Relationship between photosynthesis and concentrations of carbohydrates in leaves of sugar-beet
- Reinterpretation of devensian till stratigraphy of eastern England
- Recognition of metal cations by biological-systems
- Rapid method for determination of potential transpiration derived from penman combination model
- Ramularia-beticola in sugar-beet seed crops in England
- Purification and properties of glutamine-dependent asparagine synthetase isolated from lupinus-albus
- Problems of tvp
- Problem of reactive species from enzymic and chemical oxidations of ortho-diphenols - anomalies in trapping of ortho-quinonoids with benzenesulfinic acid
- A probable rhabdovirus infecting ryegrass (Lolium spp.)
- Preparation of nematodes for scanning electron-microscopy
- Prediction of silage intake by cattle
- Predators of wheat-bulb fly
- Potential hazards to animals and man from microorganisms in fodders and grain
- Potato seed tubers do not transmit top-roll
- Polyamino acid-induced aphid transmission of plant viruses
- Polyacrylic acid-induced resistance to tobacco mosaic-virus in tobacco cv xanthi
- Pollination of capsicum-frutescens l, capsicum-annuum l and solanum-melongena-l (solanaceae) in Jamaica
- Pollination and set of early flowers of runner bean (phaseolus-coccineus l)
- Plant-growth responses to vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza .8. Uptake of p by onion and clover infected with different endogone spore types in p-32 labeled soils
- Photoelastic stress analysis of a nematode stylet
- Phosphate sorption by jurassic oolitic limestones
- Pedology and hydrology of some surface-water gley soils
- Occurrence of glutamate synthase in algae
- Observations on toxic effects of organo-mercury treatments on sugar-beet seed
- Observations on pollination of papaya (carica-papaya l) in Jamaica
- Observations on occurrence of aphanomyces-cochlioides in agricultural soils in England
- Novel actinomycete from sugar-cane bagasse - saccharopolyspora-hirsuta gen et sp-nov
- Note on urine scorch caused by grazing animals
- Nonnegative matrices - seneta,e
- Natural mortality of wheat bulb fly pupae, leptohylemyia-coarctata (fall) (dipt, anthomyiidae)
- Natural enemies of cereal aphids
- Multiplication of nodamura virus in insect and mammalian-cell cultures
- Molding of hay and its implications
- Molding of grain in relation to mycotoxin formation
- Modified apparatus for extraction of nematodes from sterile culture
- Methods and programs of discriminant-analysis - French - Romeder, J. M.
- A method for separating hydrolysis products of monocalcium phosphate to test their effects on soils and crops
- Method for determining trace quantities of herbicide chlortoluron in soils by liquid-chromatography
- Metabolism of asparagine in roots and leaves of pisum-sativum-l
- Metabolic aspects of toxicology of diazinon .1. Hepatic-metabolism in sheep, cow, pig, guinea-pig, rat, turkey, chicken and duck
- Measurement of eriophyid mite populations on ryegrass using ultrasonic radiation
- Maximal predictive classification of Klebsielleae and of yeasts
- Longevity, fecundity and size - control of reproductive potential in a polymorphic migrant, aphis-fabae scop
- Liming effects on the toxicity to perennial ryegrass of a sewage sludge contaminated with zinc, nickel, copper and chromium
- Leaf protein - beneficiary of tribulation
- Laboratory observations on effect of soil compaction on slug damage to winter-wheat
- Laboratory observations on distribution of agriolimax-reticulatus (mull) in different aggregate fractions of garden loam
- Labile phosphate in soils
- Intuition and rational choice in application of mathematics to soil systematics
- Insecticidal activity of pyrethrins and related compounds .7. Insecticidal dihalovinyl analogues of cis-chrysanthemates and trans-chrysanthemates
- Insect pollination of sugar-beet (beta-vulgaris) seed crops
- Inhibition of multiplication of tobacco mosaic-virus in protoplasts by antibiotics and its prevention by divalent metals
- Influence of phosphate and crop species on endogone spores and vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza under field conditions
- Influence of moonlight on catches of insects in light-traps in africa .3. Effective radius of a mercury-vapor light-trap and analysis of catches using effective radius
- Incorporating granular nematicides in soil to control potato cyst-nematode, heterodera-rostochiensis
- High-energy and low-energy phosphate adsorbing surfaces in calcareous soils
- Head morphology of second-stage juveniles of some heteroderidae (nematoda-tylenchoidea)
- Growth of seedlings of Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. and Agrostis gigantea Roth in cereal crops
- Growth and yield of sugar-beet on contrasting soils in relation to nitrogen supply 2 Growth, uptake and leaching of nitrogen
- Growth and yield of sugar-beet on contrasting soils in relation to nitrogen supply .1. Soil nitrogen analyses and yield
- Growth and yield of sugar-beet in relation to potassium and sodium supply
- Glutamine and asparagine as nitrogen donors for reductant-dependent glutamate synthesis in pea roots
- Glutamate synthase in blue-green-algae
- Glutamate synthase and its role in nitrogen assimilation in plants
- Generalized form of fishers logarithmic series
- Future virus problems
- Frequency of infertility in thoroughbred mares
- Focal points - global food strategy - borgstrom,g
- Fluctuations and regulation of wheat-bulb fly populations at Rothamsted
- Field injection of carbon disulfide to inhibit nitrification of ammonia fertilizer
- Factors that affect persistence of pesticides in plants and soils
- Factors determining rearing and rejection of drones by honeybee colony
- Extraction of cysts of cereal cyst-nematode, heterodera-avenae, from soil
- Ethylene as a factor limiting legume rhizobium symbiosis in tube culture
- Estimates of genetic parameters for lint quality in upland cotton (gossypium-hirsutum)
- Entomophthora species infecting pea aphis
- Energy costs of nitrogen fertilizers used in Britain, returns received, and some savings possible
- The energy costs of nitrogen fertilizers used in Britain, returns received and some savings that are possible
- Efficiency of 2 organomercury compounds in controlling seed-borne septoria-nodorum on winter-wheat
- Effects of varying air and soil-moisture on water relations and growth of sugar-beet
- Effects of variation in temperature and light-intensity at different times on growth and yield of spring wheat
- Effects of sulfur fertilizers and of copper on yield and composition of spring wheat grown in a sandy soil prone to surface compaction
- Effects of soil nitrogen on growth of sugar-beet crop
- Effects of potato cyst nematodes on potato plants .4. Effects of fertilizers and heterodera-rostochiensis on yield of 2 susceptible varieties
- Effects of potato cyst nematodes on potato plants .3. Effects on water relations and growth of a resistant and a susceptible variety
- Effects of potato cyst nematodes on potato plants .2. Effects on haulm size, concentration of nutrients in haulm tissue and tuber yield of a nematode resistant and a nematode susceptible potato variety
- Effects of potato cyst nematodes on potato plants .1. Effects in a trial with irrigation and fumigation on growth and nitrogen and potassium contents of a resistant and a susceptible variety
- Effects of oxygen on metabolism by glycollate pathway in leaves
- Effects of mist irrigation on physiology of sugar-beet
- Effects of form and amounts of nitrogen and magnesium fertilizers on yield and on inorganic and organic composition of italian ryegrass grown on magnesium deficient soil
- Effects of carbon-dioxide on metabolism by glycollate pathway in leaves
- Effects of benomyl and other fungicides on take-all, eyespot and sharp eyespot diseases of winter-wheat
- Effects of aerobic and anaerobic incubation on extractabilities of heavy-metals in digested sewage sludge
- Effect of nitrogen fertilizer on photosynthesis and ribulose 1,5-diphosphate carboxylase activity in spring wheat in field
- Effect of heat-treatment of potato-tubers on oospora-pustulans
- Effect of grazing on yield of grass swards
- Effect of fungicides and fertilizer on yield and diseases of grass swards
- Effect of ethirimol seed dressings on yield of spring barley grown with different amounts of nitrogen fertilizer 1969-71
- Effect of environmental conditions during larval period on tendency of worker honeybees to develop their ovaries
- The effect of benomyl sprays on Sclerotinia trifoliorum and yield of red clover
- Double-stranded RNA virus in colletotrichum lindemuthianum
- Distribution of sulfur in soils and herbage of North West Pembrokeshire
- Distribution of species of potato cyst nematodes in south-america
- The distribution in soil of aqueous ammonia injected under grass
- Discussion on recognition of alien life - introductory-remarks
- Determinant of an orthogonal matrix
- Design of computer-programs for survey analysis - contrast between Rothamsted general survey program (RGSP) and SPSS
- Decrease of take-all by a transmissible factor in take-all decline soils
- Crystal-structures of complexes between alkali-metal salts and cyclic polyethers .9. Complex formed between dibenzo-24-crown-8(6,7,9,10,12,13,20,21,23,24,26,27-dodecahydrodibenzo b ,n 1,4,7,10,13,-16,19,22 octaoxacyclotetracosin) and 2 molecules of sodium o-nitrophenolate
- Crystal-structures of complexes between alkali-metal salts and cyclic polyethers .8. Complexes formed by cesium thiocyanate with (7r,9r,18s,20s)-6,7.9,10,17,18,20,21-octahydro-7,9,18,20-tetra-methyldib enzo b,k 1,4,7,10,13,16 hexaoxacyclo-octadecin (tetra-methyldibenzo-18-crown-6,isomer f) and its (18r,20r)-isomer(isomer g)
- Crystal-structure of phenacylkojate 2-(hydroxymethyl)-5-phenacyl-4h-pyran-4-one monohydrate and comparison with some of its complexes with alkali-metal salts
- Crystal-structure of a hydrated complex of sodium iodide with phenacylkojate 2-(hydroxymethyl)-5-phenacyl-4h-pyran-4-one
- Crystalline and amorphous components of clay fractions in brown podzolic soils
- Crystal structure of (7R,9R,18S,20S)-6,7,9,10,17,18,20,21-octahydro-7,9,18,20-tetramethyldibenzo[b,k][1,4,7,10,13,16]hexaoxacyclo-octadecin (tetramethyldibenzo-18-crown-6, isomer F)
- Crop nutrition and soil fertility
- Conversion of 5-oxoproline to glutamic-acid in higher-plants
- Control of water and carbon-dioxide flux in water-stressed sugar-beet
- Control of potato cyst-nematodes, heterodera-rostochiensis and h-pallida, in sandy, peaty and silt loam soils by oximecarbamate and organophosphate nematicides
- Control of lysine biosynthesis in maize
- Complementation between middle and bottom components of broad bean stain virus and echtes ackerbohnenmosaik-virus
- Competition and species abundance
- A comparison of different criteria for selecting binary tests in diagnostic keys
- Comparison of compositions and properties of natural and laboratory-prepared humified organic-matter
- Comparison of 2 methods of overall fumigation for control of docking disorder of sugar-beet
- Colony size, density and distribution of leaf-cutting ant, acromyrmex-octospinosus (reich) in cultivated fields
- Chemical control of potato cyst-nematode, heterodera-pallida, on tomatoes grown under glass
- Carabids in sugar-beet crops and their possible role as aphid predators
- Biometrical interpretation - gilbert,ne
- Behavioral basis of a pheromone monitoring-system for pea moth, cydia-nigricana
- Behavior of nitrification inhibitor n-serve in broadcast and incorporated applications to soil
- Availability to arable crops of magnesium from kieserite and 2 forms of calcined magnesite
- Association of populations of onychiurid collembola with damage to sugar-beet seedlings
- Asparagine metabolism in higher plants
- Asparagine metabolism in higher plants
- Artificial diet with improved acceptability to 3 strains of myzus-persicae (sulz) (hemiptera, aphididae)
- Aphanomyces-cochlioides in England
- Analysis of categorical data - plackett,rl
- Amino-acid biosynthesis in chloroplasts
- Alkali-metal tetraphenylborate complexes with some macrocyclic, crown, polyethers
- Airborn spores in pastures
- Activation of amino-acid analogs by phenylalanyl-transfer-rna and tyrosyl-transfer-rna synthetases from plants
- Accumulated temperature and rainfall as measures of nematode development and activity
- Absolute-configuration of most potent isomer of pyrethroid insecticide alpha-cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl cis-3-(2,2-dibromovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate by crystal-structure analysis
- Generalized procrustes analysis
- Potassium in soils under different cropping systems 3. Non-exchangeable potassium in soils from long-term experiments at Rothamsted and Woburn
- Potato tuber lenticels : susceptibility to infection by Erwinia cartovora var. atroseptica and Phytophthora infestans
- Potato tuber lenticels: development and structure
- Red clover conservation and nutritive value