Electrofusion of biochemically well-characterised nitrate reductase deficient Nicotiana plumbaginifolia mutants. Studies on optimization and complementation.

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

De Vries, S. E., Jacobsen, E., Jones, M. G. K., Loonen, A. E. H.M., Tempelaar, M. J., Wijbrandi, J. and Feenstra, W. J. 1987. Electrofusion of biochemically well-characterised nitrate reductase deficient Nicotiana plumbaginifolia mutants. Studies on optimization and complementation. Plant Science. 51, pp. 105-112.

AuthorsDe Vries, S. E., Jacobsen, E., Jones, M. G. K., Loonen, A. E. H.M., Tempelaar, M. J., Wijbrandi, J. and Feenstra, W. J.
Year of Publication1987
JournalPlant Science
Journal citation51, pp. 105-112
Open accessPublished as non-open access

Permalink - https://repository.rothamsted.ac.uk/item/85x7y/electrofusion-of-biochemically-well-characterised-nitrate-reductase-deficient-nicotiana-plumbaginifolia-mutants-studies-on-optimization-and-complementation

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