Growth responses of Glomus caledonium in the presence of suspension cultured lucerne cells.

G - Articles in popular magazines and other technical publications

Carr, G. R., Hinkley, M. A., Le Tacon, F., Hepper, C. M., Jones, M. G. K. and Thomas, E. 1986. Growth responses of Glomus caledonium in the presence of suspension cultured lucerne cells.

AuthorsCarr, G. R., Hinkley, M. A., Le Tacon, F., Hepper, C. M., Jones, M. G. K. and Thomas, E.
Year of Publication1986
Open accessPublished as non-open access
Collective title Physiological and genetical aspects of mycorrhizae . Proceedings 1st European Symposium on Mycorrhizae, Dijon, 1985. Eds. V. Gianinazzi-Pearson & S. Gianinazzi. Paris : INRA
Page range521-525

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