Characterization of Cl- transport in vauolar membrane vesicles using a Cl- sensitive fluorescent probe: reaction kinetic models for voltage and concentration-dependence of Cl- flux.

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Pope, A. J., Jennings, I. R., Sanders, D. and Leigh, R. A. 1990. Characterization of Cl- transport in vauolar membrane vesicles using a Cl- sensitive fluorescent probe: reaction kinetic models for voltage and concentration-dependence of Cl- flux. Journal Of Membrane Biology. 116, pp. 129-137.

AuthorsPope, A. J., Jennings, I. R., Sanders, D. and Leigh, R. A.
Year of Publication1990
JournalJournal Of Membrane Biology
Journal citation116, pp. 129-137
Open accessPublished as non-open access
Funder project or code18

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