OsCHX14 is Involved in the K+ Homeostasis in Rice (Oryza sativa) Flowers

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Chen, Y., Ma, J. K., Miller, A. J., Luo, B. B., Wang, M., Zhu, Z. and Ouwerkerk, P. B. F. 2016. OsCHX14 is Involved in the K+ Homeostasis in Rice (Oryza sativa) Flowers. Plant and cell physiology. 57 (7), pp. 1530-1543. https://doi.org/10.1093/pcp/pcw088

AuthorsChen, Y., Ma, J. K., Miller, A. J., Luo, B. B., Wang, M., Zhu, Z. and Ouwerkerk, P. B. F.
Year of Publication2016
JournalPlant and cell physiology
Journal citation57 (7), pp. 1530-1543
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)https://doi.org/10.1093/pcp/pcw088
Open accessPublished as ‘gold’ (paid) open access
Publisher's version
PublisherOxford University Press (OUP) Oxford
Oxford University Press (OUP)

Permalink - https://repository.rothamsted.ac.uk/item/8v370/oschx14-is-involved-in-the-k-homeostasis-in-rice-oryza-sativa-flowers

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