PS: Crop Productivity and Quality

TitlePS: Crop Productivity and Quality
TypeResearch cluster


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AI-based framework for early detection and segmentation of green citrus fruits in orchards

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
El Akrouchi, M., Mhada, M., Bayad, M., Hawkesford, M. J. and Gerard, B. 2025. AI-based framework for early detection and segmentation of green citrus fruits in orchards. Smart Agricultural Technology. 10, p. 100834.

A new conceptual model for seed germination and seedling tillering of winter wheat in the field

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Chen, J., Whalley, P. A., Li, Z., Gao, Y., Zhang, X., Hawkesford, M. J. and Whalley, W. R. 2025. A new conceptual model for seed germination and seedling tillering of winter wheat in the field. Royal Society Open Science. 12 (1), p. 240723.

Genetic analysis of grain protein content and deviation in wheat

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Richard, R., Lovegrove, A., Tosi, P., Casebow, R., Poole, M., Wingen, L. U., Griffiths, S. and Shewry, P. R. 2024. Genetic analysis of grain protein content and deviation in wheat. Journal of Cereal Science. 121 (30 December), p. 104099.

Genetic variation in leaf photosynthesis and associated traits in elite and landrace-derived genotypes in wheat

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Kareem, S. H. S., De Silva, J., Weerasinghe, M., Hawkesford, M. J., Griffiths, S., Howell, P. and Foulkes, M. J. 2024. Genetic variation in leaf photosynthesis and associated traits in elite and landrace-derived genotypes in wheat. The Journal of Agricultural Science. pp. 1-11.

Enhancing food security amid climate change through rewilding and de novo domestication

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Hawkesford, M. J. 2024. Enhancing food security amid climate change through rewilding and de novo domestication. Frontiers in Science. 2, p. 1531043.

Do expectations that gluten makes you sick lead to gastrointestinal distress?

G - Articles in popular magazines and other technical publications
Brouns, F., Shewry, P. R. and Jonkers, D. 2024. Do expectations that gluten makes you sick lead to gastrointestinal distress? Milling and Grain. 135 (11), pp. 46-53.

Comparing samples of grains and breads: Nutritional Benefits of Ancient Grains and Sourdough

G - Articles in popular magazines and other technical publications
Brouns, F., Shewry, P. R. and Jonkers, D. 2024. Comparing samples of grains and breads: Nutritional Benefits of Ancient Grains and Sourdough. Milling and Grain. 135 (10), pp. 54-56.

Gluten and wheat sensitivity; Does the bread type matter?

G - Articles in popular magazines and other technical publications
Brouns, F., Shewry, P. R. and Jonkers, D. 2024. Gluten and wheat sensitivity; Does the bread type matter? Milling and Grain. 135 (10), pp. 48-52.

Hyperspectral imaging for phenotyping plant drought stress and nitrogen interactions using multivariate modeling and machine learning techniques in wheat

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Okyere, F., Cudjoe, D., Virlet, N., Castle, M., Riche, A. B., Greche, L., Mohareb, F., Simms, D., Mhada, M. and Hawkesford, M. J. 2024. Hyperspectral imaging for phenotyping plant drought stress and nitrogen interactions using multivariate modeling and machine learning techniques in wheat. Remote Sensing. 16 (18), p. 3446.

Structuring white rice with gellan gum reduces the glycemic response in healthy humans

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Alshammari, N. A., Riches, K., Muttakin, S., Hoad, C. L., Strkalj, L., Gouset, O., Bakalis, S., Lovegrove, A., Spiller, R. C., Gowland, P. A., Aithal, G. P., Yakubov, G. E., Taylor, M. A. and Marciani, L. 2024. Structuring white rice with gellan gum reduces the glycemic response in healthy humans. Food Research International. 196 (November), p. 115090.

‘Well on wheat?’ Project: Fewer abdominal complaints due to ancient grains?

G - Articles in popular magazines and other technical publications
Brouns, F., Shewry, P. R. and Jonkers, D. 2024. ‘Well on wheat?’ Project: Fewer abdominal complaints due to ancient grains? Milling and Grain. 135 (7), pp. 56-58.

Gluten & Weight

G - Articles in popular magazines and other technical publications
Brouns, F., Shewry, P. R. and Jonkers, D. 2024. Gluten & Weight. Milling and Grain. 135 (9), pp. 58-62.

Soil Mechanical Resistance and Root Growth and Function

B - Book chapters etc edited externally
Whalley, W. R., Bengough, A. G., Hawkesford, M. J., Mooney, S. J., Bennett, M. J. and Pandey, B. K. 2024. Soil Mechanical Resistance and Root Growth and Function. in: Beeckman, T. and Eshel, A. (ed.) Plant Roots – The Hidden Half Taylor & Francis. pp. 415-432

Wheat genetic resources have avoided disease pandemics, improved food security, and reduced environmental footprints: A review of historical impacts and future opportunities

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
King, J., Dreisigacker, S., Reynolds, M., Bandyopadhyay, A., Braun, H., Crespo-Herrera, L., Crossa, J., Govindan, V., Huerta, J., Ibba, M. I., Robles-Zazueta, C. A., Pierre, C. S., Singh, P. K., Singh, R. P., Achary, V. M. M., Bhavani, S., Blasch, G., Cheng, S., Dempewolf, H., Flavell, R. B., Gerard, G., Grewal, S., Griffiths, S., Hawkesford, M. J., He, X., Hearne, S., Hodson, D., Howell, P., Kamali, M. R. J., Karwat, H., Kilian, B., King, I. P., Kishii, M., Kommerell, V. M., Lagudah, E., Lan, C., Montesinos-Lopez, O. A., Nicholson, P., Perez-Rodriguez, P., Pinto, F., Pixley, K., Rebetzke, G., Rivera-Amado, C., Sansaloni, C., Schulthess, U., Sharma, S., Shewry, P. R., Subbarao, G., Tiwari, T. P., Trethowan, R. and Uauy, C. 2024. Wheat genetic resources have avoided disease pandemics, improved food security, and reduced environmental footprints: A review of historical impacts and future opportunities. Global Change Biology. 30 (8), p. e17440.

Improving wheat grain composition for human health by constructing a QTL atlas for essential minerals

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Sigalas, P., Shewry, P. R., Riche, A. B., Wingen, L., Feng, C., Siluveru, A., Chayut, N., Burridge, A., Uauy, C., Castle, M., Parmar, S., Philp, C., Steele, D., Orford, S., Leverington-Waite, M., Cheng, S., Griffiths, S. and Hawkesford, M. J. 2024. Improving wheat grain composition for human health by constructing a QTL atlas for essential minerals. Communications Biology. 7, p. 101.

At the crossroads: strigolactones mediate changes in cytokinin synthesis and signalling in response to nitrogen limitation

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Sigalas, P., Bennett, T., Buchner, P. H., Thomas, S. G., Jamois, F., Arkoun, M., Yvin, J.-C., Bennett, M.J. and Hawkesford, M. J. 2024. At the crossroads: strigolactones mediate changes in cytokinin synthesis and signalling in response to nitrogen limitation. The Plant Journal.

“WAIT, do I need more fibre?” Exploring UK consumers dietary fibre-related awareness and white bread as a viable solution to promote subsequent intake

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Norton, V., Wagstaff, C., Rodriguez Garcia, J., Lovegrove, A., Shewry, P. R., Charlton, M., Gillett, N., Tindall M. J. and Lignou, S. 2024. “WAIT, do I need more fibre?” Exploring UK consumers dietary fibre-related awareness and white bread as a viable solution to promote subsequent intake. Current Developments in Nutrition. 8, p. 104430.

Seed storage prolamins

B - Book chapters etc edited externally
Xu, Q., Daly, M., Huang, X., Shewry, P. R. and Mills, E. N. C. 2024. Seed storage prolamins. in: Sicherer, S.H. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Food Allergy UK Elsevier. pp. 453-462

The 4T and 7T introgressions from Amblyopyrum muticum and the 5Au introgression from Triticum urartu increases grain zinc and iron concentrations in Malawian wheat backgrounds

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Guwela, V. F., Milaro, M. F., Broadley, M., Hawkesford, M. J., Bokosi, J. M., Grewel, S., Coombes, B., Hall, A., Yang, C., Banda, M., Wilson, L. and King, J. 2024. The 4T and 7T introgressions from Amblyopyrum muticum and the 5Au introgression from Triticum urartu increases grain zinc and iron concentrations in Malawian wheat backgrounds. Frontiers in Plant Science. 15, p. 1346046.

A dataset of CMIP6-based climate scenarios for climate change impact assessment in Great Britain

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Semenov, M. A., Senapati, N., Coleman, K. and Collins, A. L. 2024. A dataset of CMIP6-based climate scenarios for climate change impact assessment in Great Britain. Data in Brief. 55 (4 July), p. 110709.

Wheat, Bread, Gluten and Health - Where do we stand in 2024?

G - Articles in popular magazines and other technical publications
Brouns, F., Shewry, P. R. and Jonkers, D. 2024. Wheat, Bread, Gluten and Health - Where do we stand in 2024? Milling and Grain. June, pp. 44-51.

Preface to VSI “Increasing the use of cereal grains as sources of protein”

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Shewry, P. R., Malalgoda, M. and House, J. 2024. Preface to VSI “Increasing the use of cereal grains as sources of protein”. Journal of Cereal Science. 117 (May), p. 103901.

Harnessing landrace diversity empowers wheat breeding

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Cheng, S., Feng, C., Wingen, L. U., Cheng, H., Riche, A. B., Jiang, M., Leverington-Waite, M., Huang, Z., Collier, S., Orford, S., Wang, X., Awal, R., Barker, G., O’Hara, T., Lister, C., Siluveru, A., Quiroz-Chávez, J., Ramírez-González, R. H., Bryant, R., Berry, S., Bansal, U., Bariana, H. S., Bennett, M. J., Bicego, B., Bilham, L., Brown, J. K. M., Burridge, A., Burt, C., Buurman, M., Castle, M., Chartrain, L., Chen, B., Denbel, W., Elkot, A. F., Fenwick, P., Feuerhelm, D., Foulkes, J., Gaju, O., Gauley, A., Gaurav, K., Hafeez, A. N., Han, R., Horler, R., Hou, J., Iqbal, M. S., Kerton, M., Kondic-Spica, A., Kowalski, A., Lage, J., Li, X., Liu, H., Liu, S., Lovegrove, A., Ma, L., Mumford, C., Parmar, S., Philp, C., Playford, D., Przewieslik-Allen, A. M., Sarfraz, Z., Schafer, D., Shewry, P. R., Shi, Y., Slafer, G., Song, B., Song, B., Steele, D., Steuernagel, B., Tailby, P., Tyrrell, S., Waheed, A., Wamalwa, M. N., Wang, X., Wei, Y., Winfield, M., Wu, S., Wu, Y., Wulff, B. B. H., Xian, W., Xu, Y., Xu, Y., Yuan, Q., Zhang, X., Edwards, K. J., Dixon, L., Nicholson, P., Chayut, N., Hawkesford, M. J., Uauy, C., Sanders, D., Huang, S. and Griffiths, S. 2024. Harnessing landrace diversity empowers wheat breeding. Nature.

Challenges to Increasing Dietary Fiber in White Flour and Bread

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Shewry, P. R., Prins, A., Kosik, O. and Lovegrove, A. 2024. Challenges to Increasing Dietary Fiber in White Flour and Bread. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry - JAFC.

Can we increase the use of wheat and other cereals as sources of protein?

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Shewry, P. R. 2024. Can we increase the use of wheat and other cereals as sources of protein? Journal of Cereal Science. 117 (May), p. 103899.

What do we really understand about wheat gluten structure and functionality?

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Shewry, P. R. and Belton, P. S. 2024. What do we really understand about wheat gluten structure and functionality? Journal of Cereal Science. 117, p. 103895.

Unravelling the impact of soil types on zinc, iron, and selenium concentrations in grains and straw of wheat/Amblyopyrum muticum and wheat/Triticum urartu doubled haploid lines

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Guwela, V. F., Broadley, M., Hawkesford, M. J., Maliro, M. F. A., Bokosi, J., Banda, M., Grewal, S., Wilson, L. and King, J. 2024. Unravelling the impact of soil types on zinc, iron, and selenium concentrations in grains and straw of wheat/Amblyopyrum muticum and wheat/Triticum urartu doubled haploid lines. Frontiers in Agronomy. 6, p. 1305034.

Enriched soil amendments influenced soil fertility, herbage yield and bioactive principle of medicinal plant (Cassia angustifolia Vahl.) grown in two different soils

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
B, P. K., Basak, B. B., Patel, V. J., Senapati, N., Ramani, V. P., Gajbhiye, N. A. and Kalola, A. D. 2024. Enriched soil amendments influenced soil fertility, herbage yield and bioactive principle of medicinal plant (Cassia angustifolia Vahl.) grown in two different soils. Heliyon. 10 (3), p. e24874.

Seed storage prolamins

B - Book chapters etc edited externally
Xu, Q., Daly, M., Huang, X., Shewry, P. R. and Mills, E. N. C. 2024. Seed storage prolamins. in: Encyclopedia of Food Allergy Elsevier.

Effects of changes in climatic means, variability, and agro-technologies on future wheat and maize yields at 10 sites across the globe

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Bracho-Mujica, G., Rotter, R. P., Haakana, M., Palosuo, T., Fronzek, S., Asseng, S., Yi, C., Ewert, F., Gaiser, T., Kassie, B., Paff, K., Rezaei, E. E., Rodriguez, A., Ruiz-Ramos, M., Srivastava, A. K., Stratonovitch, P., Tao, F. and Semenov, M. A. 2024. Effects of changes in climatic means, variability, and agro-technologies on future wheat and maize yields at 10 sites across the globe. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 364 (March), p. 109887.

The effects of soil compaction on wheat seedling root growth are specific to soil texture and soil moisture status

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Yu, C., Mawodza, T., Atkinson, B. S., Atkinson, J. A., Sturrock, C. J., Whalley, W. R., Hawkesford, M. J., Cooper, H., Zhang, X., Zhou, H. and Mooney, S. J. 2024. The effects of soil compaction on wheat seedling root growth are specific to soil texture and soil moisture status. Rhizosphere. 29, p. 100838.

The Functional Diversity of the High-Affinity Nitrate Transporter Gene Family in Hexaploid Wheat: Insights from Distinct Expression Profiles

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Sigalas, P., Buchner, P. H., Kroeper, A., Hawkesford, M. J. and Kroper, A. 2024. The Functional Diversity of the High-Affinity Nitrate Transporter Gene Family in Hexaploid Wheat: Insights from Distinct Expression Profiles. International Journal Of Molecular Sciences. 25 (1), p. 509.

Two randomized crossover multicenter studies investigating gastrointestinal symptoms after bread consumption in individuals with noncoeliac wheat sensitivity: do wheat species and fermentation type matter?

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
De Graaf, M. C. G., Timmers, E., Bonekamp, B., Van Rooy, G., Witteman, B. J. M., Shewry, P. R., America, T., Keszthelyi, D., Brouns, F. J. P. H. and Jonkers, D. M. A. E. 2024. Two randomized crossover multicenter studies investigating gastrointestinal symptoms after bread consumption in individuals with noncoeliac wheat sensitivity: do wheat species and fermentation type matter? The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 119 (4), pp. 896-907.

Climate-induced decline in the quality and quantity of European hops calls for immediate adaptation measures

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Mozny, M., Trnka, M., Vlach, V., Zalud, Z., Cejka, T., Hajkova, L., Potopova, V., Semenov, M. A., Semeradova, D. and Buntgen, U. 2023. Climate-induced decline in the quality and quantity of European hops calls for immediate adaptation measures. Nature Communications. 14, p. 6028.

Root phenotyping and root water uptake calculation using soil water contents measured in a winter wheat field

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Huang, Z., Zhang, X., Ashton, R. W., Hawkesford, M. J. and Whalley, W. R. 2023. Root phenotyping and root water uptake calculation using soil water contents measured in a winter wheat field. Agricultural Water Management. 290, p. 108607.

Modeling the spatial-spectral characteristics of plants for nutrient status identification using hyperspectral data and deep learning methods

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Okyere, F., Cudjoe, D., Sadeghi-Tehran, P., Virlet, N., Riche, A. B., Castle, M., Greche, L., Simms, D., Mhada, M., Mohareb, F. and Hawkesford, M. J. 2023. Modeling the spatial-spectral characteristics of plants for nutrient status identification using hyperspectral data and deep learning methods. Frontiers in Plant Science. 14, p. 1209500.

Increasing fibre in white flour and bread: Implications for health and processing

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Shewry, P. R., Joy, E., Segovia De La Revilla, L., Hansen, A., Brennan, J. and Lovegrove, A. 2023. Increasing fibre in white flour and bread: Implications for health and processing. Nutrition Bulletin. 48 (4), pp. 587-593.

The effect of expectancy versus actual gluten intake on gastrointestinal and extra-intestinal symptoms in non-coeliac gluten sensitivity - a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, international, multicentre study

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
De Graaf, M. C. G., Lawton, C. L., Croden, F., Smolinska, A., Winkens, B., Hesselink, M. A. M., Van Rooy, G., Weegels, P. L., Shewry, P. R., Houghton, L. A., Witteman, B. J. M., Keszthelyi, D., Brouns, F. J. P. H., Dye, L. and Jonkers, D. M. A. E. 2023. The effect of expectancy versus actual gluten intake on gastrointestinal and extra-intestinal symptoms in non-coeliac gluten sensitivity - a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, international, multicentre study. Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 9 (2), pp. 110-123.

Soil structure has a greater effect on the rooting of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) than nitrogen fertilisation rate or genotype.

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Mawodza, T., Zhou, H., Atkinson, B. S., Atkinson, J. A., Sturrock, C. J., Riche, A. B., Whalley, W. R., Hawkesford, M. J., Cooper, H. V. and Mooney, S. J. 2023. Soil structure has a greater effect on the rooting of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) than nitrogen fertilisation rate or genotype. Rhizosphere. 27 (Sept), p. 100770.

Field phenotyping for African crops: overview and perspectives

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Cudjoe, D., Virlet, N., Castle, M., Riche, A. B., Mhada, M., Waine, T. W., Mohareb, F. and Hawkesford, M. J. 2023. Field phenotyping for African crops: overview and perspectives. Frontiers in Plant Science. 14, p. 1219673.

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