SAS-H: Soil Biology

TitleSAS-H: Soil Biology
TypeResearch cluster


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Unbalanced analysis of variance

B - Book chapters etc edited externally
Webster, R. 2023. Unbalanced analysis of variance. in: Daya Sagar, B. S, Cheng, Q., McKinley, J. and Agterberg, F. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Mathematical Geosciences Springer. pp. 1579-1583

A loss function to evaluate agricultural decision‑making under uncertainty: a case study of soil spectroscopy

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Breure, T., Haefele, S. M., Hannam, J. A., Corstanje, R., Webster, R., Moreno-Rojas, S. and Milne, A. E. 2022. A loss function to evaluate agricultural decision‑making under uncertainty: a case study of soil spectroscopy. Precision Agriculture. 23, pp. 1333 - 1353.

Early Detection and Spread of Tomato Powdery Mildew (TPM) in Commercial Greenhouses

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Sokolidi, A., Webster, R., Milne, A. E., Clark, S. J., Clarkson, J., Bielik M., Morley, P. and West, J. S. 2022. Early Detection and Spread of Tomato Powdery Mildew (TPM) in Commercial Greenhouses. Phytopathology. 112 (11), pp. 49-49.

Spatial characteristics of the fungus powdery mildew (Erysiphe neolycopersici) on tomatoes and its spread in industrial greenhouses

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Sokolidi, A., Webster, R., Milne, A. E., Bielik, M., Morley, P., Clarkson, J. P. and West, J. S. 2022. Spatial characteristics of the fungus powdery mildew (Erysiphe neolycopersici) on tomatoes and its spread in industrial greenhouses. Biostatistics. 1 (1), pp. 18-30.

Improving the shear design of steel-bar reinforced ultra high performance fibre reinforced concrete beams using mesoscale modelling

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Zhang, Y, Yang, Z, Zhang, H., Tsang, N. and Zhang, X. 2022. Improving the shear design of steel-bar reinforced ultra high performance fibre reinforced concrete beams using mesoscale modelling. Advances in structural engineering. 24 (4).

A hydro-mechanical-damage fully coupled cohesive phase field model for complicated fracking simulations in poroelastic media

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Lia, H., Lei, H., Yang, Z., Wu, J., Zhang, X. and Li, S. 2022. A hydro-mechanical-damage fully coupled cohesive phase field model for complicated fracking simulations in poroelastic media. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 399, p. 115451.

Causal Modeling of Soil Processes for Improved Generalization

Conference paper
Neal, A. L., Sharma, S., Crawford, J. W., Kiciman, E., Malvar, S., Rodriguez, E. and Chandra, R. 2022. Causal Modeling of Soil Processes for Improved Generalization. NeurIPS 2022. New Orleans Conference Center 28 Nov 2022

Abundance and phylogenetic distribution of eight key enzymes of the phosphorus biogeochemical cycle in grassland soils.

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Garaycochea, S., Altier, N., Leoni, C., Neal, A. L. and Romero, H. 2022. Abundance and phylogenetic distribution of eight key enzymes of the phosphorus biogeochemical cycle in grassland soils. Environmental Microbiology.

Assessing pre-pandemic carbon footprint of diet transitions in UK nations and regions

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Ali, M., Koh, L., Liu, L., Zhang, J., Roberts, W., Robins, D. and Cooper, D. 2022. Assessing pre-pandemic carbon footprint of diet transitions in UK nations and regions. International Journal of Production Research. 61 (18), pp. 6115-6130.

Statistics in soil science

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Webster, R. 2022. Statistics in soil science. Reference module in earth systems and environmental sciences.

Early Detection and Spread of Tomato Powdery Mildew (TPM) in Commercial Greenhouses

Conference poster
Sokolidi, A., Webster, R., Milne, A. E., Clark, S. J., Clarkson, J., Bielik M., Morley, P. and West, J. S. 2022. Early Detection and Spread of Tomato Powdery Mildew (TPM) in Commercial Greenhouses. APS AGM - Plant Health 2022. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA 06 Aug 2022

Different Responses in Root Water Uptake of Summer Maize to Planting Density and Nitrogen Fertilization

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Gao, Y., Chen, J., Wang, G., Liu, Z., Sun, W., Zhang, Y. and Zhang, X. 2022. Different Responses in Root Water Uptake of Summer Maize to Planting Density and Nitrogen Fertilization. Frontiers in Plant Science. 13, p. 918043.

An overlooked mechanism underlying the attenuated temperature response of soil heterotrophic respiration

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Zhang, X., Whalley, P. A., Gregory, A. S., Whalley, W. R., Coleman, K., Neal, A. L., Mooney, S. J., Soga, K. and Illangasekare, T. H. 2022. An overlooked mechanism underlying the attenuated temperature response of soil heterotrophic respiration. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 19 (192), p. 20220276.

Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy for estimating soil properties: A technology for the 21st century

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Rossel, R. A. V., Behrens, T., Ben-Dor, E., Chabrillat, S., Dematte, J. A. M., Ge, Y., Gomez, C., Guerrero, C., Peng, Y., Ramirez-Lopez, L., Shi, Z., Stenberg, B., Webster, R., Winowiecki, L. and Shen, Z. 2022. Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy for estimating soil properties: A technology for the 21st century. European Journal of Soil Science. 73 (4), p. e13271.

Identification of novel aphid-killing bacteria to protect plants.

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Paliwal, D., Hamilton, A. J., Barrett, G. A., Alberti, F., Emden, H. V., Monteil, C. L., Mauchline, T. H., Nauen, R., Wagstaff, C., Bass, C. G. and Jackson, R. W. 2022. Identification of novel aphid-killing bacteria to protect plants. Microbial Biotechnology. 15 (4), pp. 1203-1220.

Spatial statistics and soil mapping: A blossoming partnership under pressure

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Heuvelink, G. B. M. and Webster, R. 2022. Spatial statistics and soil mapping: A blossoming partnership under pressure. Spatial Statistics. 50, p. 100639.

Changes of soil structure under different tillage management assessed by bulk density, penetrometer resistance, water retention curve, least limiting water range and X-ray computed tomography

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Tian, M., Qin, S., Whalley, W. R., Zhou, H., Ren, T. and Gao, W. 2022. Changes of soil structure under different tillage management assessed by bulk density, penetrometer resistance, water retention curve, least limiting water range and X-ray computed tomography. Soil & Tillage Research. 221, p. 105420.

Complementary protein extraction methods increase the identification of the Park Grass Experiment metaproteome

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Quinn, G. A., Abdelhameed, A., Banat, I. M., Berra, D., Doerr,S. H., Dudley, E., Francis, L. W., Gazze, S. A., Hallin, I., Matthews, G. P., Swain, M. T., Whalley, W. R. and Van Keulena, G. 2022. Complementary protein extraction methods increase the identification of the Park Grass Experiment metaproteome. Applied Soil Ecology. 173, p. 104388.

The impact of drought length and intensity on N cycling gene abundance, transcription and the size of an N2O hot moment from a temperate grassland soil

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Barrat, H., Clark, I. M., Evans, J., Chadwick, D. R. and Cardenas, L. M. 2022. The impact of drought length and intensity on N cycling gene abundance, transcription and the size of an N2O hot moment from a temperate grassland soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 168 (May), p. 108606.

A nation that rebuilds its soils rebuilds itself- an engineer’s perspective

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Johnson, K. L., Gray, N. D., Stone, W., Kelly, B. F. J., Fitzsimons, M., Clarke, C., Blake, L., Chivasa, S., Mtambanengwe, F., Mapfumo, P., Baker, A., Beckmann, S., Dominelli, L., Neal, A. L. and Gwandu, T. 2022. A nation that rebuilds its soils rebuilds itself- an engineer’s perspective. Soil Security. 7, p. 100060.

Distribution of heavy metals polluting the soil near an abandoned mine in Northwestern Mexico

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Gonzalez-Mendez, B., Webster, R., Loredo-Portales, R., Molina-Freaner, F. and Djellouli, R. 2022. Distribution of heavy metals polluting the soil near an abandoned mine in Northwestern Mexico. Environmental Earth Sciences. 81 (6), p. 176.

Genetic diversity in nitrogen fertilizer responses and N gas emission in modern wheat

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Oszvald, M., Hassall, K. L., Hughes, D. J., Torres-Ballesteros, A., Clark, I. M., Riche, A. B. and Heuer, S. 2022. Genetic diversity in nitrogen fertilizer responses and N gas emission in modern wheat. Frontiers in Plant Science. 13, p. 816475.

The cost-effectiveness of reflectance spectroscopy for estimating soil organic carbon

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Li, S., Viscarra Rossel, R. A. and Webster, R. 2022. The cost-effectiveness of reflectance spectroscopy for estimating soil organic carbon. European Journal of Soil Science. 73 (1), p. e13202.

N2O hot moments were not driven by changes in nitrogen and carbon substrates or changes in N cycling functional genes

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Barrat, H., Charteris, A., Le Cocq, K., Abadie, M., Clark, I. M., Chadwick, D. R. and Cardenas, L. M. 2022. N2O hot moments were not driven by changes in nitrogen and carbon substrates or changes in N cycling functional genes. European Journal of Soil Science. 73 (1), p. e13190.

Localized nutrient supply can facilitate root proliferation and increase nitrogen-use efficiency in compacted soil

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Wu, X., Li, H., Rengel, Z., Whalley, W. R., Li, H., Zhang, F., Shen, J. and Jin, K. 2022. Localized nutrient supply can facilitate root proliferation and increase nitrogen-use efficiency in compacted soil. Soil & Tillage Research. 215 (January), p. 105198.

Reduction effect of individual N, P, K fertilization on antibiotic resistance genes in reclaimed water irrigated soil

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Cui, E., Fan, X., Hu, C., Neal, A. L., Cui, B., Liu, C. and Gao, F. 2022. Reduction effect of individual N, P, K fertilization on antibiotic resistance genes in reclaimed water irrigated soil . Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 231, p. 113185.

Cropping system exerts stronger influence on antibiotic resistance gene assemblages in greenhouse soils than reclaimed wastewater irrigation

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Liu, Y., Neal, A. L., Zhang, X., Fan, H., Liu, H. and Li, Z. 2022. Cropping system exerts stronger influence on antibiotic resistance gene assemblages in greenhouse soils than reclaimed wastewater irrigation . Journal Of Hazardous Materials. 425, p. 128046.

The molecular size continuum of soil organic phosphorus and its chemical associations

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Reusser, J. E., Tamburini, F., Neal, A. L., Verel, R., Frossard, E. and McLaren, T. I. 2022. The molecular size continuum of soil organic phosphorus and its chemical associations . Geoderma. 412, p. 115716.

Evolution of the transport properties of soil aggregates and their relationship with soil organic carbon following land use changes

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Wang, F., Zhang, X., Neal, A. L., Crawford, J. W., Mooney, S. and Bacq-Lebreuil, A. 2022. Evolution of the transport properties of soil aggregates and their relationship with soil organic carbon following land use changes. Soil & Tillage Research. 215, p. 105226.

Influence of organic matter on soil properties: by how much can organic carbon be increased in arable soils and can changes be measured?

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Powlson, D. S. and Neal, A. L. 2021. Influence of organic matter on soil properties: by how much can organic carbon be increased in arable soils and can changes be measured? Proceedings of the International Fertiliser Society. 862, pp. 1-32.

Geostatistics : Modelling spatial variation

B - Book chapters etc edited externally
Webster, R. 2021. Geostatistics : Modelling spatial variation. in: Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment Elsevier.

On the improved Brutsaert's model to estimate the soil water content by measuring P-wave and S-wave speeds: A commentary on Xu et al. (2020)

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Shin, H. C. and Whalley, W. R. 2021. On the improved Brutsaert's model to estimate the soil water content by measuring P-wave and S-wave speeds: A commentary on Xu et al. (2020). Geoderma. 402 (15 November), p. 115335.

Land management legacy affects abundance and function of the acdS gene in wheat root associated pseudomonads

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Ruscoe, H., Taketani, R., Clark, I. M., Lund, G., Hughes, D. J., Dodd, I., Hirsch, P. R. and Mauchline, T. H. 2021. Land management legacy affects abundance and function of the acdS gene in wheat root associated pseudomonads. Frontiers in Microbiology. 12, p. 611339.

Theory of microbial coexistence in promoting soil–plant ecosystem health

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Zhang, N., Nunan, N., Hirsch, P. R., Sun, B., Zhou, J. and Liang, Y. 2021. Theory of microbial coexistence in promoting soil–plant ecosystem health. Biology And Fertility Of Soils. 57, p. 897–911.

Comparison of soil tortuosity calculated by different methods

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Zhang, Y., Yang, Z., Wang, F. and Zhang, X. 2021. Comparison of soil tortuosity calculated by different methods. Geoderma. 402, p. 115358.

Metagenomic approaches reveal differences in genetic diversity and relative abundance of nitrifying bacteria and archaea in contrasting soils

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Clark, I. M., Hughes, D. J., Fu, Q., Abadie, M. and Hirsch, P. R. 2021. Metagenomic approaches reveal differences in genetic diversity and relative abundance of nitrifying bacteria and archaea in contrasting soils . Scientific Reports. 11, p. 15905.

Editorial to the Thematic Topic Towards a more sustainable agriculture through managing soil microbiomes

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Babin, D., Leoni, C., Neal, A. L., Sessitsch, A. and Smalla, K. 2021. Editorial to the Thematic Topic Towards a more sustainable agriculture through managing soil microbiomes. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 97 (8), p. fiab094.

Enterotype-like microbiome stratification as emergent structure in complex adaptive systems: A mathematical model

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Martin, M. A., Crawford, J. W., Neal, A. L. and Garcia-Gutierrez-Baez, C. 2021. Enterotype-like microbiome stratification as emergent structure in complex adaptive systems: A mathematical model. Fractals: Complex Geometry, Patterns, and Scaling in Nature and Society.

Relative contributions of bacteria and fungi to nitrous oxide emissions following nitrate application in soils representing different land uses

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Castellano-Hinojosa, A., Le Cocq, K., Charteris, A., Abadie, M., Chadwick, D. R., Clark, I. M., Bedmar, E. J. and Cardenas, L. M. 2021. Relative contributions of bacteria and fungi to nitrous oxide emissions following nitrate application in soils representing different land uses. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 159, p. 105199.

Determination of wheat spike and spikelet architecture and grain traits using X-ray Computed Tomography imaging

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Zhou, H., Riche, A. B., Hawkesford, M. J., Whalley, W. R., Atkinson, B. S., Sturrock, C. J. and Mooney, S. J. 2021. Determination of wheat spike and spikelet architecture and grain traits using X-ray Computed Tomography imaging. Plant Methods. 17 (article), p. 26.

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