Baker, T. R., Adu-Bredu, S., Affum-Baffoe, K., Aiba, S., Akite, P., Ashton, P., Alexiades, M., Almeida, E., Almeida de Oliveira, E., Alvarez Davila, E., Amani, C., Andrade, A., Aragao, L., Araujo-Murakami, A., Arets, E., Arroyo, L., Baisie, M., Balee, W., Balinga, M., Banin, L. F., Banki, O., Baraloto, C., Barroso, J., Bastin, J., Beeckman, H., Begne, S., Bengone, N. N., Berry, N., Betian, W., Bezard, V., Blanc, L., Boeckx, P., Bonal, D., Bongers, F., Brearley, F. Q., Brienen, R., Brown, F., Bt Nasaradin, M., Burban, B., Burslem, D. F., Camargo, P., Camargo, J. L., Castro, W., Ceron, C., Chama Moscoso, V., Chapman, C., Chave, J., Chezeaux, E., Collins, M., Comiskey, J., Coomes, D., Cornejo Valverde, F., Costa, F. R., Cuni-Sanchez, A., Costa, L. D., Daly, D. C., Dancak, M., Daniels, A., Dargie, G., Davies, S., De Canniere, C., De Haulleville, T., Del Aguila Pasquel, J., Derroire, G., Dexter, K. G., Di Fiore, T., Djuikouo, M-N. K., Doucet, J., Droissart, V., Eilu, G., Emillio, T., Engel, J., Enock, B. Y., Evouna Ondo, F., Ewango, C., Fauset, S., Feldpausch, T. R., Fitriadi, M., Flores Llampazo, G., Foli, E. G., Fredriksson, G. ., Galbraith, D. R., Gilpin, M., Gloor, E., Gonmadje, C., Guillen Villaroel, R., Hall, J., Hamer, K. C., Hamilton, A., Hardy, O., Hart, T., Hedl, R., Herrera, R., Higuchi, N., Hladik, C. M., Honorio Coronado, E, Huamantupa-Chuquimaco, I., Huasco, W. H., Hubau, W., Idhamsyah, M., Ismail, S. A., Jeffery, K., Jimenez, E., Jucker, T., Kearsley, E., Kho, L. K., Killeen, T., Kitayama, K., Laurance, W., Laurance, S., Leal, M., Lewis, S. L., Lhota, S., Lindsell, J., Lopez-Gonzalez, G., Lovett, J., Lowe, R., Magnusson, W. E., Makana, J., Malhi, Y., Marimon, B., Junior, B. H. M., Marshall, A., Maycock, C., Mbayu, F., Mendoza, C., Mendoza Polo, I., Metali, F., Mihindou, V., Monteagudo-Mendoza, A., Moore, S., Mucunguzi, P., Mukinzi, J., Munishi, P., Nagy, L., Naisso, P. ., Neill, D., Nogueira Lima, A., Nunez Vargas, P., Ojo, L., Palacios, W., Pallqui Camacho, N., Parada Gutierrez, A., Peacock, J., Peh, K. S-H., Pena Cruz, A., Pendry, C., Pennington, T., Penuela-Mora, M. C., Petronelli, P., Phillips, O. L., Pickavance, G., Pipoly, J., Pitman, N., Poulsen, A. D., Prance, G. T., Prieto, A., Primack, R. B., Qie, L., Queenborough, S. A., Sunderland, T., Quesada, C., Ramirez Arevalo, F., Ramirez-Angulo, H., Reitsma, J., Rejou-Mechain, M., Roopsind, A., Rovero, F., Rutishauser, E., Salim, K. A., Salomao, R., Samsoedin, I., Saparudin, M. S., Schietti, J., Segovia, R. A., Serrano, J., Serudia, R., Sheil, D., Silva, N., Silva Espejo, J., Silveira, M., Simo-Droissart, M., Singh, J., Sonke, B., De Sousa, T. E. L., Stropp, J., Sukri, R., Sunderland, T., Svatek, M., Swaine, M., Taedoumg, H., Talbot, J., Tan, S., Taplin, J., Taylor, D., Ter Steege, H., Terborgh, J., Torres-Lezama, A., Tshibamba Mukendi, J., Tuagben, D., Van de Meer, P., Van der Heijden, G., Van der Hout, P., Van Nieuwstadt, M., Van Ulft, B., Vasquez Martinez, R., Vernimmen, R., Vinceti, B., Vieira, S., Vieira, I. C. G., Vilanova Torre, E., Vleminckx, J., White, L., Willcock, S., Williams, M., Woods, J. T., Yao, T. L., Yassir, I., Zagt, R. and Zemagho, L. 2025. Large range sizes link fast life histories with high species richness across wet tropical tree floras. Scientific Reports. 15 (4695).
Mustaphi, C. J. C., Platts, P. J., Willcock, S., Timberlake, J. R., Osborne, J., Matimele, H., Osgood, H. S., Muiruri, V. M., Gehrels, M., Bayliss, J. and Marchant, R. 2024. Tree demographics and soil charcoal evidence of fire disturbances in an inaccessible forest atop the Mount Lico inselberg, Mozambique. Plants, people, planet. 7 (1), pp. 229-244.
Santoro, M., Cartus, O., Quegan, S., Kay, H., Lucas, R. M., Araza, A., Herold, M., Labriere, N., Chave, J., Rosenqvist, A., Tadono, T., Kobayashi, K., Kellndorfer, J., Avitabile, V., Brown, H., Carreiras, J., Campbell, M. J., Cavlovic, J., Bispo, P. D. C., Gilani, H., Khan, M. L., Kumar, A., Lewis, S. L., Liang, J., Mitchard, E. T., Pascagaza, A. M. P., Phillips, O. L., Ryan, C. M., Saikia, P., Schepaschenko, D., Sukhdeo, H., Verbeeck, H., Vieilledent, G., Wijaya, A., Willcock, S. and Seifert, F. M. 2024. Design and performance of the Climate Change Initiative Biomass global retrieval algorithm. Science of Remote Sensing. 10 (December), p. 100169.
Nguyen, N. T. H., Willcock, S. and Hassan, L. M. 2024. Communications enhance sustainable intentions despite other ongoing crises. Sustainability Science.
Devenish, K., Willcock, S., Goodenough, K. M., Heriniaina, R., Rakotonarivo, O. S. and Jones, J. P. 2024. No evidence of increased forest loss from a mining rush in Madagascar's eastern rainforests. Communications Earth & Environment. 5 (1), p. 489.
Lewis, A. R., Bell, A. R., Casas, A., Kupiec-Teahan, B., Sanchez, J. M., Willcock, S., Anciano, F., Barrington, D. J., Dube, M., Hutchings, P., Karani, C., Llaxacondor, A., Lopez, H., Mdee, A. L., Ofori, A. D., Riungu, J. N., Russel, K. C. and Parker, A. H. 2024. Comparative sanitation data from high-frequency phone surveys across 3 countries. Data in Brief. 55 (August), p. 110635.
Devenish, A. J. M., Schmitter, P., Jellason, N. P., Esmail, N., Abdi, N. M., Adanu, S. K., Adolph, B., Al-Zu’bi, M., Amali, A. A., Barron, J., Chapman, A. S. A., Chausson, A. M., Chibesa, M., Davies, J., Dugan, E., Edwards, G. I., Egeru, A., Gebrehiwot, T., Griffiths, G. H., Haile, A., Hunga, H. G., Igbine, L., Jarju, O. M., Keya, F., Khalifa, M., Ledoux, W. A., Lejissa, L. T., Loupa, P., Lwanga, J., Mapedza, E. D., Marchant, R., McLoud, T., Mukuyu, P., Musah, L. M., Mwanza, M., Mwitwa, J., Neina, D., Newbold, T., Njogo, S., Robinson, E. J. Z., Singini, W., Umar, B. B., Wesonga, F., Willcock, S., Yang, J. and Tobias, J. A. 2023. One Hundred Priority Questions for the Development of Sustainable Food Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa. Land. 12 (10), p. 1879.
Tenbrink, T and Willcock, S. 2023. Place attachment and perception of climate change as a threat in rural and urban areas. PLOS ONE. 18 (9), p. e0290354.
Platts, P. J., Schaafsma, M., Turner, R. K., Burgess, N. D., Fisher, B., Mbilinyi, B. P., Munishi, P. K. T., Ricketts, T. H., Swetnam, R. D., Ahrends, A., Ashagre, B. B., Bayliss, J., Gereau, R. E., Green, J. M. H., Green, R. E., Jeha, L., Lewis, S. L., Marchant, R., Marshall, A. R., Morse-Jones, S., Mwakalila, S., Njana, M. A., Shirima, D. D., Willcock, S. and Balmford, A. 2023. Inequitable gains and losses from conservation in a global biodiversity hotspot. Environment and Resource Economics. 86, pp. 381-405.
Hooftman, D. A., Ridding, L. E., Redhead, J. W. and Willcock, S. 2023. National scale mapping of supply and demand for recreational ecosystem services. Ecological Indicators. 154 (October), p. 110779.
Devenish, K., Goodenough, K., Jones, J. P. G., Ratsimba, H. R. and Willcock, S. 2023. Mapping to explore the challenges and opportunities for reconciling artisanal gem mining and biodiversity conservation. The Extractive Industries and Society. 15, p. 101311.
Willcock, S., Cooper, G. S., Addy, J. and Dearing, J. A. 2023. Earlier collapse of Anthropocene ecosystems driven by multiple faster and noisier drivers. Nature Sustainability. 6, p. 1331–1342.
Kim, H., Peterson, G. D., Cheung, W. W. L., Ferrier, S., Alkemade, R., Arneth, A., Kuiper, J. J., Okayasu, S., Pereira, L., Acosta, L. A., Kramer, R. C., Belder, E. D., Eddy, T. D., Johnson, J. A., Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen, S., Kok, M. T., Leadley, P., Leclere, D., Lundquist, C. J., Rondinini, C., Scholes, R. J., Schoolenberg, M. A., Shin, Y., Stehfest, E., Stephenson, F., Visconti, P., Vuuren, D. V., Wabnitz, C. C., Alava, J. J., Cuadros-Casanova, I., Davies, K. K., Gasalla, M. A., Halouani, G., Harfoot, M., Hashimoto, S., Hickler, T., Hirsch, T., Kolomytsev, G., Miller, B. W., Ohashi, H., Palomo, M. G., Popp, A., Remme, R. P., Saito, O., Sumalia, U. R., Willcock, S. and Pereira, H. M. 2023. Towards a better future for biodiversity and people: modelling Nature Futures. Global Environmental Change. 82, p. 102681.
Cole, B., Bradley, A. V., Willcock, S., Gardner, E., Allinson, E., Hagen-Zanker, A., Calo, A. J., Touza, J., Petrovskii, S., Yu, J. and Whelan, M. 2023. Using a multi-lens framework for landscape decisions. People and Nature. 5 (4), pp. 1050-1071.
Willcock, S., Hooftman, D. A. P., Neugarten, R. A., Chaplin-Kramer, R., Barredo, J. I., Hickler, T., Kindermann, G., Lewis, A. R., Lindeskog, M., Martinez-Lopez, J. and Bullock, J. M. 2023. Model Ensembles of Ecosystem Services Fill Global Certainty and Capacity Gaps. Science Advances. 9 (14), p. eadf5492.
Hutchings, P., Willcock, S., Lynch, K., Bundhoo, D., Brewer, T., Cooper, S., Keech, D., Mekala, S., Mishra, P. P., Parker, A., Shackleton, C. M., Venkatesh, K., Vicario, D. R. and Welivita, I. 2022. Understanding rural-urban transitions in the Global South through Peri-Urban Turbulence. Nature Sustainability. 5, pp. 924-930.
Devenish, K., Desbureaux, S., Willcock, S. and Jones, J. P. G. 2022. On track to achieve No Net Loss of forest at Madagascar’s biggest mine. Nature Sustainability. 5, pp. 498-508.
Araza, A., Bruin, S. D., Herold, M., Quegan, S., Labriere, N., Rodriguez-Veiga, P., Avitabile, V., Santoro, M., Mitchard, E. T., M.Ryan, C., L.Phillips, O., Willcock, S., Verbeeck, H., Carreiras, J., Hein, L., Schelhaas, M., Pacheco-Pascagaza, A. . M., Bispo, P. D. C., Laurin, G. V., Vieilledent, G., Slik, F., Wijaya, A., Lewis, S. L., Morel, A., Liang, J., Sukhdeo, H., Schepaschenko, D., Cavlovic, J., Gilani, H. and Lucas, R. 2022. A comprehensive framework for assessing the accuracy and uncertainty of global above-ground biomass maps. Remote Sensing of Environment. 272, p. 112917.
Cole, B., Saratsi, E., Earnshaw, K., Willcock, S., Gardner, E., Bradley, A., Fremantle, C., Bezant, J., Finan, J., Ziv, G. and Balzter, H. 2022. Making Landscape Decisions to Meet Net Zero Carbon: Pathways that consider ethics, socio-ecological diversity, and landscape functions. UK Research and Innovation - UKRI.
Hooftman, D. A. P., Bullock, J. M., Jones, L., Eigenbrod, F., Barredo, J. I., Forrest, M., Kindermann, G., Thomas, A. and Willcock, S. 2022. Reducing uncertainty in ecosystem service modelling through weighted ensembles. Ecosystem Services. 53 (February), p. 101398.
Cuni-Sanchez, A., Sullivan, M., Platts, P., Lewis, S., Marchant, R., Imani, G., Hubau, W., Abiem, I., Adhikari, H., Albrecht, T., Altman, J., Amani, C., Aneseyee, A., Avitabile, V., Banin, L., Batumike, R., Bauters, M., Beeckman, H., Begne, S., Bennett, A., Bitariho, R., Boeckx, P., Bogaert, J., Bräuning, A., Bulonvu. F., Burgess, N., Calders, K., Chapman, C., Chapman, H., Comiskey, J., de Haulleville, T., Decuyper, M., DeVries, B., Dolezal, J., Droissart, V., Ewango, C., Feyera, S., Gebrekristos, A., Gereau, R., Gilpin, M., Hakizimana, D., Hall, J., Hamilton, A., Hardy, O., Hart, T., Heiskanen, J., Hemp, A., Herold, M., Hiltner, U., Kamdem, M-N., Kayijamahe, C., Kenfack, D., Kinyanjui, M., Klein, J., Lisingo, J., Lovett, J., Lung, M., Makana, J-R., Malhi, Y., Marshall, A., Martin, E., Mitchard, E., Morel, A., Tshibamba Mukendi, J., Timberlake, J., Nchu, F., Nyirambangutse, B., Okello, J., Peh, K., Petri, P., Phillips, O., Plumptre, A., Qie, L., Rovero, F., Sainge, M., Schmitt, C., Sedlacek, O., Ngute, A., Sheil, D., Sheleme, D., Simegn, T., Simo-Droissart, M., Sonke, B., Soromessa, T., Sunderland, T., Svoboda, M., Taedoumg, H., Taplin, J., Taylor, D., Thomas, S., Tuagben, D., Umunay, P., Uzabaho, E., Verbeeck, H., Vleminckx, J., Wallin, G., Wheeler, C., Willcock, S., Woods, J., Zibera, E. and Horak, D. 2021. High aboveground carbon stock of African tropical montane forests. Nature. 596, pp. 536-542.
Santoro, M., Cartus, O., Carvalhais, N., Rozendaal, D., Avitabile, V., Araza, A., Bruin, S. D., Herold, M., Quegan, S., Veiga, P. R., Balzter, H., Carreiras, J., Schepaschenko, D., Korets, M., Shimada, M., Itoh, T., Martinez, A. M., Cavlovic, J., Gatti, R. C., Bispo, P. D. C., Dewnath, N., Labriere, N., Liang, J., Lindsell, J., Mitchard, E. T., Morel, A., Pascagaza, A. M. P., Ryan, C. M., Slik, F., Laurin, G. V., Verbeeck, H., Wijaya, A. and Willcock, S. 2021. The global forest above-ground biomass pool for 2010 estimated from high-resolution satellite observations. Earth System Science Data. 13 (8), p. 3927–3950.
Scowen, M., Athanasiadis, I. N., Bullock, J. M., Eigenbrod, F. and Willcock, S. 2021. The current and future uses of machine learning in ecosystem service research. Science of the Total Environment. 799, p. 149263.
Willcock, S., Martinez-Lopez, J., Dandy, N. and Bullock, J. M. 2021. High Spatial-Temporal Resolution Data across Large Scales Are Needed to Transform Our Understanding of Ecosystem Services. Land. 10 (7), p. 759.
Martinez-Lopez, J., Bertzky, B., Willcock, S., Robuchon, M., Almagro, M., Delli, G. and Dubois, G. 2021. Remote Sensing Methods for the Biophysical Characterization of Protected Areas Globally: Challenges and Opportunities. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 10 (6), p. 384.
Dolan, R., Bullock, J. M., Jones, J. P. G., Athanasiadis, I. N., Martinez-Lopez, J. and Willcock, S. 2021. The Flows of Nature to People, and of People to Nature: Applying Movement Concepts to Ecosystem Services. Land. 10 (6), p. 576.
Welivita, I., Willcock, S., Lewis, A., Bundhoo, D., Brewer, T., Cooper, S., Lynch, K., Mekala, S., Mishra, P. P., Venkatesh, k., Vicario, D. R. and Hutchings, P. 2021. Evidence of Similarities in Ecosystem Service Flow across the Rural-Urban Spectrum. Land. 10 (4), p. 430.