1. Physiological factors in insect migration by flight
  2. Cumulative dressings of potassium metaphosphate and soluble PK-fertilizers for seedlings and transplants of Picea sitchensis in two English nurseries
  3. Comparison of crop rotations, and of fertilizer with composts in fifteen-year experiments with sitka spruce (picea-sitchensis)
  4. Rothamsted Chemistry Department 1971
  5. Problems with cultivations and soil structure at Saxmundham
  6. Effects of potassium, magnesium and sodium fertilisers and lime on the yield and composition of crops in a ten-year experiment at Rothamsted
  7. Rothamsted Soil Microbiology Department
  8. Trap-nesting solitary bees for students of biology
  9. Experiments on herbage crops at Saxmundham, 1967-71
  10. Results from the Woburn Reference Experiment, 1960-1969
  11. Frederick C Bawden 1908-1972 Obituary
  12. Virus Inclusions Formed by the PM2 Mutant of TMV
  13. Auxins and cytokinins exuded during formation of roots by detached primary leaves and stems of dwarf French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
  14. Changes in growth‐substance contents during growth of wheat grains
  15. Recent research on swarming behaviour, including sound production
  16. The Effect of Systemic Fungicides on the Aphid Pathogen, Cephalosporium aphidicola
  17. Growth of Agropyron repens seedlings in cereals and field beans
  18. Electron microscopy in biology
  19. Microbial degradation of pesticides and herbicides with special reference to phenylcarbamate and phenylurea herbicides
  20. Antibiotics
  21. The Removal of Nitrate from Solution by Floc‐forming Bacteria on Decomposing Cellulose Particles
  22. Conifer seedling pathology
  23. Production of mate Meloidogyne spp and attraction to their females
  24. Insecticides and beekeeping in England
  25. Bee poisoning in England and Wales, 1971
  26. Gelatin as a carrier for S2‐cyanoethyl N‐[(methylcarbamoyl)oxy]thioacetimidate, an experimental molluscicide
  27. Black-grass (Alopecurus myosuroides Huds.) and its control
  28. Electrophoresis of protein from different populations of the potato cyst nematode
  29. Using radiotracers in soil chemistry research
  30. Exchange of potassium in soils in relation to other cations
  31. The oesophago-intestinal junction in the Dorylaimoidea (Nematoda)
  32. Proceedings of the Association of Applied Biologists - Pathotypes of Heterodera avenae
  33. Effects of defoliating different zones on the plant in field beans (Vicia faba L.)
  34. The influence of soil type and Endogone strain on the growth of mycorrhizal plants in phosphate-deficient soils
  35. Effects of different Endogone strains on the growth of Paspalum notatum
  36. A simple insect flight recorder
  37. Flight activity of Plusia Gamma in the laboratory
  38. The Resistance of Hybrids of Solanum tuberosum ssp. andigena and S. multidissectum to Heterodera rostochiensis Pathotype E
  39. Disc Electrophoresis and Larval Dimensions of British, Dutch and Other Populations of Heterodera Rostochiensis, as Evidence of the Existence of Two Species, Each With Pathotypes
  40. Effects of some soil conditions on sugar-beet seedling emergence
  41. Monogerm sugar-beet seed production experiments
  42. The effects of windbreaks on the blossom‐visiting fauna of apple orchards and on yield
  43. Weather 1972
  44. The relative importance of weather, soil- and soil-borne inoculum in determining the incidence of common scab (Streptomyces scabies) in potato crops
  45. Streptomyces scabies and potato scab disease
  46. An automatic multichannel thermocouple psychrometer based on an operational amplifier
  47. Control of Stem Nematode (Ditylenchus dipsaci) attacking Onions by Aldicarb and Dazomet in Sandy Loam
  48. A biometric study of seasonal variation in worker wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)
  49. Potassium-aluminium exchange in acid soils I Kinetics
  50. Sensitivity an alternative representation of the power function of a test of significance
  51. The International Hydrological Decade
  52. Effect of light on tobacco mosaic virus formation under anaerobic conditions
  53. The effect of light on tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) formation
  54. Effects of shading and of seasonal differences in weather on the growth, sugar content and sugar yield of sugar‐beet crops
  55. Interference between two satellite viruses of tobacco necrosis virus
  56. Some properties of potato mop-top virus and its serological relationship to tobacco mosaic virus
  57. Techniques in multivariate analysis
  58. The uptake of [14C] dieldrin via the roots of young cotton plants
  59. The purification and some properties of cocoa necrosis virus, a serotype of tomato black ring virus
  60. Control of nematode pests, background and outlook for biological control
  61. Coccinellid beetles on the East Coast
  62. Composition of extracellular polysaccharides of Rhizobium trifolii
  63. Cereal aphids, their parasites and predators caught in cages over oat and winter wheat crops
  64. Continuous Breeding of Wheat Bulb Fly, Leptohylemyia coarctata(Fall.)
  65. The Egg‐shell of the Cabhage Root Fly, Erioischia brassicae (Bouche)
  66. The Egg‐shell of the Wheat Bulb Fly, Leptohylemyia coarctata (Fall.)
  67. Potato mop-top virus in infected cells
  68. The role of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza in the removal of phosphorus from soil by plant roots
  69. Microbiology of the soil
  70. A Model of the Extension and Branching of a Seminal Root of Barley, and Its Use in Studying Relations Between Root Dimensions I the Model
  71. A Model of the Extension and Branching of a Seminal Root of Barley, and Its Use in Studying Relations Between Root Dimensions I the Model
  72. Plant growth responses to vesicular‐arbuscular mycorrhiza III Increased uptake of labile P from soil
  73. Biological effects of combining carboxin, organomercury fungicides and insecticides as seed dressings for wheat, and the effect of these combinations on adherence of the pesticides to the seed
  74. The location of the secretions that attract male Heterodera schachtii and H. rostochiensis to their females
  75. The distribution of aphids on potato leaves in relation to vein size
  76. Effect of Moisture Supply, Root Temperature, and Growth Regulators on Photosynthesis of Isolated Rooted Leaves of Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas)
  77. Two new species of Trichodorus (Nematoda: Dorylaimida) from England
  78. Stem and inflorescence galls on yarrow (Achillea millefolium L.) caused by the nematode Anguina millefolii (Low, 1874) Filipjev, 1936
  79. Effects of ammonium and nitrate nutrition or take‐all disease of wheat in pots
  80. The oxidation of Schiff bases of pyridoxamine with α-oxo acids by manganous ions and peroxidase
  81. The growth, composition and nutrient uptake of spring wheat: Effects of fertilizer-N, irrigation and CCC on dry matter and N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and Na
  82. The influence of a Honeybee (Apis Mellifera) colony on egg-laying by its Queen
  83. The role of the Nasonov gland pheromone in crop communication by honeybees (Apis mellifera L.)
  84. Hoarding by honeybees (Apis mellifera L.)
  85. The transport of pollen on the body hairs of honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) and bumblebees (Bombus spp. L.)
  86. Control of potato cyst‐nematode, Heterodera rostochiensis, in peaty loam soil by D‐D, aldicarb and a resistant variety of potato
  87. Injury to Field Beans (Viciafaba L.) by Tylenchorhynchus dubius
  88. Chemical control of potato cyst‐nematode in sandy clay soil
  89. Results from an experiment comparing aqueous ammonia with Nitro-Chalk for grazed grass
  90. Separation and determination of isoflavones in the protein concentrate from red clover leaves
  91. Establishment of phage and bacteria in a sterilized compost in a glasshouse
  92. Time factor in aerial photography for soil surveys in lowland England
  93. Air photographs for soil survey in lowland England: soil patterns
  94. Similar effects of suspensions of copper oxychloride and kaolin on sprayed leaves
  95. Action spectra and their interpretation [Chapter 4]
  96. A Taxonomic Study of the Sherborne Soil Mapping Unit
  97. The measurement of mean temperatures by the sucrose inversion method
  98. Oxidation and phosphorylation associated with the conversion of glycine to serine
  99. Adenosine triphosphate synthesis and the natural electron acceptor for synthesis of serine from glycine in leaves (ATP)
  100. The effect of Pratylenchus fallax on wheat barley and sugar beet roots
  101. The performance of commercial dressing machinery used to apply powder formulations of gamma-BHC to cereal seeds
  102. Infection of protoplasts from yeast with tobacco mosaic virus
  103. The effect of soil fumigation with D‐D on the yields of sugar beet and other crops
  104. Pathotypes of Heterodera avenae
  105. Top-dressing of nitrogen for sugar beet
  106. Comparisons of kieserite and calcined magnesite for sugar beet grown on sandy soils
  107. Techniques for manipulating small nematodes
  108. Some effects, especially on yield, of artificially defoliating sugar beet
  109. Cuticle structure in the genus Heterodera
  110. Assay of nitrogenase activity by acetylene reduction / production
  111. Nitrogenase activity and oxygen sensitivity of the Paspalum notatum-Azotobacter paspali association
  112. Nitrogenase activity in the rhizosphere of sugar cane and some other tropical grasses
  113. The incidence of sugar beet seedling diseases and effects of seed treatment in England
  114. Effects of nitrogen and potassium fertilisers on contents of carbohydrates and free amino acids in Italian ryegrass II Changes in the composition of the non‐protein nitrogen fraction and the distribution of individual amino acids
  115. Plant growth substances produced by micro‐organisms of soil and rhizosphere
  116. Herbicide movement and availability in soils
  117. Factors affecting the performance of granular insecticides applied to field beans
  118. Sulphur in Northern Nigerian Soils 1. The effects of cultivation and fertilizers on total S and sulphate patterns in soil profiles
  119. Absorption of atmospheric sulphur by mustard (Sinapis alba) grown in a glasshouse
  120. Tests of long-term residues of phosphorus fertilizer
  121. Ridge-and-trough topography in the north Cotswolds
  122. The oxidation of iron sulphides in soils in relation to the formation of acid sulphate soils, and of ochre deposits in field drains
  123. Experiments on the use of anhydrous ammonia for grass
  124. A Brief History of Rothamsted Experimental Station from 1843 to 1901 : Founded by John Bennet Lawes with Dr J H Gilbert
  125. Research on leaf protein and its applications
  126. The influence of physical environmental factors on the activity of Rhizobium in soil and in symbiosis
  127. Effects of light-trap design and illumination of samples of moths in the Kenya highlands
  128. Effects of EDTA and other compounds on chlorophyll breakdown in detached leaves
  129. Academic aspects of applied research on food proteins
  130. Actinomycete and fungus spores in air as respiratory allergens
  131. Short communication The microbiology of grain stored underground in Iron Age type pits
  132. Avery in retrospect
  133. Scanning electron microscopy of Erysiphe graminis
  134. Growth and uptake of nitrogen by wheat and ryegrass in fumigated and irradiated soil
  135. Changes in magnesium and calcium in soils of the Broadbalk wheat experiment at Rothamsted from 1865 to 1966
  136. Gas exchange of field crops
  137. Preparation of Mixtures for the Calibration of Gas Analysers
  138. Transmission of plant-pathogenic viruses by aphids
  139. Measures of taxonomic distance and their analysis
  140. Generating successive incomplete blocks with each pair of elements in at least one block
  141. The Assessment of Economic Losses in Yield of Annual Crops Caused by Pests, and the Problem of the Economic Threshold
  142. Mating of Heterodera rostochiensis pathtypes
  143. Pathotypes of Heterodera avenae
  144. Assessing the age of field female wheat bulb flies (Leptohylemyia coarctata)
  145. Changes in soil properties caused by the new liming scheme on Park Grass
  146. The effects of ley and arable cropping systems on the amounts of soil organic matter in the Rothamsted and Woburn ley-arable experiment
  147. A simple diffractometer heating stage
  148. Soil and agricultural land classification in Co Londonderry : a reappraisal
  149. A taxonometric study of the Sherborne mapping unit
  150. Matric suctions to which soils in South Central England drain
  151. Computer-based soil mapping of small areas from sample data I Multivariate classification and ordination
  152. Computer-based soil mapping of small areas from sample data II Classification smoothing
  153. Nosema apis in drone honeybees
  154. Effects of sacbrood virus on adult honey-bees
  155. Factors affecting the amount of tobacco mosaic virus nucleic acid in phenol treated extracts from tobacco leaves
  156. The inhibition, inactivation and precipitation of tobacco mosaic virus nucleic acid by components of leaf extracts
  157. A method for predicting proportions of affected herds from proportions of affected animals
  158. Summary and assessment : a statistician's point of view
  159. Mathematics for biologists
  160. Results from barley experiments comparing aqueous ammonia and aqueous urea with ammonium nitrate, and also liquid with granular NPK fertilizers
  161. Insecticidal activity of the pyrethrins and related compounds V. toxicity of the methylbenzyl chrysanthemates to houseflies (Musca domestica) and mustard beetles (Phaedon cochleariae)
  162. Water-soluble carbohydrates in extracts from large-scale preparation of leaf protein
  163. Sugar-beet pest and disease incidence and damage, and pesticide usage - report of an iirb inquiry
  164. Statistical Papers of George Udny Yule (1871-1951). by Alan Stuart, Maurice G. Kendall
  165. Social impact of modern biology - Fuller, W.
  166. Pseudocrystalline bodies in chloroplasts of isolated protoplasts and of incubated leaf disks
  167. Probability, statistics and data analysis
  168. Preservation of infective microsporidan spores
  169. Potassium reserves in a Harwell series soil
  170. Number of variables when searching for an optimum
  171. Monte-Carlo trial on behaviour of non-additivity test with nonnormal data
  172. Influence of feeding duration on molting and sex determination of meloidogyne-incognita
  173. Influence of cultural factors on incidence of aphids and yellows in beet
  174. Infection of tobacco mesophyll protoplasts with tobacco mosaic-virus
  175. Heterodera-pallida n-sp (nematoda-heteroderidae), second species of potato cyst nematode
  176. Generalized inverse matrices - boullion,tl and odell,pl
  177. Fluidizing column for extracting nematodes from soil
  178. Factor analysis as a statistical method - lawley,dn and maxwell,ae
  179. Effect of dowco-275, a new organophosphorus nematicide, on potato cyst nematode
  180. Defecation behavior of aphelenchoides-blastophthorus
  181. Continuous-flow porometer
  182. Computer simulation of cation distribution in octahedral layers of micas
  183. Comparison of crop rotations, and of fertilizer with compost, in long-term experiments with sitka spruce (picea-sitchensis) in 2 English nurseries
  184. Cephalosporium-like hyphomycetes - 2 species of acremonium from heated substrates
  185. Biology of solitary bee osmia-rufa (l) (megachilidae)
  186. Factors affecting the activities of nitrophenol fungicides IV. The influence of hydrogen bonding
  187. Factors affecting the activities of nitrophenol fungicides III. The influence of substituents on the hydrogen bonding characteristics of nitro- and halogeno-phenols
  188. Generalized linear models